Wednesday 17 June 2020

WOYWW 576 all change

Welcome to another desk share day - this week really has whizzed along!  Time to gather at Julia's for
 the change bit refers to my desk -  back in the office. socially distancing from colleagues - not in my usual office as I share that normally but for now in a room on my own, as is anyone else working physically in the office.  (I have been getting a lift to and from - with masks - so I don'thae to get the bus yet)

It is good to be back seeing people daily though!

I had to stage the next picture though, as I forced a bit of crafting on Tuesday evening, I couldn't bear the thought of another week with nothing to show!

so I took a bit of leftover masterboard and stamped a couple of the Paperartsy chickens.

kept the colouring simple to not clash too much with the background.

I think they were quite pleased to see me back in the office as my boss gave me some flowers

I couldn't find a decently shaped vase to suit them, so they are a bit "plonked" rather than arranged.

There were also some gorgeous clouds on Tuesday night which I will leave you with

I really liked how the tips of the clouds over the buildings appear to have been highlighted.

I have just realised I didn't swap to the new blogger to try this post,  as I said I would...

ah well,  next time maybe!

Now that I am back in the office, visiting will have to wait largely till I get home - see you then!


  1. Just dropped by to say I hope you are happy to be back at work at your office. I think you are too social to stay home and work from there. Nice to see Monica is glad you are back, too. Not playing, just visiting. LOVE those clouds.

  2. Morning Helen. A lovely fun card, love the sentiment! Those clouds are great - we too, have had some pretty spectacular sunsets recently. Back in the office... brilliant - are you enjoying it? Or, being in a room all by yourself, does it feel more isolated than being at home?
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  3. Gosh, back AT work! It's a right pickle when you aren't crafting much but glad to see you managed something, Yup the clouds have been cool recently, my son loves them too. Thanks for the visit BJ#7

  4. Good to see that you are still avoiding public transport and have an office to yourself Helen. It is nice to get a little normality back isn't it. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #8.

  5. That's such a fun card - the little chicks are cute and I love the background you made. I'm glad you are back at work, it must be nice to see people feel life is a bit more normal at last, and it must be a relief not to have to use public transport too. The clouds are gorgeous and your flowers look 'arty' rather than 'plonked'!
    Hope you have a good week, stay safe,
    Hugs, Diana xx #11

  6. Just love those Chickens she is looking at him and he looks like he is saying not her again lol

    Great looking clouds

    Have a great week , Stay well and safe,

    Lilian B #15

  7. Hopefully things will start to move on but we still need to take care. Loving the chicks they are so sweet. Have a nice and hopefully creative woyww, Angela x20x

  8. Yay, it's so nice to see you crafting again and it made me laugh, the expressions on their faces. Gorgeous flowers, how lovely of your boss, they really do appreciate you in work, which is brilliant.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  9. All good then, I bet being back at work even in an office on your own, is easier. I couldn’t work properly from home, no discipline, see!!
    Gas man not here yet, it’s 9.27......Love the minimal colouring on the birds, not sure I’d have thought of that and it definitely makes a difference, means that there’s room to Admire fore and back grounds. You clever bird.

  10. I'm sure you are pleased to be back at work - I'm hoping you are managing to have a bit of a chat with people and not just in splendid isolation all day!! Good that you have a lift, I don't understand how they are going to keep limited numbers on buses as we get back to 'normal' - feel sorry for the poor drivers!! Love the hens, so cheeky. Have you bagged yourself a Kew slot yet? I'm assuming it is booked entry at the mo, my friend went yesterday. No cake though!! Thanks for the earlier visit, Happy WOYWW, stay dafe, stay well, hugs Cindyxx #11

  11. It's good to hear you're back at work and managing to get a lift there to avoid public transport. I bet it's rather nice to be back with company round you to work.
    Annie x #17

  12. Congratulation being back in the office and for the flowers. They are beautiful. I love when the sun shines on the clouds like that in your photo. Great one!! I love the card. Those stamps are cute!!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #26

  13. So glad you're going well Helen.
    What a relief for you.
    Just did read of it all as hadnt caught up. Determined to do my half hour before bed. Last week hoped to see more desks but couldn't not been 100% plus busier.
    Love your masterboard card and also the magnificent flowers you received.
    Happy WOYWW 😊
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X #21

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  14. Oh Helen I am loving your photos. Your Chicks made me laugh...and I understand what you've been going thru. Thanks for the visit and kind comments. Enjoy all that comes your way. I think sometimes the great outdoors can help us most.

  15. Not back at my desk yet - someone else was using it until recently ( the cheek!) And apparently it is going to be moved and ready for new term in September - So still working at home so far. I look after behaviour , am one of the safeguarding officers and well being in school. I can check though all the memo electronically and email/ call pupils if needed. There are two members of my household shielding , the head has been very kind. So glad that you got flowers - they must have missed you . Have a great week. soojay #27

  16. It must feel really strange to go back to an empty office - I'm not sure if it's better than not going back at all if you are used to people. I'm glad you found a little time to craft though - I love that background! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #23

  17. Hi Helen, it must feel good to be back, even if it's a different normal! Great job with the masterboard, those chickens are ace! Love the clouds, we had great filthy black ones here, with thunder, lightening and the heaviest rain I've ever seen.Flowers are gorgeous. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #16 X

  18. The card is great fun. How nice to have a little semblance of normal routine about the day again even if it is a little weird and different. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#34)

  19. Where my sister works they have had to create other desks spaces in what was the boardroom so that they can accommodate the staff returning to work. She’s stressed out of her head as she’s been there all the time and been taking over 100 calls a day.
    Stay safe and enjoy the company.
    Lynn x

  20. Good for you being back to work!
    Fun card and gorgeous flowers!
    Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #30

  21. Hi Helen, must be good, if different, to be back at work. I'm going in for a couple of hours tomorrow out of necessity. I'll probably go in a couple of days a week from next month- see how it goes. Love the chicks and the sentiments - made me smile! Thanks for stopping by my blog... I think it may be a while before Mr M is up to serenading standard - but I'm sure he'll get there lol. Hope your arm is mending up nicely. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #13

  22. HI Helen, YAY for not having to take public mass transportation. I am sure that has to be nerve wracking. Love the flowers and the shot of the light peeking over the clouds too. ~Stacy #31

  23. Glad to hear you are back at work, Helen. It does sound as if things are gradually returning to normal. It must be strange, though, after so long in lockdown at home! I am glad you are able to avoid public transport. Your latest projects are great, and fabulous clouds photo!

    Thank you for visiting, and glad you like the knitting! I agree 100% that knitting mohair is hot work - especially sitting in the sun in the garden! I am also working on the front band which means the whole quite large garment is sitting in my lap... I am very pleased to have got the pantry organised at last - it's been partly organised and partly chaotic for far too long. The garden is all down to my hubby's hard work! So glad you like my new maxi dress! I'm very thrilled with it. Wearing an old one today that's too big for me now - a bit of a sack and it makes me look fat but at least it's cool! I'm thinking of taking it apart and making it into something else.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #22

  24. Sorry I am so late, had a bad day yesterday and today is not much better as yet.
    Nice to see you back at work and still having time to do some crafting. Take care and don't overdo it yet.
    What a fun saying that is "best hens forever" sounds perfect for those two cuties. A great card for a friend!
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  25. Love that best hens forever card!
    Susan #39

  26. Good to know you are well enough to return to work but glad you are still fitting in a bit of crafting! The flowers are lovely - I am a bit of a "plonker" when it comes to arranging flowers. I call it the natural look!! xx Jo #16

  27. Hi Helen! My friend is back to work and she said they have to wear masks but she too likes seeing people again. I am glad to hear you are well and getting a ride. That is much better. I love your hen's card. I always find it difficult to find the right vase for flowers so I do a lot of plonking over her too! The clouds look so cool. I love looking at the sky for pretty treats. I have been taking pictures all around my garden lately while things are blooming. Take care and be safe my friend.
    Belinda #35

  28. Ooh I like your quirky birds Helen. Hope you are finding work okay now you are back, stay safe Angela #38

  29. Hi Helen,

    Glad you're feeling well enough to be back at work, and how lovely to get those "Welcome back! flowers, too.Well done for managing to squeeze in a bit of creative tme too!
    Love the photo of that amazing sky with the silver linings showing in the clouds.
    Have a good week!

    Amelia #37

  30. I like 'plonked' bouquets, I arrange flowers so that they look that way, ha! The card is funny and sweet, love it! Great to hear you got back to work, I miss mine but will have to wait a little longer I'm afraid... I was hired via an agent and now that they allow people at my workplace again, the'permanent' employees/collegues are allowed to get in and work there first to see how that goes. Thanks for stopping by my blog last week, I'm rather late with visiting you back - it's Saturday already! Time flies... enjoy your weekend, hug from Holland, Marit #24

  31. I’m late peeking the desks this week. I’m back at work too and we are mostly staying in our cubicles. How wonderful to receive those beautiful flowers. Dorlene #32

  32. Hi Helen! Sorry I'm so late, it's been a hectic week with hubby's surgery and all! Congratulations on being back to work. It's nice that they gave you your own space (and flowers!). I can't go back to mine, it's too dangerous, too many people not wearing masks, even the managers. I work in a thrift shop as a cashier. I may just quit. Your card is very cute! I will be doing some quick crafting today as well! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #36

  33. Good to hear all the measures in place to keep you safe at the office (and great that you don't have to take the bus). How lovely to have flowers to welcome you back. The chicks are really cute, and I think the simple colouring and white areas work really well.
    Alison x


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