Wednesday 10 June 2020


Hello fellow deskers... another week has come and gone... time once more to meet up with Julia and the gang at the Stamping-Ground for our regular weekly desk share....

thank you all for your kind words last week - the bruises on my face have nearly gone now and the stitches from my arm were removed last week, have a nice neat scar which is healing well!   No more dizzy spells and I am trying to take gentle exercise (walking up and down the road daily) 

I haven't done any crafting (of course!)  yet so there isn't really  a desk to share...
but I did take some close ups of the flowers I got as they were looking (and still are)  beautiful and you now how I love my flower photos...

the lilies are opening now and smell wonderful (I know not everyone likes the fragrance of lilies, but I do)

 I had a second bunch delivered as well last week, from another crafting friend, which are also gorgeous

You may remember (especially if you follow me on Facebook) that some neighbours at the end of the road took some photos of as many of the residents as they could on the VE day weekend, and on Sunday they dropped round with a copy of our individual photos for everyone and a montage of all of us

They are sending some digital copies to me but for now I photographed the photos...
 me on my doorstep! 

they seem a really lovely young couple (they have 2 small boys)  and it was a very touching thing to do - certainly a plus to the lockdown
is bringing neighbours together

As I said to them when they delivered the photo it is as well it was before not after, my mis-hap!!

I'd better leave it here - happy WOYWW!


  1. Morning Helen. So glad you are healing well. Those flowers are gorgeous - how lovely to receive them! A really kind thought. What a great idea those neighbours of your had - a fantastic shot of yourself - and to put them all together like that is good. You are getting a real opportunity to get to know those new folks whilst you are not going into work in the same way.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  2. Hi Helen, so pleased to hear you are on the mend. The photo montage was a lovely idea, I wish I'd have thought of it, and sent Mr M to take some pics! A lot of my neighbours are elderly so we haven't seen anything of them at all. Your flowers are beautiful, I wasn't surprised to see a few photos of them!! Have a lovely week, and stay safe Heather xx #3

  3. Morning Helen, so glad to hear you are doing well and not having any more dizzy spells. The flowers are gorgeous and I love lilies, although the pollen does stain your nose if you get to close smelling them! What a lovely neighbourhood you live in and what a great idea as memory of the day.
    Hope you continue to stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #5

  4. Lovely to hear you are recovering well and being showered with flowers. Sounds like a very nice neighbourhood when they pop by to say hello and share the photos. COVID has brought out some lovely qualities in people ... won't mention the other qualities. Hope you get back to crafting soon.
    Sandra de @7

  5. Thank you for your visit and comment om my blog, I am goad you are on the mend,and are having no more dizzy spells,
    What a lovely thing for our neighbour to do, I love the smell of lilies as well

    Take care and stay safe

    Lilian B #5

  6. Morning Helen, glad you are feeling and looking much better.
    Thank you for sharing all your lovely pictures, you can always be relied upon to improve the day with cheerful floral photographs
    Stay safe
    Chris #6

  7. Nice to know things are healing well.
    What a lovely idea the young couple had, a lovely reminder of a lovely event you all shared - and something you can look back on for years to come.
    Sorry but I don't have lilies in the house. Not that I don't like them or that I don't like the smell. Unfortunately they don't like me and my asthma. I just cannot breathe. We had to have the air con switched off in our room in America once because they had lilies in the foyer. We were on about the 11th floor at that.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  8. Glad to hear that you are on the mend and no more dizzy spells Helen. Beautiful flowers indeed and a great photo of you on the doorstep. They sound like lovely neighbours. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

  9. Hi Helen, loving the photo of you on the doorstep and pleased you're feeling better to. Gorgeous flowers. Sending happy woyww hugs, Angela x19x

  10. I'm glad you're on the mend, lovely gal and those flowers are gorgeous! What a great idea your neighbours had taking the photos, I like yours very much!
    HUgs LLJ 2 xxx

  11. You do photo well Helen, and I agree, such a lovely gesture from neighbours. Beautiful flowers, some really vibrant colours. Good for the (bruised) eyes! So glad that you’re doing better, and that the rash was Dr induces, which means it can be controlled and sent away eventually!

  12. What a great idea, I wish I had neighbours like you. That would be a lovely thing.

    I think the photos of the flowers are so lovely!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #22

  13. It's so good to hear you're healing well and have had no more dizzy turns. How lovely to have good neighbours like that.
    Annie x #10

  14. aww Helen, I didn't join in last week so missed your post. So glad you are feeling better ((((hug)))). beautiful flowers . Take care Soojay #20

  15. Hi Helen, I am so glad to hear that you are recovering. It was such a horrible thing to happen! It sounds as if you are being sensible and resting. I love your beautiful flower photos - it's like a mini-Kew! So lovely to receive such a gift to cheer you up! Thank you for sharing. No doubt you will be back to your desk (floor!) and crafting again soon.

    Thank you for your visit. So glad you like my jumper. I finished the ribbing late last night and it's come out looser than before but I'm happy with it - it will just give the jumper a slightly different look from before. The mis-shapenness of it doesn't seem to show, either. I have decided to leave the sleeves as they are because when I tried it on, they don't seem to be too long any more. So it's really nearly finished now and ready to wear next winter. Onwards and upwards to the next UFO on the list!

    I shall be emailing Exeter soon just to remind them of unfinished business! I am quite sure nothing will happen this year, though.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #14

  16. Not much I can add except to say .... love your neighbours. Send some round to me please! Had to get help from one of them yesterday as PJ fell and I couldn't get him upright. Neighbour came, helped PJ up and was gone!!! lol
    Beautiful flowers and so pleased you're on the mend
    have fun and stay safe
    Christine #25

  17. Hi Helen
    I've just been having a catch up on your escapade. That must've been very frightening but I'm glad you are healing well and being well looked after by the professionals. Take it easy.
    Your flowers are beautiful, people are so kind and what a lovely thing for your neighbours to do. Love the VE photo.
    Take care
    Hugs Lisax #24

  18. Hi Helen, good to hear you're well on the mend,and what beautiful flowers they are. I too love the smell of lilies, one of my favourites. My eldest son can't stand them, lol. He said when he was having chemo, the ward always had lilies in vases, as the strong scent helped to cover up smells associated with chemo, so it's not a good memory. You clearly have some fab neighbours, love what they did with the photos, what a lovely reminder. Have a lovely week,Stay Safe, Hugs, Shaz #13 X

  19. Hi Helen! Glad you are recovering well, the flowers do help, I'm sure! What a great idea and project for your neighbor, so sweet! Keep up the good spirits, the gentle walking and the sniffing of flowers, it will all do you good! Have a great week, Lindart #29

  20. Hi Helen, glad you are healing. Your flowers are beautiful, I do like the smell of lilies. You must be missing Kew. That was an amazing project your neighbours did. Happy WOYWW Angela #28

  21. Ooh my gosh, that is so very nice of your neighbors :) Hi Helen, love flower shots too so that was fun to see you do have some beauties :) hope the healing along continues quickly for you. ~Stacy #30

  22. Pleased you are on the mend Helen, fingers crossed next week there will be something to really cheer you up.

    B x

  23. Glad you are recovering well. Lovely flowers and super photos. No idea how to sort the lighthouse blue!!! Oh Well
    Thanks for the visit BJ#21

  24. I'm so glad that you are healing well and I love your flower photos. The VE day photos are so special, what a lovely idea! Happy WOYWW. I hope you have a good week. Stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

  25. I'm pleased to hear that you are recovering well and that you've had no further dizzy spells. I hope you can get back to crafting very soon! You can definitely keep your lillies, thanks. I think they are beautiful but I can't have them in the house or be in a room that has had them in within a week! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #23

  26. So glad you're healing and feeling better!
    The flowers are gorgeous! And some from dear friends! I'm one of those who don't like their scent.
    Love how your neighbors took photos of all! So sweet!
    Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #27

  27. Happy Belated WOYWW and thank you for your visit earlier. I am wearing a very similar jumper to your's today (got mine from M&S). Those photos are wonderful. What a fantastic idea. Glad to hear you are healing and haven't had any more dizzy spells. Ali x #16

  28. Hi Helen.

    Glad to hear you are healing well and no more dizzy spells! I love lilies too, but I have to say the creamy/mauve flower in the picture below (is it a peony?) is an absolute corker! So pretty!
    I think the neighbourliness that has blossomed during the lockdown is a wonderful thing, and hopefully will leave a lasting legacy even when 'normal' life resumes. Reassuring to know you have some good people living nearby.
    Take good care of yourself, and hope you continue to feel better.
    Amelia #34

  29. Glad you are getting better! It's always good to have fresh flowers in the house in my opinion! What a lovely idea that young couple had! Take care, Chrisx

  30. Glad you’re on the path to recovery. No fun. The flowers are all beautiful and I love the photos your neighbor did. What a great idea. Have a great week. Dorlene #35

  31. I'm late visiting desks this week! Your flowers are gorgeous and i am so glad you are healing well and feeling better. Take care and stay safe. xx Jo

  32. How lovely - a version of Kew right there in your flat! Gorgeous floral close-ups, and what a lovely gesture by your neighbours. Sorry I've not been visiting much lately - too much going on, but once Monday's over, I should be back on form!
    Alison x


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