Wednesday 25 March 2020


Welcome to our weekly desk sharing - WOYWW.... and what a difference a week makes!

My desk today is a little different....

like so many others, working from home.   Far from ideal - need to do something about this if it is going on as long as feared... but at least it's a good job I held onto those two big boot boxes (you know how I love my boots!)  they make a reasonable surface to rest the work computer on...

The height is still not right though but we'll see...  I also did something weird to the camera setting on my phone and it now looks a little weird..

The weekend saw me finally clearing the old computer of the table (only been 2 years) and .... dusting..  and I cleared away a towering box of "scraps"  from in front of the tv... in doing so I uncovered something I knew I had kept ....recognise this LLJ and Julia?

the sign from the first WOYWW crop I attended.... (format of this photo is still how it should be!) 

I also got my childhood panda out for a cuddle, figured he'd been in the drawer under the bed long enough!   some of you saw him on FB on my mother's day post. (he's on the floor in the bedroom now, social distancing!!) 

I also stamped the giraffe stamp onto the green stripes I'd laid down in my journal... that being the sum total of the crafting since last week - just not in the mood!

all this spare time at the weekend (no Kew,  no football)  and I can't get into crafting...

Anyway, stay safe, stay home, and happy WOYWW .. I'll be round to visit when I "finish work"  (at least I'm home quick!)

try and have a good week and see you soon!


  1. Dont worry Helen, the mood will come back. It's probably the results of life changing issues, especially having your beloved Kew visits taken away from you.
    Love the giraffe, gosh he looks to be a huge stamp.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  2. Hello Helen, I do hope you can work out a good ergonomic workspace so that you don't land up with back issues etc. Many years ago I moved everything to standing height and mostly craft/paint and computer stuff all done standing up and that has worked well for me. Love the Panda and hope he keeps you good company at least he won't be asking for cups of tea (like my DH). Stay safe and keep crafting.
    \Sandra de @6

  3. Glad you can work from home Helen (hubby is too at the moment). I am due in next week for three days but waiting to hear as only 14 pupils of the 50 expected went in on Monday. I am sure you will get your crafty mojo back soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  4. So many changes imposed on our lives Helen, still struggling to process it all. Stay safe and well and pray we get our grubby mitts on that trophy which we deserve.

    B x

  5. So many things happening right now its going to affect us all in different ways, and give the panda another hug. stay safe and well.

    Lilian B #13

  6. Morning Helen. Yes, it takes a while to adapt - to getting used to everything in new places. I love that panda! He's great - hope he ignores the 2metre distance and gives you a great hug!! Work must seem strange without your companions - but needs must... You'll soon get back to crafting, too.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless. You can always ring some of us up and have a natter...
    Margaret #8

  7. Sharing your craft space with your work space oh no. Suppose we will all get used to things eventually. Think most of us have lost our mojo this week but it will be back for sure.

  8. I chuckled at the label - I remember seeing photos of you in your little space at the crop!! I am seriously thinking of clearing a few spaces in my sewing room - well that's it.... I'm thinking about it! Keep safe. xx Jo

  9. I expect the mood to craft will come back just as soon as you’re tied up with work and can’t really leave your laptop! Computer height is so important, I hope you can work it out. You were right about the boot boxes. I’m glad Panda is about, did he inspire you to use another exotic animal - that giraffe is perfect for the greens page! You have no idea how glad I am that the cold you had coming turned out to be nothing worse...I’d have had to break curfew to come and feed you up a bit and erm ‘look after you’, and I don’t know if you really want that!!

  10. I'm glad you are able to work from home. I'm retired for several years so being at home is the norm for me. My sister is a nurse practioner at a nursing home and I worry about her daily. Stay well my friend!
    Glenda #18

  11. Wow, fancy you still having that piece of paper after all these years!! I remember giggling like a loon as I marked out that square with masking tape on the floor of Burbage Village Hall :-). Don't worry about not crafting, to me honest, I'm not doing that much's ok.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  12. I think we are all having to adapt a bit at the mo in this mad world we live in but I really hope you can get work done and start to enjoy your extra creative time. We are so blessed to be part of this wonderful crafting gang that now is the time to make the best of is...we are all here for each other so just shout if you need 'company'.
    Stay safe and keep crafting.
    Annie x #15

  13. Panda looks just how I feel! Am also struggling to craft but am trying to push through ... did a rainbow yesterday for our window and my desk is all ready for as soon as I have moved the laptop out of the way ... but now it is lunchtime and then it will be time for a nap (awake three hours in the night stressing about baked beans and toilet roll ... most odd as I do not like baked beans), then it will be too late to start so maybe I will craft tomorrow. Love your giraffe on the green stripes - it is a piece of art all in itself. Love to you from Debbie (sorry, absolutely no idea what number I am this week. xXx

  14. Hi Helen, fab that you came across a long lost treasure! And Panda is looking very chilled, I must say.Giraffe works well on those stripes.Stay safe,Have a good week, Huge hugs, Shaz #1 X

  15. Hi Helen it strange but whenever you have time to craft the Mojo leaves home. I often find that my ideas are more active when I'm doing something else or being forced to! I'm sure he/she will be back again soon. Sending you best wishes for a happy and creative woyww, Angela x3x

  16. Hi Helen, we all lose our mojo from time to time and the situation today is enough to drive everyone's mojo away. Do you have to be really disciplined to work from home? I couldn't get on Julia's site today so here is my link:

  17. Hi Helen, I think it's difficult adapting to all these changes and I know in my own situation that I am doing UFO's because I can't find the inspiration or mojo to start a new project - I almost feel pressured to do something as I now have the opportunity to. I don't think creativity works like that, I often work better when I'm trying to fit it in around loads of other stuff going on. I'm sure your mojo will return when it's good and ready. In the meantime stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #22

  18. Hi Helen! I work from home so not much change for me but now the house if full. So it's definitely different. Glad you are able to make it work for you. So many people can't bring their work home. I love the picture of your childhood panda! He looks cozy.
    Ooo the giraffe looks beautiful against that ombre color.
    Stay well, my friend.
    Belinda #33

  19. Hi Helen
    I think it's taking us all a little time to get used to working from home or just being at home and not going out. I'm sure it'll become the new norm before we know it. I've actually had the time to sort a few issues out and read some work stuff I never get the time for when at work so not all bad.
    Your crafting mojo will return I'm sure.
    Take care
    Hugs Lisax #25

  20. This whole weird situation is unsettling for a lot of people, Helen, and with your routine all out of order, I'm not surprised you don't feel like crafting. What does surprise me is that your working-from-home desk isn't on the floor lol lol!! That's enough to unsettle anyone, I should say!!

    Keep safe and well, and remember that beautiful Kew will still be there waiting for you when things get back to normal!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #35

  21. Love the giraffe stamp on those green stripes. I hope you manage to get a comfortable set up for working from home. It is a really strange concept and takes getting used to. Take care of yourself my friend. With love and God bless, Happy WOYWW. Caro xx (#15)

  22. Glad you're able to work from home. My job is on hold (I clean our church) for now. Hope you can get the proper height for your computer figured out. Funny how we have a tendency to use boxes to adjust heights!
    I find my moods come and go. I'm sure your mojo will return.
    Thanks for popping by and have a safe and healthy week!
    Carol N #28

  23. Thanks for your return visit, Helen, and thank you for thinking of me and my shopping! As for the people buying all the freezers, I think they may end up freezing in..... if you take my meaning lol! I had an email from Tesco today saying they had plans afoot to safeguard slots for their more vulnerable customers so I hope they put that in place soon because the absence of slots is a real problem. I don't want my hubby to have to go out more than necessary because although he's healthy, he is 70 so is in the higher risk age group. We are pretty well stocked up with food this week, anyway, so the lack of any slots next week may not be too much of a problem. Making nut milk certainly eases the milk situation! I've always got huge stocks (5-6 kilos!) of raw almonds as we get through a lot.

    Shoshi x

  24. I love your Panda, and I think you should give him a hug, he doesn't need to distance himself from you.
    On a serious note, you take care if you are working from home, that you don't get problems with your back, neck or shoulders, that does not look ideal for long term working. Your Health and Safety department at work would have something to say about it if they knew. You don't want to be returning to work after this chaos is all over, with RSI or something similar.
    Keep safe.
    Chris #11

  25. Love your panda and those giraffes are fab!
    Keep safe x

  26. Happy WOYWW. I too am working from home but there’s only so much I can do without my files and equipment. I have three meetings tomorrow through the computer. Weird. LOL. I hope you get some mojo soon. I’ve been really busy in my craft room and hope to get some UFOs done. Dorlene #32

  27. Hi Helen, sorry i'm late had an update issue. Nice use of the boot boxes but you really could do with a better area for work, think of your back!! All my children are now working from home but my youngest Son finds it very distracting along with being apart from his GF :/
    Is the Giraffe PA? Great detail looking good against the green.
    Hope your creative mojo returns soon, I kinda feel the same I just can't seem to focus due to worries about my care duties, not possible for me to stay at home 24/7 when I have people I need to care for, it's a difficult thing to balance. Stay Safe & sane Helen.. Happy WoywW Tracey xx

  28. Hi Helen I'm late! Opened the prosecco at lunch time and it went downhill from there... birthday celebrations with my son. I had to laugh at the boot boxes - I found a big packet of washing powder on the dining room table and couldn't figure out why i was there till I remembered my daughter had been sitting there working from home. Obviously she had done the same as you and raised up the laptop. I still have a photo somewhere of you on the floor in your space I believe.... had hoped to tie in this year's crop with a visit to Wales with hubby, it's just a bit far for me on my own but seems that's off the cards like so much else. I should have left for the Canaries today, had almost forgotten. I'm not feeling wonderfully creative at the mo either but I do feel in the need to sort and clean. I think it's probably a control thing as I certainly can't control anything else in the world. Thank goodness for the internet and don't forget to step away from that laptop at regular intervals - keep in touch anytime, I'm not going anywhere!! Stay safe, stay well, Cindy

  29. Hi Helen -
    I think there's something very unsettling about HAVING to work from home rather than choosing to do so from time to time. My "work" is now a permanent fixture in my "craft" space, and I find it puts me off crafting Mon-Fri, because it's too much faff to move phone and laptop and files aside at the end of the day. I got loads of crafty stuff done last weekend just because it was such a relief to switch off from work for a whole two days, but I can totally relate to that feeling of loss of mojo too!
    Do what feels easiest for you in the moment and be kind to yourself. You're not alone with how you're feeling.
    Take care,
    Amelia #36

  30. I rather like the panoramic shot of your work set up... Very useful boot boxes, but I hope they're nice and stable! I adore your panda... he'll be your emotional support animal to see you through the quarantine, will he?

    The giraffe looks really good against those ombre greens - something for the jungle theme at PA, I feel. Hope the crafting mojo kicks in once you've settled in to the swing of things a bit... it would be a shame to waste those empty Saturdays.

    Thanks to your timely visit to my springtime tag, you've missed my late addition of some spring blossom photos - just added now if you're interested!
    Alison x

  31. What is it about this "forced" lockdown that simply steals our motivation. Part of my problem is I keep getting kicked off the internet for days on end (hopefully I'm stable until the rains return again tonight), but much of it is the lethargy I'm feeling and lack of desire to create. Comes at a bad time for me, as I must find ways to recycle something each day for 22 days starting the 1st.

    Ergonomics are very important, so if you can't adjust the height of the table and boot boxes, try adjusting the height of your chair, such as adding another pillow. I fear the chair is a bit too far away from your work surface (the laptop) and you have absolutely NO place to rest your arms while typing, except by your side or in your lap. I suggest finding a way to move the chair closer to the laptop. Sorry if I'm no real help.

    I didn't attend the crop, but even I recognize the sign. I see it every time you leave me a comment, too! Your cuddle animal is probably better than mine. during this crisis. You don't have to worry about feeding or cleaning up after it. Stay safe and stay in, dear Helen.

  32. HI Helen, YAY that is lucky you can make working from home happen :) I am not set up for it and would have similar types of issues. Is that the only chair you have? I am half way wondering if some kind of a "tv tray" type thing might work just so you could get your knees under the computer. just a thought, Love the Panda too. ~Stacy #31

  33. Ah hun I came to see how you were, you seem to have managed a set up at home. giggled at the panda social distancing! Hope you get some crafting mojo xxx

  34. Hi Helen, love all the photos you shared. Those bears always have a soft spot in any age group. This is the 2nd Friday night we are at home. Kind of OKAY, weather is rainy, foggy and damp. SUNSHINE Monday will help all of us. We have no green grass or flowers as yet, just gloomy. I am glad I am retired and enjoy being at home. Crafting and Cleaning !! Keep up with family thru internet as it's social distancing here ! Nothing is open near by but 2 grocery stores, gas station only take out foods. Wishing you and yours SAFE TIMES


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