Wednesday 18 March 2020


Welcome to a little spot of normality in a seemingly fast disintegrating world.... I'm not in isolation yet or working from home (but plans are being made so we can if need be)  but I am banging my head against a brick wall at the selfishness of some (lots of) people hoarding and clearing the shelves in the supermarkets.... I get we are all worried but really!! 

Anyhow, as I say, a spot of normality... it's Wednesday so it's time for WOYWW (what's on your workdesk? Wednesday)  head to Julia's for the link up (hopefully her internet issues are resolved for this week) 
No enabling this week but I did try out my new green Fresco paints... in my square journal (not broken open the new A5 sized one yet, suddenly not in the mood lol) 

I had intended to do something on top of this tonight (writing Tuesday evening as usual)  but here it is, plain and unadorned! 

I paid what will probably be my last visit for a fair while to Kew on Saturday... pics here - make the most of them!  For the time being they are staying open apart from buildings and structures but I guess that may change too if things get as bad as predicted. 

I'll leave you with some blossom to  brighten your day

happy WOYWW! 


  1. I will be going to work as normal this week but will probably start social distancing at the weekend Helen. Hope Kew does stay open a little longer as apart from the journey there, a walk in the fresh air isn't a problem. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. So sorry to hear you won't be making Kew, guess it is the travel there that will stop you. I know how much you love it.
    Just hope you have enough journals to keep you busy over the weekends.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. Will be sorry not to hear about your Kew adventures, the new blossoms are lovely. Stay safe and be sensible. Ani#7

  4. I for one will miss your beautiful Kew photos. Stay safe and keep crafting.
    Sandra de @4

  5. Happy WOYWW. I love green and perhaps you should just leave that page, 'as is'. I am hoping that the weather brightens up here again soon. Today is our second grey and damp day. Not very inspiring when I look out of the window. Ali x #9

  6. You'll have to get out lots of photo's Helen and maybe create a scrapbook in the light of things regarding Kew, how we will all appreciate things much more around us when this horror ends around us. Those lovely greens are a beautiful reflection of new life. Take care now lovely & thank you for the blossom.
    WoywW Hugs Tracey #10 xx

  7. It's all very hard to comprehend isn't it Helen and I'm right there with you as far as the supermarkets go. I'm now in self isolation following a text from my GP that I'm vulnerable so stay home, not that there's too much to go our for anyway.

    I just hope tomorrow not too many vote in the way Karen Brady is suggesting.

    B x

  8. Morning Helen. Those greens are lovely - a real reminder of spring. The blossom photos are gorgeous - I'm agreeing that a photo album or scrapbook of your Kew visits will keep you going should they indeed close the grounds. I'm 6 months away from being in the elderly category for isolating myself - so am simply being careful, but I did go out for a drive along the A55 main North Wales artery last Saturday - there is a three(?) mile section with thousands of daffodils planted along the central reservation. Full bloom last week - absolutely glorious! Of course, impossible to photograph whilst driving... but a beautiful reminder that God made us a very lovely world.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  9. It's such a problem trying to work out how and where you can go without incurring potential problems with the virus. That's where G and I are lucky with having the beaches close by, we can drive there and not be close to anyone. I hope that you stay safe.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  10. It's so sad to see how life is having to change so quickly buy we must all be safe and sensible. I think we all need regular updates of your beautiful flower pfotos to keep us cheerful Helen.
    Big hugs,
    Annie x #11

  11. Love seeing your pictures from Kew as it brightens the times up so think you should put some old picture on your WOYWDW post

    Lilian B #18

  12. That blossom is so pretty - perfect for lifting our spirits in this grim time! We need to blog more and share our crafty activities if we are all housebound! xx Jo #15

  13. Hi Helen, It's crazy how some people are shopping, then again, you only have to see how they shop at Christmas when shops are going to be closed for one or two days! Love those paints, I am a big fan of greens.Stay safe, and have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  14. Lovely shades of green - very apt as Spring is just around the corner. I am sorry your trips to Kew are going to be curtailed - I for one will very much miss your beautiful photos, but I'm sure not as much as you will miss your wonderful days out there.
    Stay safe,
    Hugs, Diana x #17

  15. Oh dear.. these are strange times and all we can do is sit, craft and wait... we're not homebound completely in Holland (we are still alowed to go outside) but social isolation, yes. And the place I work closed its doors (as do the schools, pubs, restaurants and most shops) and since I cannot do my work at home, I am unemployed now. It feels strange to have no job all of a sudden... I'm glad I have my online friends! Take care, stay healthy! Big virtual hug from the Netherlands! Marit #21

  16. The blossoms are so nice to see! We are in that in-between stage, where there is no more pretty snow, just dirt, and no leaves on the trees yet. Can't wait for some green! The green in your journal looks really neat, I look forward to see what you do with it! Take care, have a great week, Lindart #26

  17. Beautiful blooms and I love those shades of green. I'm self isolating at this time. Not many cases of the virus in our state but I'm doing what I always do during cold and flu season. Stay well my friend!
    Glenda #19

  18. We were shocked when we got back from the ski trip at the state of the supermarket and it's been difficult to get what we need and shop for my parents too despite the fact that they are telling you on the TV to do this we are unable to buy what we need and get mum and dad's needs too. Take care and wishing you a happy creative WOYWW, Angela x12x

  19. Thank you for the beautiful blossom photos Helen. Such a shame that you won't be getting your regular outings to Kew. Maybe some Kew-inspired craft work and revisiting old photos will help to keep it fresh in your mind.
    As for the the crazy stockpiling behaviour, it will hopefully stop once people realise there's really no need for it!
    Take care and stay busy.
    Amelia #32

  20. Beautiful blossom Helen, its so nice to see nature carrying on as normal! Don’t get me started on the stockpiling selfishness, it really makes me clench! The NT are keeping gardens open, so maybe a trip to Kew wont be too far off, hope not. Liking the green paint selection, and I wonder when your mood will change and allow new pages in the new book. Weird isn’t it!

  21. Gorgeous blossoms and I hope Kew does stay open for a little longer. Stay safe. Happy WOYWW. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#14)

  22. Helen, is this the paint from last week? Oooo, I love looking at it painted out like that. Green is one of my favorite colors.

    Yes, I agree about the hoarding. People are panicking and not using their better judgment. We are working from home and my boys are out until April 7 but recently I heard April 27th. We have plenty but I will need to shop in another week for some meat and a few items. It feels like we are in a bad scifi movie.
    Stay well, my friend!
    Belinda #30

  23. Things are crazy in our area and hoping when I need perishables that I will find them.
    Beautiful blossoms!! Nothing yet in Arizona but raining today so maybe soon!
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #24

  24. I love your bold green stripes, Helen - gorgeous coordinating shades of green. Also the beautiful blossom photos. I hope you will continue to be able to visit your beloved Kew and that it won't be closed for the duration - it must be a place of refreshment and peace for you. Like you, I am disgusted at the behaviour of so many people - greedy, grasping, selfish in the extreme, and I am quite concerned at not being able to get the things we need. I always have an online order each week but all the delivery slots are being snatched up and even if I can get one, there's no guarantee I'll get most of the stuff on my list! My hubby is going to the early morning over-70's special opening at Sainsbury's tomorrow to try and get the stuff Tesco has run out of.

    Thank you for your visit which I am so glad you enjoyed! I think it most likely that the County Show will be cancelled, or perhaps postponed, but in the meantime I shall continue to knit my little flags!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #22

  25. Sorry for late visit, Helen! 😊
    Lovely post.. greens are a cheering colour, but smiled at you suddenly not picking up the smaller journal but sticking to familiar larger one perhaps thats it! Here in tiwn the bigger supermarkets are depleted and frenetic.. so I visit the better stocked more pleasant smaller ones!
    Curious, eh. Those blossoms are stunning!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and all you love, and keep you well in these troubles times. In God we trust.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #16

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. HI Helen, yep agreed with so many points you mentioned. the stores here are rationing things to one per person if you want something like that now, because they have their people stocking the shelves overnight ( all night long I guess they open with full shelves every day) but, for people who are still working if you stop by after work they are empty again. It's just crazy, it really makes you wonder if these people really were not cleaning their houses to begin with? anyways. I love the blooms shots we are starting to get buds on things here with a few bulbs popping up now too. ~Stacy #27

  28. Hi Helen, those are lovely shades of green. Ever since school green has not been my favourite colour (guess what colour my school uniform was?). Since I have been crafting though and I love all the leaves and flower stamps, I am slowly accepting it back as a lovely colour, and your Kew photos each week are helping too! Stay safe, and have a wonderful week, Heather xx #13

  29. Beautiful blossoms I can cope with - those 'orrible yellow trumpety things I can not so this enforced staying at home at least means I do not have to shield my eyes on journeys!
    Sorry I am late getting back to you - total meltdown day yesterday when I had to look into H's beautiful big blue eyes through the letterbox and tell him "not today" when he asked to come in. His mommy was dropping us some fruit and bread into the porch - how do you explain all this to a five year old! I cried non-stop for 8 hours after he kissed me through the front window. Keep well my dear and take lots of care. Love Debbie xXx

  30. Hello Helen, sorry I am so late this week - life's got in the way. Sigh. Your green trial looks very much like the paint swatches from the DIY store - just bigger - lovely, green is my favourite colour. Sadly, since you wrote on Wednesday, Kew has closed and I see you've been exercising some ingenuity in replicating your tea and cake photos - brilliant! Here's to a speedy return to normality and your visits to Kew. Hugs, Elizabeth x #31

  31. Hi Helen!
    Thanks for the visit. Yes, Bob arrived safe and sound. This is crazy. When the loo paper first started, people would take the package right out of someone else's cart! Seriously?

    Spring is trying here. Forsythia, peach trees are flowering and I saw my first Hyacinth this morning. Just hope these cold/ wet temps don't send them all into hiding.
    Have a great rest of your week. Creative Blessings! Kelly #25

  32. I'm definitely going to have to yield to those greens - they are scrumptious. Since we're all confined to quarters now, I expect your action plan is now in action! Hope you're finding good ways to deal with the isolation. Lucky we have all those craft supplies - though I guess maybe they're a bit tempting if you're supposed to be working... Thank you for the blossom - always lifts the heart.
    Alison x


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