Wednesday 3 July 2019


Hello again and happy desk sharing day - thank you all so much for the warm birthday love you shared last week!   Let me give you the link to where you need to join in - here, with Julia
There are quite a few photos this week (not as many as when I go to Kew though,don't worry!) - hope I'll be forgiven!
I opened my gifts before I went to work (although the red envelope propped up is my gift from work)

some of the latest release distress oxide inks, some new versafine Clair inks and a Paperartsy stamp set

The work gift - 
it's a voucher for a VIP day out at Anfield (home of Liverpool fc for the non-football fans amongst you)   this can be taken anytime in the next 12 months, I just need to log online  and book it up.

 lots of you saw these pics on Facebook - at around 3.30 I was taken to our new (no longer new, we've had it 2 years)  office where I was greeted with this

afternoon tea party time!

pink champagne and dainty sandwiches and cakes, and of course scones and jam and cream (or cream and jam as you choose)

and a birthday cake too!

As you can see in the photo above this, I "saved" one of the napkins to do some mixed media art with!
there's the gift bag on the desk with my prezzie!

it was a very lovely way to finish off the afternoon!

I brought home some of the balloons and also had some flowers to get home too - luckily I didn't have to manage all this on the bus, I got a lift from Monica (my boss) !
a beautiful pot of lilies - which I stood on the window cill in the photo where every time I came out of any room or inside the front door, was hit by the scent (I know not everyone likes the smell of lilies, but I do)

a really pretty bouquet of flowers and a pot gerbera

they are now in the living room, getting wafted about by the breeze coming through the window!

(although the purple ones are starting to deflate now)

the flowers were a gift from the hairdressers downstairs from work where I have my hair done; which was really lovely of them.  I only have this photo I took on my phone and unfortunately given the extremely hot weather we had a the weekend they are starting to fade already.

and I had to take the cards down to photograph - I have only included the hand made ones

only one is from a desker though - the middle bottom row, made by Shaz but sent by Jan - two for the price of one!!

in the interests of keeping a bit shorter (oops)  I won't include the close ups of the cards, hope you can see them well enough  I am sure you'll recognise some of my favourite companies designs amongst them!

And finally (to coin a phrase) is the finished journal page that was on the "desk" last week,

I used some of the birthday gifts to finish it off with!

Right, I had better stop here, or I'll be excluded
Happy WOYWW everyone and see you soon!

and finally, finally, the link to Saturday's Kew (yes in 30 plus degree heat!)


  1. What an extra EXTRA special Birthday you had Helen, I had a feeling your work buddies would have a cunning plan at the end of the day. I love afternoon Tea, I could have it anytime of the day hee hee!! Lovely gifts and cards, sure is another one to remember. When you look back over your journal you will always recall those Birthday gifts that helped finish your fabulous page.
    Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #4

  2. They sure treat you well where you work, don't they? You got some beautiful gifts and wonderful flowers. What a treat to have afternoon tea and champagne. That would never happen in industry.

    I was thinking about you as I was checking the Wimbledon schedule and wondering if Monica was taking the crew again this year. So glad you enjoyed your birthday. Hope it continues through this month, too. I'm on sabbatical, so no number.

  3. Pleased to see you had such a great birthday. I must try and make a note of the date for next year. Loving the new goodies too. Happy woyww, Angela x13x

  4. What a wonderful birthday you’ve had. I do love them and insist they go on for some time haha.
    We have a special one in September, Philip will be 70 and he has a twin sister so it’s extra special and it’s our 30th wedding anniversary. At Easter we celebrated being together for 40 years
    Lynn x 8

  5. I'm so pleased that you had such a wonderful birthday - awesome prezzy from your work!! They know you very well :-D. Lovely to see all the flowers too!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  6. It was fate that you didn’t know how to finish that page, waiting for the birthday treats to be inspiring...lovely. Lovely birthday treats, makes my heart warm. You are loved. fab pressie from you can’t wait, it’ll be amazing. So what are these Clair pads like/all about?

  7. Wow, that was some birthday and a half. No wonder you don't mind being at work on your special day - it makes it all the more special.
    Hugs, Neet xx 15

  8. What superb presents! The VIP day will be wonderful, I am sure they will do you proud.
    Love the finished journal pages.
    Have a good week
    Christine #16

  9. I'm so glad you had such a happy birthday Helen, and what a gorgeous lot of goodies! I really love the completed page you showed us a a WIP last week. Really gorgeous.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #14

  10. So glad you had a good birthday! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #17

  11. Happy whizz day. I'm rather later starting my visits this week because I've been head down bear making all morning plus have just had to shorten an urgently required pair of trousers's all go here lol.
    I'm so thrilled you were well spoilt for your special birthday.
    Annie x #12

  12. Wowsers, in those cards Helen, really love all the ones you’ve scored well done indeedy!, I had a really good look close up. 😊
    Great flowers cards, pressies etc , what a fun tune was had by all. Many happiest yet again!
    Thanks for being a blessing, God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #18

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. Hi Helen, happy belated birthday wishes. It looks like it was a fabulous day and that was so nice your boss could help you haul all your treasures home too :) ~Stacy #22

  14. Looks like you had such a wonderful birthday! I can smell all those wonderful flowers right through the computer! Your cards are lovely, and what a great gift! I love the Claire inks! Have a wonderful day, Lindart #23

  15. Looks like you have a wonderful celebration! Happy for you!!
    Have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #21

  16. Hi Helen, Happy belated birthday. Looks like your work colleagues did you proud. Lovely variety of cards.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #7

  17. Sounds like the perfect birthday. Love all your goodies and those gorgeous handmade cards. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#9)

  18. Lovely birthday treats Helen! Well deserved I am sure. Enjoy your crafting. c

  19. So fabulous to be treated so great for your birthday! Great photos. Have a great week. #1 Dorlene #24

  20. Hello Helen. Lovely to see you had popped by. I am so pleased you were spoiled on your birthday- all well deserved. I stayed indoors in the heat - could not have visited anywhere :-) - off to look at your photos! Anne x 10

  21. Hi Helen, what a lovely birthday you had. The flowers are all gorgeous. Afternoon tea and pink champagne sounds wonderful. Many moons ago, my employers at that time used to celebrate every employee's birthday with pizza and wine at lunchtime - there were only 20 employees. I haven't worked at a place since that does anything as nice. Enjoy your day at Anfield - what a superb prezzie from your workmates. Have a lovely week Heather xx #26

  22. Thank you for your return visit, Helen - yes, I am having some fun getting out and about with the new wheelchair, but it's very tiring and I always suffer for it the next day. It's much easier going out with my hubby than on my own but I do value those times just being able to mosey around the shops by myself, without him looking at his watch!! Lol! Men... They just don't get it about shopping! Thank you for the info about the loom bands - not something I'd ever come across before. It doesn't look as if they will be much use for anything but the box is great. The book was definitely the find of the day!

    Shoshi #14

  23. Sorry I'm so late wishing you Happy Birthday Helen, you share the same Birthday as Hubby and as you know I'm the next day (thanks for your wishes).

    It looks like your work colleagues really did spoil you and wow, what a special gift, if you need a plus on you know where I am!

    B x

  24. Lots of bold bright colours to play with there... and those bugs are fabulous. Don't think I spotted them - must have missed out somewhere along the line. Looks like you had a fine festive birthday celebration. Many happy returns!
    Alison x


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