Wednesday 31 October 2018


welcome to a Halloween WOYWW  week 491..  Not that there's anything remotely Halloweeny here, it's just the end of October already (what the actual heck?)   -  as  I am gathering ingredients and trying to force myself to carry on with Christmas card production...
I'm falling behind so am intending to get some masterboards done, to make big backgrounds to cut up ...  got some distress oxides ready to use and some JoFY Paperartsy stamps ready to use, and 12x12 tissue paper for lightweight adding to card bases.

At the front are some tickets for the Christmas at Kew event that I am going to with some of my work colleagues at the end of November (just need to keep them somewhere safe now) .  I know November is early for Christmas events but the dates we could do in December had already sold out.  You'll have seen photos of the lights in daylight on my blog before, and I can't wait to see the trail at night.
This link tells you more about it

Not that I am actually making Christmas cards as I write this, because it's the Great British Bake Off final on tv... gotta get back to it! 


  1. You are not as behind as i am with the "C" cards - mine are still non existent. not to worry, charity cards always go down well and I think they might profit from my buying this year.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. Oooh, this looks intriguing...
    Back to your rightful no.1 spot :D heehee!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no. 4

  3. Yes the 'C' day is looming Helene amd I loath making loads of them so had a plan and made them in January. Looking good with the boys still.

    B x

  4. I bet you are like me Helen and wish all those ideas would just self produce themselves over night, so many ideas but little hands on time to execute them..
    Panic mode will set in as soon as it hits November eekk!!
    Halloween Hugs & Happy WOYWW Tracey #6
    P.S I was going to say Well done to #!*£^ regarding the GBBO but thought better of it << didn't want to be the spoiler for those that may have not caught up with it all yet x

  5. I have made precisely 7 C cards so far Helen, so you are probably still ahead of me. I shall get some batch making done one of these days lol. Look forward to seeing your night shots of Kew! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  6. Nice busy desk (floor) Helen. I’m glad nobody said who won GBBO because we haven’t seen it yet!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #9

  7. Apart from 8 samples for the Marython, I havent made a card for Christmas yet! I’m behind on so much stuff that I’m beginning to lose the desire to do some of it! Love the sound of the Christmas at Kew trail, am quite sure it will set you up beautifully for feeling ‘it’ in December.

  8. Hi Helen, I thought I was doing okay with the C cards until I went to a craft club on Saturday and the ladies there had piles! of them nearly finished. Hope we get to see yours when completed. Happy woyww, Angela x18x

  9. I can't even imagine "Christmas" as yet. I dread putting away Fall decor. But I like what I see on your desk. I've purchased several of the Joffy stamps and I like them all. Hope I can get some time to play with them, things are still hectic here with field work and my mom. I'm thankful for good weather.
    Have a good week.

  10. I didn't think it was a classic GBBO final, but was very happy that Rahul won! Though I would have liked Kim Joy to win too :-D. That Christmas do at Kew will be amazing and it doesn't matter it's in November, I've got a couple of Christmas dinners in January!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  11. I'm doing my best to call in on all my favourite blogs before the 6 bears arrive!
    Well done you with making your Christmas cards....I've ordered my blank cards and envelopes so I guess that's a start.
    Annie x # 11

  12. Hi Helen, love the JOFY stamps. She always has the most fab designs. Seems like everyone books stuff for December a year in advance these days!But it should be a great event, whenever you go. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

  13. I haven't made a great many C cards yet either, certainly not enough - I keep going of on a tangent! The Christmas at Kew sounds lovely and going in November will start the festive season of beautifully. Have a great week. Elizabeth X #22

  14. Thanks for your visit earlier.
    I am thinking of making a HUGE Masterboard so that I can cut all my C Cards in one go!!!! Best of luck with yours.
    Have a good week
    Christine #19

  15. Great idea doing masterboards for your card backgrounds. That will make them go faster...I think. Happy WOYWW Dorlene #24

  16. Great idea to do Masterboards - great backgrounds for multiple Christmas Cards - will get right on that for November! Thanks for your visit and have a great week! Lndart #21

  17. HI Helen, I am sure that if I did not sell cards I probably would be in the you know wait until the last minute section of the room for making Christmas cards because, that seems to be how I roll for all of them... It's just, that having people expect to be able to get them from me keeps me moving I guess. Hopefully you get a lot done from the backgrounds sounds like a cool way to do it. ~Stacy #27

  18. Hi Helen, Hope you get your Christmas cards done. The weeks are sure flying by.

    Hope you enjoy the event at Kew.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #16

  19. Happy Belated WOYWW and thanks for your earier visit to my blog. Christmas cards. I was saying that I wouldn't make any again this year (I bought charity cards last year), but then I sorted through my Christmas Stash box and reduced it down to my very favourite things, so I might make a few when the desire to craft hits! I have bought the glue gun and sticks to create projects with - glue gun art is a 'thing' and it is great for making embellies. More details next week. Ali x #3

  20. I can't wait to join you vicariously at Kew for the night show. As for Christmas, I'm so NOT into it. Don't know why, but I just don't feel like it. Maybe once I'm into November art, it will spark me to do better. happy belated Halloween.

  21. Thank you for your visit and lovely comments. I envy you bein so close to Kew and being able to go so often. xxx Maggie #14

  22. Thanks for your return visit, Helen, and I’m glad you enjoyed hearing about the pet service. It was a tad Vicar of Dibley lol! We had a great time and nice tea afterwards. I’m glad you like the scarf - wait till you see it with the peacock feathers on it! (Got to make a few more, and get the feathery bits on them). Thanks for your good wishes re my support pants. The correctly made pair arrived eventually and they are fine, so I phoned immediately to order the remaining 2 pairs (I’m allowed 3 per year). I’m really hoping not to have any further surgery.

    Shoshi #9

  23. Creating a big background, cutting it up and do a little stamping is my way to go when it comes to (quick) making cards, so it sounds like a great idea to me! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, happy ~belated~ Woyww and a big hug from Holland. Marit #17

  24. Hope your "somewhere safe" is better than mine! I've started on my "C" cards only because I teach classes. LOL! Thanks for popping by and have a great weekend!
    Carol N #20

  25. I really need to get a wriggle on with Christmas!!
    I bet Christmas at Kew will be wonderful.

  26. I believe Kew is beautiful at Christmas hope you enjoy and can find your tickets when needed. I started early with C cards but have no where near enough. GBBO result was a fix Kim Joy should have won. Ani#10

  27. I'm making a real effort to check out some desks this week! I bet the C. event at Kew will be fab. Lucky you - enjoy! xx Jo

  28. I wonder! Did you get back to them?....Chrisx

  29. Kew event sounds fantastic and great to combine it with work colleagues

  30. Those JOFY stars make me so happy... they're way out of my usual line of things, but I may just have to give in. Fingers crossed for Christmas sales!
    Alison x


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