Wednesday 13 June 2018

WOYWW 471 - not a lot..

Well, yet again, it's Wednesday... time for WOYWW  again! 
I've not been doing much lately, desks come and go and there is very little new crafting...
I am trying to keep up with the Facebook group challenge with France Papillon... week 24 nearly half way through the year; nearly half way through June - flip!! 

 I am determined to keep going, though

this week's prompt is "what is holding you back"

I find it hard to interpret some of the prompts, I'd much rather be told to use blue or green or die cuts or something but it does make you think a bit...

thought you might like a bit of a close up too, I haven't been doing that for you with the ALAD/ASAW challenges

trying to get lots of texture on this week's spread.

we've had some nice skies the last few days - this was Monday night, but I've not been taking them on the camera and can't transfer them from the phone easily; but I took this one to see how different the colour is on phone to camera - much more realistic on the camera!

I missed the one tonight (writing this Tuesday as always)

Will be heading back to Kew on Saturday - I miss the weekends I don't go, but don't miss the very early waking to get there for 8, so last week was a nice treat! 
Have a great day! 


  1. I think you have more going on then me it seems I've just been out a lot lately so not much indoor time :)
    hugs Nikki

  2. I think you are doing a great job keeping up with these prompts. Not sure I could do as you have been doing, since I like to set my own pace.

    GORGEOUS shot of the sunset. I'll catch you at Kew this weekend, too.

  3. Don't think I will join in as "what's holding you back" would floor me completely. Not sure what you decided unless it was to use lots of texture on the page, which is looking very nice I must say.
    Lovely sky.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  4. You have been busier than me not even put my desk table up again. What is holding you back well I can apply that to many things these days! Enjoy Kew and look forward to seeing the photos. Ani #3

  5. Morning Helen. Goodness me - I have no idea how I would translate that prompt into artwork... All the very best with it. Enjoy Kew on Saturday - you are very fortunate to live near enough to go so often - my daughter is full of envy!!! A great sunset shot - I agree - the colours are so much better on a real camera.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  6. Happy WOYWW. This year is going scarily fast, isn't it? Love the pages - lots of texture and colour already. What holds me back? Well, definitely my health - and also time. I literally can't fit into each day what I really want to do. Ali x #11

  7. Morning Helen, at least you are managing to keep up with those prompts even if they can be a little difficult to interpret at times. I can be like that with words and find it much easier to understand a direct instruction.
    You have 6 months worth of creativity from those prompts and should be very proud as it's a marvellous achievement... great close up.
    Have fun at Kew this weekend.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  8. Your challenge sounds interesting and it's great that you've been keeping up with it - I love prompts like that, but they can be a bit scary! I am loving the red pages - great textures and colouring.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana x #19

  9. I admire you for taking up that challenge - it would make me run a mile!! The reds are so in-your-face and you can sort of see the texture come off the page. Hope you enjoy Kew again!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  10. Super photo and I love your red crafting. Thanks for sharing today - Hazel, WOYWW 472 xx

  11. Great textures on your hot red page Helen. xx Jo

  12. It seems we have all been busy, must be all this good weather!
    I haven't been commenting much lately, those MANmade electrical gadgets have been thinking they were better than me ..... huh!
    Loving all the sunset photos and Kew.
    Enjoy your visit at the weekend, be interesting to see the differences a couple of weeks make.
    Christine #21

  13. I’ve not blogged today but am just calling in on a few favourites....yours being one of them of course.
    I’m not sure how I’d interpret the prompts at all.....I’d probably spend too much time thinking that there’d be no time left to create lol.
    Annie x

  14. Love that page Helen, particularly the white space and the white texture over the red. Have a great week. Sarah #16

  15. Awesome sunset Helen, I struggle downloading photos from my phone as well. I thought of you the other day as apparently when we were on holiday our daughter and a DIL went to Kew for the day and had a really lovely time.

    B x

  16. Happy WOYWDW

    Love you sunset picture, If I cannot do something with my phone my 8 years old granddaughter shows me how Lol

    Lilian B #17

  17. Hi Helen, been loving your sunset pictures.Download was fun, I'm paying for all the walking this week though!Have a lovely week, Love & Hugs, Shaz XxXx #8

  18. Hi Helen, oh yes, my phone totally washes out colors but, it is what I use to shoot my desk with each week since its easier to get the depth of field than with my camera. I do not have the staying power with things like that I get side tracked and go off in left field so, at least you are keeping on with the challenge prompts. :) ~Stacy #28

  19. Hmm, that is an ambiguous prompt. Fear would be my first thought. I love the background so far. Good luck and thanks for your sunset photo. Have a great week.
    -K #35

  20. Hi Helen, The page looks interesting.

    Lovely photo of the sky.

    Have a lovely visit to Kew.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #12

  21. Wow.. I wouldn't even know where to start trying in interpret what is holding me back... loving the white circles on the red :)

    Sumbunneh hugs x 
    Erika #13

  22. Hi Helen, me sneaky lol! as if! still I promise to make sure you see the finished card when it goes live. I need to have a look at the journal prompts too as I need something to make me open the book and do something. Your photo is nice, I usually transfer them from my phone to my email address and then save as to a file ready to use. Just got a new Bridge camera too which should be good once I know exactly what I'm doing. Thanks for the visit to mine and have a great woyww, Angela x18x

  23. Hi Helen, well done on keeping up with the challenge. Flip indeed, almost half way through the year! Where did that go? Thanks for stopping by earlier and have a lovely week Heather x #15

  24. Very interesting journal pages, Helen, and I wouldn't know where to start with a prompt like that lol! Lovely skies too... We used to get stunning sunrises in our last house, and even more stunning sunsets in the house before that, but not a lot of either here, unfortunately! Good thing we've got the kitties to entertain us. Thank you for your visit - it never occurred to me to canibalise my old computer for parts to use in art! I've got the defunct hard drive so perhaps I could make something of that... The computer itself has gone to the recycling place now unfortunately! I'm getting on quite well with sorting my retrieved files but it's going to take a while.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #32

  25. A beautiful sunset Helen, and that page is looking fabulous!

  26. I love your page and the texture looks great! Enjoy your week. Dorlene #30

  27. Sorry I'm late. I thought I wouldn't know where to start to interpret that prompt! And then, actually I can say that it would be a page with one word on it. Procrastination. It does hold me back. But I've no idea how to show that on a page!!


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