Wednesday 6 June 2018


Wednesday again!  time for another round of desk sharing.. it's WOYWW time .
I have an apology to make to Jo and Annie because I posted their atcs to Jo's old address... she assures me they will get forwarded eventually!  I really hope so..and have updated my address book!  What a complete numpty... 

I was surprised and delighted to receive another atc during the week, from Christine (Bishopsmate)
 isn't it wonderful?!

It's sitting on my latest ALAD spread for France Papillon's challenge (A Layer A Day)  which this week is "practice" 
I haven't progressed it because I can't decide what I'm practicing!
this is last week's spread.

"Beautiful Memory"

flowers... colour....

could only be one place really!

Talking of which, my last visit (resulting in another 440 photos...) can be seen here  
You - and my feet - and the camera  - get a break this weekend as I have a hair appointment.
Have a great week and happy desking! 


  1. Lovely ATC from Christine and great page that has tons of wonderful layers :) hugs Nikki to early ?

  2. Another lovely ATC to add to your collection, Helen. It is lovely!!

    I love your journal spread. I love the bright colors and well constructed composition. Gosh, I can't imagine where you were this weekend!! Joking of course, because I enjoyed every beautiful photo you shared with us from that visit.

    Obviously Julia isn't awake yet, so I have no idea where I'll land in the numbers game today!

  3. Could that last journal page be a piece of Kew Gardens by any chance? It's beautiful Helen. Funnily enough I have a hair appointment this week too lol. Have a great week. Sarah #4

  4. I like the idea of 'a layer a day' on a journal page. Not sure I could manage a double spread but a single page sounds quite good. Now what should I do? Do I join in with France or do the journal thing I was thinking about? Would love to do them both but time and cost must be taken into account as memories of the first one lingers (signed up for a year and only did two weeks).
    I am rubbish at doing things like this as I have two or three internet course type thing I signed up and paid for that I haven't ever done. Oh heck, what a wasteful person I am.
    Anyhow, your pages are lovely and so is the atc you received.
    Have a good week and I will see you in Kew (cant think of the word but you know what I mean).
    Hugs, Neet xxx (forgot my number - brain numb this morning)

  5. Hiii!! Thank you for the comment :) I'm glad to be back.

    Loving your art today and will be back after work to have a nosey at your Kew photos

    Hugs from number 7!
    Erika x

  6. Glad your ATC arrived safely ..... I was sooo late posting them off.
    Love the journal page, I shall have to check out the Kew site later....
    Have a good week
    Christine #12

  7. Nice ATC but most of all is that journal page....brilliant! Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x16x

  8. Loving the Kew page..and the post too, Helen. I often can’t comment on it because I go to visit via the Facebook link as soon as you post it. Drives me nuts. Then I forget! Oh man, those poppies. We’ve got a few in the garden and I’m delighted by them, but they do look a bit paltry now!
    Onto business things...we are going to fly from Stanstead to Rennes and hire a car...want to make the journey with us/meet us at Rennes? I haven’t booked anything yet, keep thinking there’s loads of time, but there isn’t.....

  9. Love the flower pages you’ve done. Please don’t worry about the Jo says they will get here eventually. I must pop back at some point to check out Kew but so much work and so little time at the mo.
    Annie x #15

  10. I should think that you have explored every square inch of Kew by now! The flowers in the last post were amazing, I have got to get some alliums this autumn. The journal page is fab btw, gorgeous colours :-D
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  11. Hi Helen, love the colours in that art journal page, very evocative of the place. Love the ATC, she surprised me with one too! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #18 XxX

  12. Beautiful journaling - thanks for sharing. Hazel, # 22 x

  13. I love the beautiful flower pages - they are very Kew - just gorgeous. And that's a fab ATC too. Hope you have a great week, I'm off to see your Kew photos.
    Hugs, Diana x #21

  14. Happy WOYWW. OMG it is nearly midday and I don't seem to have done much this morning. Must get out in the sunshine whilst it is here. I haven't done any journaling for ages. Another winter activity for me. Too much gardening (and sunbathing) to do here now! Ali x #9

  15. Hi Helen, love the colors of the floral page :) ~Stacy #32

  16. Hi Helen, That page spread is definitely Kew.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #10

  17. That's a lovely journal page Helen.... and how lucky to receive more atcs.

  18. I just can't seem to do challenges or journal pages for that matter. Thing is, with challenges I always feel like I'm boxed in and I can't create anything lol. I know it's mental! Lovely pages though! Thanks for the visit!
    Angie #26

  19. Hi Helen. Nice journal pages. The flowers ... Kew :). Thanks for stopping by earlier and have a lovely week Heather x #14

  20. Your journal pages are always a delight - and what a place of utter inspiration you have in Kew! xx Jo

  21. "I can't decide what I'm practicing" - love it! I'm sure you can find something! Lovely journal page, very Spring-like! Thanks for your visit, have a great week! Lindart #31

  22. Another lovely ATC and what a beautiful spread, Helen - I love the black and white flowers. Very effective. Thank you for your lovely comment, and I'm sure you'd cope with the computer probs if you had to lol! Backing up isn't so much of a chore really, it's a way of life. I've lost too much pecious stuff in the past. The kitties do look cute together, don't they! They've both been out in the garden all day today and were rather tired by the time they got back in.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  23. Hello Helen! I love the ATC. I am making my rounds now (late) and can't wait to see the beautiful creations made by our talented group. Thanks for visiting me last week. My kids are wrapping up school and I can't seem to find the time to sit down. So I am going to try to visit as many as I can this morning.
    I love your layout. Are they poppies? They are lovely. Reminds me to dig up my dies.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Belinda #29

  24. Happy Super Belated WOYWW! Love the ATC and journal spread. Hmmmm; Practice. Yeah, very, very broad prompt. Good luck, and thanks for stopping by.
    -K #27

  25. I will catch up with blogs eventually! I love your pages! The flowers look absolutely gorgeous...and with that...I'm off to Kew!!! Chrisxx


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