Wednesday 4 April 2018


Following the long Easter bank holiday weekend, my brain is confused as to what day it is... but it is time for another visit to WOYWW with Julia for some desk hopping. 

I confess that my desk (floor space) today is staged...

If you saw my post from Saturday and my visit to Kew, you will know that I treated myself to a new toy.. 
my long awaited macro lens for my camera

and the results can be seen here 
my square journal is sat on top of the jars of mediums and pastes, not that you can see the pages - but then, nothing has happened to them since!

I did finish last week's France Papillon FB page for the "secret garden" prompt... I can share that!

 behind the garden wall, a secret lies...

it's been a while since I did such fussy cutting

This Saturday is the Ally Pally craft show - I know a few of you are going, so I hope to see you all there.... you  may also have seen the Paperartsy blog post from Sunday announcing that the April show (and the Paris one a couple of weeks later) are their final ever (for now) shows... now I thought that when Leandra told us at Stevenage in February, they would still be doing Ally Pally and Paris, but it seems not... she hopes that other companies, already stockists for their stamp products, will step into the breach and promote and demo them in future... we'll see! 
I am gutted, as Paperartsy are the main reason I go to shows - apart from catching up with friends, which is always good - so I don't know if I'll bother in future.   


  1. Oh Helen, I know how much you will miss Leandra and her crew. I feel the same about not seeing her demonstrating their products at Port Sunny. It just won't be the same and not only was it somewhere i stood most of the time to watch her, it was also the place I was guaranteed to meet up with friends. So many of us are fans and she is such a terrific demonstrator - maybe we should petition her.
    Anyhow, I love your Journal pages, what a fabulous idea and one which I wish I had thought up. That is fab!
    Have a good week, especially with that new lens.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  2. Great looking journal pages! I used to fussy cut a lot too but now I rely on dies a lot more...less expensive when I was fussy cutting. I hate the way that a lot of the craft business are shutting down or limiting there trips to shows etc. I miss the good old days. We used to have 3 home owned craft stores in Norman but now the big box stores have taken over! Okay enough griping! Hope you have a good time at Ally Pally and buy fun stuff! Vickie #8

  3. Bet you love your new toy, a pretty big one I must say!!!! Super page, love the doors. Thanks for the visit BJ#7

  4. I hope you have agood time at AP, especially meeting up with Shaz - what a shame about Leandro and co, you will miss them at future shows, there's no doubt about that. I love your journal pages, great colours and the fussy cutting really works!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxxx

  5. Fab journal pages Helen. Hope you enjoy your trip to AP and find other things there to make your trip worth going.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Annie x #12

  6. Morning Helen. Well, the shopping is done, delivered to the church, soup ingredients await my attention - but I thought I'd come over to see folk first! You will just LOVE your macro lens - they do take some getting used to though, don't they. Fantastic Kew pictures - well done. Loved the one with blue buds opening. Well done on the journal page - it's great. Have fun at the show.
    Thanks for already visiting - yes, I admit to being particularly thrilled with the steam shot!! I also admit to liking being busy... boredom has never been a word in my dictionary - seems like it still isn't there!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  7. Hi Helen, that is an amazing art journal spread; well worth all the fussy cutting and a clever idea! Have fun at Ally Pally, I know Shaz is going to be there. Happy WOYWW Sarah #16

  8. Hello Helen. So sorry I didn't get to visit last week, it all went 'pear shaped' as they say. I love your journal pages, I maybe strange but I find fussy cutting very relaxing. I really need to just get to grips with my camera- it's not a mega posh one but still cost enough and I just don't use it, me bad! Enjoy the Craft Show - such a shame they all seem to be changing.Anne x #15

  9. HI Helen, I agree it's such a shame they don't feel able to do at least one or two shows a year, maybe that will change in time. I almost missed this week, didn't register with me what day it was till yesterday evening either. Not helped by Doug having Monday & Tuesday as Bank Holiday time. Looking forward to Saturday very much, will see you then. :) Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxXx

  10. Can't believe that Paperartsy wont be there! I suppose TV has taken over but it's just not the same.....
    Loved your photos of Kew.
    Enjoy AP and the meetups.
    Hope your skies are sunnier than ours
    Have a good week
    Christine #21

  11. Hi Helen, you have some amazing shots. Love the orchids and the purple ball flowers. Mr M is the family photographer - I just have a small simple camera - apertures and shutter rates etc just confuse me! I've never seen Paperartsy at a show, so I guess I have missed out there big time! Hopefully someone will persuade them to do a show or a workshop somewhere. Have a lovely week Heather x #13

  12. mm, Helen, you're a real photographer I'm a point and shot type.. mind you, mine can do more but rarely do..!!!
    Sorry re Ally Pally .. only ever been to two shows in my life and those that go do make it!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x #22

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  13. I forgot to see your new Kew pics, so have just sidetracked myself for about 20 minutes! Lovely results from that lens. I understand your sorrow over Paperartsy, but I get her decision's hard hard work, always at the end of a working week so there's no break, it's not glamorous and she has an established brand now, I certainly hope that some of her wholesale customers will step in. Not the same though, I know.

  14. You are so inspiring me to do more in my art journal, just need to get my finger out. I feel exactly the same about the decision Paper Artsy have made and though I understand I just wish they could at least get someone else in the team to attend the shows for them as I don't know any other company that stocks all their stuff and they don't have everything on their own website either. Have a great woyww and thanks for the visit to mine, Angela x17x

  15. I love your "secret garden"!!! Great job with the detail cutting! And what a cool lens! I looked at your photos, WOW! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #27

  16. Hi Helen,
    Oooh sweet new lens :) This will be fun to see what you do with it and I like how you hid the garden in the journal pages too. ~Stacy #31

  17. Congrats on your new lens. Lovely journal pages - makes me think of spring.
    April #22

  18. Love your new lens, I have an all singing all dancing camera but very rarely use it as always have my phone with me that has a very good camera. Have a snapping week. Ani#4

  19. Oo Helen - you will have hours of fun with that new lens - I just had to follow the link and see what you have done - totally awesome pics - isn't nature amazing up close! I def have lens envy!! x Jo

  20. I love your Secret Garden page - awesome! Too bad about PaperArtsy, at least they aren't going out of business. Have fun with your new toy! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #30

  21. Hi Helen, I'm sure your new lens was very expensive, but looking at the photos you took at Kew, it was worth every penny.

    The colourful duck that you said was the same kind as the babies was an Egyptian Goose. We get them around here sometimes.

    Your Secret Garden pages are fab.

    Have a nice time at ally pally.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #14

  22. I must pop over to see your Kew photos - we have our tickets for when we go (under two weeks now!!) I love your journal spread and wee done for the fussy cutting! It will be sad not to see Paper Artsy at shows but I think we should keep attending shows to support those other folk with stands or all we will have is on line options! Hopefully, in time, Leandra and Mark will miss us too and decide to do one or two shows occasionally!!! Hugs, Chris

  23. Ooh, that's an exciting new toy for your camera - a shopping haul with a difference! I love the secret garden pages - so lovely to peep over the wall and then to be able to see behind it.
    Alison x

  24. I love your hidden secret garden - worth all the fussy cutting. I bought a second hand canon camera last year - still not a clue how to get the best out of it. I need to practice more - your lens scares me!

    Carmen x

  25. That is such a lovely handmade garden you have there hugs Nikki running late

  26. Hi Helen, that's a serious bit of kit you have there. I have a yen for something bigger/better than my little digital job but there always seems to be something with a bit more of a claim on my pocket money ... for example, scrapbooking stash. :) Love your finished journal pages - the fussy cut flowers are gorgeous. Elizabeth xx #25


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