Saturday 7 April 2018

Ally Pally craft show - Paperartsy's last show...

Just got home from a fabulous day at Ally Pally, even though it was tinged with sadness as it is the last time Paperartsy will attend in their own name at a UK craft show.... needless to say, pounds were spent...

Met a great many friends though the WOYWW ladies weren't around when the camera was out!  I did meet and catch up with Cindy, Doug & Shaz and Erica...

 was there early so after a coffee and pastry whilst waiting for Lin, I took some photos in the main entrance

 then it was time to go through to the show..
 only one place to start!

 it was busy!
 bit later on, went for an early lunch , view up the hall from the seating area
 loved these clock kits but they'd all gone...

 got back to Paperartsy and found Hazel had come on a surprise last minute visit, we got Hugo (young Paperartsy!) to take a group shot - l-r Claire me, Lin, Hazel, Leandra and Jo.

Alison and Kirsten were there too but not around for the photo...
 time for some demos...

this is infusions over wet grunge paste...

 fab effect!
 and an earlier one on the same lines from Leandra
 Hazel chatting to Leandra, Claire and Jo examining the contents of Jo's basket just behind...
 Leandra went to take a Make and Take and said if you want to demo, do... so I had a play.

Gave Claire the camera (thanks Claire )

 did some grunge paste stencilling and then added Distress Oxides and infusions...

then Claire had a go, showing us a tag she and Jo had made in a make and take earlier...

 involving distress oxide reinkers in white paint... fab effect

 then Raquel finished her make and takes and came to demo... by now the crowds had thinned out a lot.

Lin, Alison and I joined the Paperartsy team for a quick drink in the bar before heading home..

the end of an era, thanks to Mark, Leandra and her assorted family./helpers over the years - and a huge spend up once again!!

 part one...

some of these were Paperartsy bargains, others not.. lol.  Yes, that is a Tim Holtz stamping platform at the bottom.... not from PA but a good price so had to be done...
 part two.... a few more stencils.... some staps.... some bits and bobs...
part three... more bargains, more stencils (you can't have too many!)

and my tag from my impromptu demo...

Great to see everyone today, thanks for your company!


  1. Looks like you've all had a great day.... And I adore your stash...looks fab! Many hours of fun to be had!

  2. Fab photos and stash Helen! Looks like you all had a fantastic day.😊

  3. What a great day! Thanks for sharing it with us. Very jealous of the stamping platform. Everywhere seems to be sold out - now I know why....they're all at Ally Pally!!!

  4. I was surprised to see this on your art blog, but it does make sense. Too badk about PaperArtsy, though. I remember the first time you took me there that I remember, at least. I am sure you went before I knew you, but I was glad you explained to me what Ally Pally was and meant.

    So glad to see you in front of the camera for a change. Looks like you had a great time making the tag.

    Once again, I have stencil envy. You got some lovely and incredible art supplies. I bet you play the rest of the weekend.

  5. What a great day! Thanks for sharing it with us. Very jealous of the stamping platform. Everywhere seems to be sold out - now I know why....they're all at Ally Pally!!!

  6. Lovely to meet you Helen. So delighted you had a wonderful time and got to enjoy PaperArtsy's last show together. Thanks for stopping by. Love your blog post. Tracy ❤️❤️

  7. WOWser! FABULOUS haul Helen, hope you will truly enjoy all those goodies


  8. Huge stash there Helen sounds like you made the most of your day.

  9. Fabulous post Helen and I'm really sad now that I wasn't there. Some lovely pics of all you girls and I love the ones Claire took of you and Hazel. Well done on making your tag which is lovely, so nice and summery! Your stash purchases are awesome, gorgeous stencils and lots of other fabby stuff. Thanks for a great report on the day and I'm glad you all had such a great time.

    Lesley Xx

  10. Thank you for sharing. It looked like a great show. Lovely to see your group photo.

  11. Thanks for once again re-creating the Ally Pally atmosphere and helping us to feel almost like we were there. It looks like you had a great day and how nice that you were able to meet up with old friends. It's sad that this is the end of an era of shows with PA - happy memories though. xx

  12. It was such a happy day Helen, and as you say just tinged with a little sadness. Thanks for sharing the photos, I agree, it's good that you handed over your camera and got on them yourself. Xx

  13. Why are they not going anymore Helen? I really want to come to the September one - is there still a lot of stalls there? Love that you did an impromptu demo x

  14. Was a totally fabulous weekend, and all the better for seeing you too Helen!! . So many people were sad it’s our last , but of course for us it’s a big relief! Dropping the 8 shows we do each year we are soooooo looking forward to gaining 10-12 weeks of manufacturing/ production time here at PAHQ!!! I know we are going to be more efficient at getting orders to our stockists here and around the world much, much faster!! The shows are great social occasions, but the prep is a PITA!!! Don’t worry, I’m sure the brand will be represented well at the show in the future!! Xxxx and I’ll probably get to watch demos with you too!!! Xx

  15. Do love your posts Helen - wish I could have been there. We’ll have to have a Patwits get together sometime. Great stash too. Even more jealous now xx

  16. Terrific write up! Great to see you yesterday. Love your new stash!!

  17. It was a lovely day Helen and I'm glad to see my photo taking wasn't as bad as I thought!! Lots of lovely stash.....hope you enjoy it all! Xx

  18. Great post and photos Helen! Sad I missed your demo and Claire's. It was lovely to catch up, and hope we can do it again soon xx

  19. How rude of me- I saw this post and intended to come back! A sad time but loojs as though you had some fun too! You guess right btw - London( with The Lion King and Kew booked) then off to Paris! Hugs,Chrisx

  20. Yay - get you on the demo table!! What a fabulous finale for PA - it's so sad they won't be going to any more shows, but what a wonderful farewell. Thanks for sharing the fun, as always.
    Alison x

  21. Great photographs Helen, maybe one day I'll get down there. It's an age since we last visited the capital and we've no real excuse now not to. Have a great week, Angela xXx


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