Saturday 13 January 2018

Week 2 of ALAD/ASAW

So, France Papillon's A Layer a Day/a Spread a Week.  week 2,  prompt was biggest dream for 2018.

Well I didn't do too much dreaming but I did visualise the spread at the outset of the week and only deviated a little bit from my plan! 
Here are some step by step photos of the way it panned out..
 day one, cut some patterned paper into strips... (a Prima pad from my stash... 2018 is the year of use it up!) 

in hindsight (that valuable crafting tool) I would have varied the height more...

my initial inspiration was from the memory of one of France's Journal on Monday videos from I don't know when! 
 day two, stamped a Dina Wakley script in Potting Soil archival ink..

Day 3 where I thought it was going wrong... used the Melted Chocolate Dylusion spray, spritzing and dripping from the end of the tube... went a bit pinky as it dried... 

did not like it much at this stage (but France did... )
anyway, onwards to day 4, layer 4...

 Day 4, (which had been going to be day 3)
applied more strips of the same paper horizontally...
 and this is what it looks like with the flash!

day 5.... stencilling.  started out so well..

used an opaque white modelling paste (Finnabair's for Prima)   was still nice and white whilst it was wet...

but of course what I hoped wouldn't, did happen - the paste in drying picked up the colour from the drippage/sprays underneath.  and became pink....

but it's ok, there are no errors only lessons for the future...

and it seemed quite popular on the Facebook group...
 look how pink it looks!
 Day 6, apply a focal image... two, actually.

Tim Holtz paper dolls (2018 is the year of use it up... have had these months and months and these are the first ones I've used from the packet0

I sat the man on one of the horizontal paper strips to ground him, and the girls stood on the edge of the page...

 day 7, final layer... splatters.

I was always going to add splatters.

after my issue with the paste on day 5 I was wary... but have splattered black and white acrylic paint ... it's still wet so we'll see what happens..  (it seems to be going a bit pink...)
and edged the pages in Black Soot Distress Oxide.

Week 3 commences today... we'll see what happens next!


  1. But the pinks are so nice and add depth to the whole piece. It's brilliant and I love seeing the steps as you add your layers. Brilliant work x

  2. You already know how much I love these pages Helen. The colours are right up my street (I have that gorgeous paperpad) and the balance and composition is spot on. You've set a high standard to keep up every week!

    Lesley Xx

  3. Wow, I am truly impressed. I like each stage, even though the pink dominated the piece. I really can't believe those are the first two paper dolls you have used. I've used at least a third of mine already! I like where you placed them, too. Really lovely finished entry.

  4. I absolutely love this spread Helen you definately smashed it!!!

  5. Great seeing all the photos of the buildup to the finished project Helene, somehow mine never turn out as I visualise. Wonder what 4pm will bring today, keep it all crossed.

    B x

  6. Oooo Helen, you are up and running. Love your pages and gained inspiration myself! They look so different with the flash but prefer the sepia photos. You made great choices and great pages. Looking forward to seeing more! Xx 😀

  7. I already loved it half way through, I only love it even more finished! It shows you're enjoying the challenge Helen!! <3
    xx france

  8. Wowser Helen! You are clearly playing well with this! This spread is fabulous and I really enjoyed seeng it grow! Have a great week! Chrisx

  9. Love this Helen, it's a great way to use up some left over papers. Pleased I got to see these as I have had a busy week and not done much blogging. Happy crafty week, Angela xXx


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