Wednesday 18 October 2017

WOYWW 437 - I made something!

Hello again deskers.  Yet another Wednesday.  Time to report to desk duty for WOYWW 

You did all make me smile with your comments about the boots...
I did nearly include one last week. 
You know (well Jan does) how I love my up to the knee (over the knee) boots!

It was hard to do with me in them; but I wanted you to get the full effect as it were.

Lush, aren't they!
 on to the made something bit of the post!

I have a friend whose birthday is soon

I forced myself to finish the card tonight (I have a raging sore throat and am coming down with a cold)
 started with a brayered background with Fresco paints in blues and white
the image is by Dina Wakley and the sentiment one of Julia's Mama's I bought crop before last.

Will be catching as many of your desks as I can soon.


  1. Oh boy Helen, I wondered what I was clicking into when I saw those boots haa haa!! I have to admit they are pretty spectacular. Love your handmade card, I'm sure your friend will be delighted with it. I do love these WOYWW, I'd love to participate .. Hope you are feeling better soon, I've recently got over the same flu by the sounds of it, hope it doesn't linger too long.
    Hugs, best Wishes & Take good care until next week Tracey xx

  2. Awesome boots, I'm too short, wide width and fat calves, so boots don't work!~
    Like the stamps you have used on your card, Have a great WOYWW

  3. Love the card, gorgeous image and of course the background ... With the fab Fresco paints.
    I used to love over the knee boots. Gosh, donkeys years ago (about 50) I had some patent over the knee boots. Out shopping, and chatting to other young mums one day, a child got on the floor to look up my skirt to see where they ended. It was so innocent and made us laugh. Hope it doesn't happen to you.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet 4xx

  4. Love those sexy boots, all I have are sparkly shoes, but that's on Facebook! Super card and hope the cold disappears soon, hugs BJ#6

  5. Love the kinky boots Helen and the card you’ve made but am sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Hope you shake it off very soon.
    Annie x #9

  6. I noticed in Marks yesterday that kinky boots are back in style this season, I love them but my legs are just not long enough. Yours look great. Pleased to see you making stuff, nice card. Have a great woyww, Angela x10x

  7. Love those boots, lucky you being able to wear such beauties! Great card. Hope you soon feel better. Anne x #13

  8. Being a short fat person who comes from a long line of short fat people .... I just lurve those boots. Just so perfect for you, bet you look really good in them .....
    Hope your cold doesn't develop too much or hang around too long.
    Enjoy your week
    Christine #17

  9. Wow, I love those boots and you are sooooo lucky to have long legs that look that good in them! Love the card you made, that image is very striking and looks good against the blue background.
    Hope you feel better soon,
    Diana x #19

  10. Fabulous boots Helen, I love the colour :o)
    Lots of creative things happening on your desk & they are fab!
    Tracey x

  11. The colour of those boots is great. Love that card the background and the image. ANickoana #14

  12. Hi Helen, my those boots are gorgeous! Adore the colour, and suede- I could stroke them all day.Love the card image, so different. I think I need some sort of plan to have a go at art journaling, certainly at first, or I'll just sit staring at a blank page for hours, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 XxXx

  13. Ha! You look great in those amazing boots, legs to die for!!! And if nothing else, you could always get a bit part in Robin Hood panto :-D. Sorry to hear you're poorly, I'm fighting something too. More whisky I think, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  14. They really are fab boots. With your figure, they look amazing balls. Spect you'd like a pair in every colour! Had to smile at the nightmare of having to re-set the internet this morning.......the only time when you suddenly can't love your stash! Hope the cold doesnt strike you down hasn't affected your mojo..great card!

  15. Definitely lush boots, and you wear them well! Love the card - so happy you got something made. I've just been through the raging throat, miserable cold cycle and it took me right out of the craft room. Hope you avoid the worst.
    Alison x

  16. Beautiful boots and card. Too bad about not feeling well. Take care of yourself.

    Dorlene #29

  17. Gorgeous boots, Helen. I have footwear envy now. I'd love to be able to get in boots like that but I have thick calves and struggle to find ones to fit. Enjoy them,
    Love the card too and hope your cold doesn't slow you down too much, take care.
    Hugs Lisax #16

  18. Hi Helen, Loving the boots. Never had even knee high ones, as I have big calves. Have circulation problems with my lower legs now, so can't have anything restrictive.

    The card is lovely.

    Hope your cold soon goes. Sending heaps of positive healing thoughts.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #15

  19. Love those boots!! Don't think they'd be very comfortable in our Arizona heat even in winter. And love your brayered background and card. Thanks for the visit and I hope you have a great week!
    Carol N #23

  20. Hi Helen. Yay, the boots! They look great, and I love the colour. Brayer is next on my shopping list! I'm sure your friend will love the card. Hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for stopping by earlier, have a lovely week Heather #7

  21. I hope you feel better soon! Love those boots! Your card looks fabulous, especially love the background! Hugs,Chrisx

  22. Fabulous kinky boots, Helen - my favourite colour! Don't you get any paint on them lol! Well done with the brayer background - not easy to do! Thank you for your visit and your kind words about my cards - people do seem to like them so perhaps they are OK! I just wish I'd done the toppers on card and not paper, as they've buckled a bit. Margaret and I had such a great time!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #8

  23. Love those boots. At first I thought the image was a splatter and then I looked more closely. So cool!
    April #21

  24. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your boots! You sexy lady you! The card looks wonderful too, that stamped image is lovely. Thankx for stopping by my blog yesterday, have a bright and happy week! Hug from Holland, Marit #18

  25. He he sounds as if we would all love a pair of those gorgeous boots - I certainly would. Such a fab colour. x Jo

  26. Boots look fab, and I love the card Helen!

  27. Lovely card - hope you are feeling better soon. The boots are awesome! Great find! Thanks for sharing, have a great week! Lindart #34

  28. oooh, those boots are totally swoon worthy Helen :) love the soft look to them. and the card is gorgeous too, hopefully the cold passes quickly. ~Stacy #26

  29. Yay boots. Glad you shared them Helen, they are lush. Love the brayered background to that card. Feel better soon. Sarah #24

  30. Amazing boots Helen.... and I love that card!

  31. Hugs, best Wishes & Take good care until next week Tracey

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