Wednesday 11 October 2017

WOYWW 436 - more shoppng

Hi, deskers.  It's time for another desk fest.  Link as always at Julia's gaff. ..

Thanks for all your visits last week..
I haven't put ink to the new stamps yet... but as the title suggests, have done more shopping!  I did say last week I was in a 'shopping' phase... I can go ages and then - bam! 
I bought 2 pairs of new boots the other Sunday (see, it's not only crafty shopping I'm in the mood for!) one for walking at Kew as my previous pair were leaking, and one in the most lush burgundy suede (totally impractical but had to have them)
but you don't want to see them, you want to see my desk!

 3 lots of shopping to be precise!

a Tim stencil and die,  (Country View Crafts) some Stampotique wooden stamps (love that they still do wooden mounts)

and a couple of Carabelle studio stamps.  the one on the right, a French text plate, is totally unmounted and designed for printing on the gelli plate with.   (That's Crafty)

Not that I've opened the gelli plate yet!
the Stampotiques came beautifully wrapped - and yes, I saved the tape - well from one parcel, the other one it was stuck fast
(Artist Trading Post, Sue Tucker took over the store after Jamie and Kasia gave it up to concentrate on the Wanderlust online classes. Great service from Sue as always)

I like to do by enabling bit for you all! 

Saturday last week saw me once again visit Kew... taking another 400 plus photos and walking 10k... Julia, you'd be very welcome to join me there one weekend, we don't have to walk that far!


  1. Lovely collection of crafting goodness Helen, those wooden block stamps look amazing. Well done on treating your feet as well who want's wet feet when looking for more crafty goodies. Have a great week.
    Hugs Tracey x

  2. Morning Helen. Burgundy suede boots sound amazing - you are now the focus of everyone's envy! Great crafty purchases, too.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  3. Lovely new stash Helen - I particularly like the grasses stamp. As for new and impractical boots, I fell in love with some silver ones in M&S the other day and would have bought them if they’d had my size!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #3

  4. Thanks for your return visit, Helen. Yes, I laughed at the loo paper, and then spent about half an hour rolling it all on again! The naughty girls...

    Shoshi #3

  5. Hello Helen. Love new goodies, crafting or otherwise. The stamps are fab and I would love to see the burgundy boots :-) Have a fun week. Anne x #4

  6. Love those Carabelle stamps .... wonder where I put my Gelli plate?
    Pity those boots didn't manage to slip into the picture.... love suede boots.
    Have a good week and catch you later
    Christine #10

  7. Love the new stash - the Carabelle stamps are gorgeous and an ideal design for use on a gelli plate - that is going to look so good (when you eventually open the gelli plate that is!). The best purchases are the ones we don't need but have to have - your boots sound gorgeous!
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #9

  8. I really love those text-stamps... great finds! I would have loved to see a pic of your new shoes too - I know that 'phases' and yes, I think I'm at the beginning of one too (I bought a coat and will visit a craft fair next week which will probably involve some wallet-pulling...) Enjoy your new goodies! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #16

  9. No, I really DO want to see your burgundy suede boots, they sound fab-u-lous darling!! I remember a pair of blue suede boots from my teenage years, god I loved those boots, was heartbroken when they fell apart. You're a bit of a funky babe aren't you? I remember those over the knee boots you wore to a Crop once :-D
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  10. I for one wouldn't mind seeing the burgundy suede boots! I have been doing a little shopping myself, just managed to order the Tim Holtz Flutterby stamps and matching dies. I can't wait to see what you do with those Carabelle plates! Sarah #20

  11. You got some beauties from Stampotique there :) Happy WOYWW xo Cheetarah #13

  12. Results of shopping looks good but would have liked to see the boots too. Always like a nice pair of boots, got some new Hotters in mind at the moment Lol! Happy crafty woyww, Angela x7x

  13. Hi Helen, yet more lovely stamps though that is an odd looking creature second from the right ... I don't think I've ever seen a giraffe in high heels before. I know all about buying impractical footwear ... currently I'm lusting after a pair of black patent leather trainers. I haven't succumbed yet! Have a lovely week testing out those fab stamps. Elizabeth x #28

  14. Hi Helen, hope you have fun with the new stamps. That looks a nice stash for you to get crafty with. (I would like to see the burgundy boots too). Have a lovely week, Heather #32

  15. Looks like you have some fun hours of creativity coming! And burgundy boots... now now, gotta share if you post about them! LOL! Thanks for the visit and have a great week!
    Carol N #19

  16. I can't wait to see what you do with what you bought. Sounds like you have been walking a lot.
    April #15

  17. Hi Helen, Lovely new stash to keep you busy.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #6

  18. Love shopping Helen especially if it’s not on my card, I’ve been restrained of late, trying, yup trying to save,
    Love the look of the stencils etc in first pickie.
    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy Belated WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #35

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. Not even a little peep at your burgundy boots??? Can't wait to see the results of your purchases. Anickoana #29

  20. Ha ha - I love all the desk stuff but I really would like to see those burgundy suede boots - fab purchase I think!! x Jo#23

  21. I shall not shop, I shall not shop, I shall not shop! Oh Helen so much fun to see your new goodies. I as you see am telling myself that I mustn't shop! I must finish sorting and start using that which I have! Thanks for the visit!
    Angie #30

  22. Today (Friday) is the first day I've been able to get to my WOYWW friends! So I apologize for the lateness! Those stamps look like fun - especially the one with the wings - Stampotique? I love their stamps, but I don't have any :-( Those burgundy boots sound awesome - we all something beautiful and impractical in our lives! Thanks for your earlier visit, have a great week! Lindart #26

  23. Hurrah to saving the packaging a woman after my own heart!!

  24. Only a week late. Not bad!
    Love the Stampotique stamps but unlike you I just wish they did them unmounted. Too expensive for me but I buy an odd one when I feel flush.
    Enjoy the boots, we all have to have impractical somethings now and then.
    Hugs Neet xx

  25. Ooh, lovely new stash - look forward to seeing those Carabelle texty ones in action - especially if you ever open the Gelli plate! Fab Stampotiques too.
    Alison x

  26. Well done on treating your feet as well who want's wet feet when looking for more crafty goodies. Have a great week.

    thai porn


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