Wednesday 6 September 2017

WOYWW 431 ... oh my...

well there is nothing new here, either purchase-wise (that's in the post!) or created-wise... (that's not a real word.. I made it up..)

So, rather than show you a bare desk  floor   (well actually it looks exactly the same as last week) I decided to "bare all"   bare it certainly isn't...  'all' it also isn't, there is more elsewhere but a girl has only so much shame to share..
(I am not ashamed of it, really; only the untidiness of it)
 shot from the doorway... you've seen it before, but not for a while.. and forgive the lighting,
Tuesday evening, dull damp day, electric light, no flash.. doesn't make for a realistic lighting effect

 shot from the doorway but focusing on the "desk" space on the floor (gelli plate)
shot from the computer back into the corner I usually hide from view... under the radio are 2 storage boxes containing various papers and other "stuff" that hasn't seen the light of day for a fair while..

under the untidy pile of bags and boxes are more of the same (crates of paper)
I used to be able to get to that bookcase....

I'll need to move the plastic carry bag with the Wimbledon towel leaning against the radiator before long as once I need to turn the heating on the bag won't like it!

I have got next week off work.   I could lie to you and say I'm going to spend some time tidying up and sorting out this lot.... but you've been visiting here for many a month/year so you know that's not very likely!
Check out some much much tidier (probably!) desks and creative spaces here at Julia's 


  1. Wow Helen that is a lot of stash. I wouldn't know where to begin but if you emptied your book shelves and tossed the books just imagine how much stash you could store in there :)

    Have a wonderful day hugs Nikki ??

  2. And I thought I had a will find things you have forgotten about and will have fun doing it ! It's cold and gloomy here too, we are getting smoke from the Montana/California fires depending on winds so really hazy. Enjoy whatever your next project is.

  3. Wow Helen! Am I happy to see your mess! It makes me feel better! I haven't had the nerve to post my craft room! :^) patsy

  4. Your post (and the first comment) did make me smile Helen and why spend your week off tidying, there will be plenty of dark evenings before much longer so it can wait.

    B x

  5. Looks ok to me. If you tidy it up, you will never find anything .... take it from me .... I'm an expert in that area!!
    Enjoy your week off.
    Christine #13

  6. If I lived closer, I'd come help organize your room. Then we could have a good play with your really wonderful stamps, stencils, and other goodies. Hope your week off is productive and fun, too.

    Not playing, just stopped by.

  7. You know Helen you have actually have a great space here! Have a good woyww and a happy crafty week. Angela x14x

  8. Well, I suspect a lot of people have similar amounts of stash, but it's all in cupboards and drawers so is less obvious. I bet all of us with so much are only using the top 10% of it...the stuff that's to hand, that's what continues to force me into some sort of order. and I mean 'some sort'. Meanwhile, have a lovely week off.

  9. I reckon you should use your week off to enjoy yourself, not spend it tidying up! Life's too short 😎
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  10. I'm doing a whistle stop trip around my favourite bloggers friends between customers....first arrived 8.30 and I've already shortened 2 pair of trousers. Many more due to come today cos some idiot decided to offer 10% off her Memory bears this week.
    I'm smiling at your honesty today Helen. We all have stash like yours but we ram it in cupboards that the doors dare not be opened while folk are about cos it all falls out. No?....then it's just me then 😀😀😀😀😀😀
    Annie x #12

  11. That's brilliant, Helen. I love that you've shared your mess. I bet you can lay your hands on most things though!
    Too right, enjoy your week doing something you really enjoy, tidying can wait.
    Have a good one
    Hugs Lisax #18

  12. I see your offering today as a public service for all those in the same boat. I'll leave you with this comment: Creativity is messy; Helen is very creative. Happy WOYWW Sarah #18

  13. Hi Helen, I'm sorting out stuff to take to the crop. Your home looks very cozy & warm- I could spend ages mooching through stuff. I like to be able to discover all sorts of treasures that way. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  14. I want to come and have a rummage. I think I would start off where the PaperArtsy stamps are though as I do like them and I think you probably have most of them anyway - be like I had landed in fairyland.
    I love those little shelving thingies you have on the wall. Now I covet those!
    Have a great week and see you next time
    Hugs, & Thanks for visiting me so early - Neet 9 xx

  15. Thanks Helen for making all us untidies feel that we are part of a clan. . In the last few weeks i have watched videos of the "Clan Tidy" and feel the strain of all that control hovering over like a dragon!

    hugs Monica #29

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


  17. Sharon Madson said...
    Wow, Helen! You have a large area and it is all full! LOL Wouldn't I love to go through some of your stash! I am sure I would find a lot of great stuff to play with. It looks like a wonderful place in which to create. #30

  18. Wow. Someday they will have to send a search party in for you! My whole house used to look like this in my 40's. When we finally moved we got one of those huge bins in the driveway and chucked a whole bin of stuff out. I feel much lighter for it! In our "new" house (17 years now!) I have managed to keep on top of everything (mostly), much easier for me to toss things now. I know that someday you will want to tackle this, and I wish you all the best when you do! Have a great week, thanks for sharing! Lindart #31

  19. WOW...Helen its a crafty heaven, I would have great fun going threw it all and of course having a play... what a happy full space... Have a great week off next week... and a happy rest of this one... May #10

  20. You know what? if you can find it when you want it, that's the main thing. I have to tell you though, I'd be tempted to pick up things just because, there looks like a lot of fun things to poke around in and I am curious that way. ~Stacy #33

  21. Well, after seeing your room I can consider my super tidy! LOL! I've been purging some which helps. Anyway, thanks for the visit and have a great week!
    Carol N #26

  22. I like someone's suggestion that you remove the books from the shelves and use them as storage however I've spotted what I think are a collection of Penguin books - now those I'd never toss for the sake of some storage! Enjoy your week off work - creating not clearing :) Elizabeth x #25

  23. Hi Helen, By heck you have a lot of stash. You can't possibly remember everything that is there.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #16

  24. Woe! That's a whole lotta stash! I bet if you were to organise and tidy, you'd ever be able to find anything, that's normally how these things go. As a teenager I was really messy and my dad would tell me to tidy my room. As soon as I did, I could never find stuff - whereas before, I always knew it was on the floor somewhere! :D Thanks for sharing, great pics! xx

  25. Hahaaa.. I always smile when I see your workspace, boy are we different types of crafters! I DO love to see how you roll though (but yes, move the plastic bag before turning on the heater!) Thanks for visiting my blog the other day, have a nice week. Marit #20

  26. Oh my Helen, I feel so much better now re my spare room. Where I craft is relatively tidy as I have 9 ladies coming to craft on Saturday. So a lot of stuff has gone upstairs :-) as I also have some of my mum's belongings it's getting very crowded :-) It would be fun to come and have a sort through yours. Thanks for popping by, sorry to be late Anne x #17

  27. Have to say Helen, if I hadn't visited that once I wouldn't have really believed it! At least you can still see the TV. Thanks for visiting BJ#21

  28. I am really late visiting desks this week I thought I left a message here on Wednesday but when I came back to check it wasn't there! My untidy stash is stuffed into cupboards and drawers!! Open a door and expect a landslide! xx Jo

  29. That is a very lot of STUFF! I bet you know where everything is though! Enjoy your craft time! Hugs, Chrisx

  30. You know me... I'm firmly of the opinion that it's not possible to have too much craft stuff. There's only such a thing as too little space for it. Great to get an overview... What happens if you need something out of the lower shelves of the bookshelves? Or should I not ask?!
    Alison x

  31. Have a wonderful day hugs Nikki ??



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