Wednesday 30 August 2017


That week flew, right?  Had an extra day at the weekend for the late Bank Holiday.... most of which was spent in the phone shop upgrading my mobile phone... to be fair they made it very easy and transferred all my photos and contacts over to the new one for me quick as a flash.

The weather was glorious down here in Sutton, so it was Kew on Saturday of course. (pics here)
but then in a flash, it was over and back to work.. Yesterday (or today, as I write) was a hard day as it's the anniversary of my sister's death, 20 years ago.. I was chatting to some friends, and I swear I miss her more the older I get.. it's all the things that have happened that she's missed out on..

but, enough gloom... there is a  new toy in da house!
yep, the gelli plate has landed thanks to a friend who got me one at a great price.  I am looking forward to getting painty and spreading prints all over the place... not sure I'll be able to rig up a line to peg them onto to dry.. but that was a good idea suggested by several of you.

I am sure you can't really be wondering why I am showing you the great mess that is my crafty space on the floor... but it's  Wednesday, so it's  WOYWW - check here for linking and details
Have a great week!


  1. Ooer a new toy. I love new toys. Hope you have lots of fun with yours and we get to see what you make with it.
    Annie x #8

  2. Morning Helen. Something new to play with... have a great deal of fun! Sorry you won't make it to the crop - it's quite a journey from your end of the world... We shall miss you.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  3. Hope you manage to find time to play with your new toy and that you get over the drying problem one way or another. Hugs for this sad time! Sarah #13

  4. Welcome to the land of Gelli Plates!
    Tip:- when you start to use it .... set an alarm on your nice new phone for what time you want to stop otherwise you will lose a day... or two ....or three!

    Christine #15

  5. I adore your photos on Kew... Beautiful.. Love the close ups of the bees... Have fun with the Gelli plate I never did use one as I gave up paper crafting and switched to fabric... sometimes I miss my inky fingers... I know it's hard when we lose someone and we wish they were here to share our experiences in life but you have your memories they will always be there Helen, Hugs to you at this sad time x May #10

  6. I bet Kew was lovely. We were so lucky with the Bank Holiday weather weren't we?
    Have fun with your gelli plate. I've had one for a few years but forget to get it out when I'm playing so haven't explored it properly yet.
    Enjoy your week
    Hugs Lisax #17

  7. Happy WOYWW. I was just thinking earlier about how we miss people/animals (mostly animals in my case!), and how that never completely goes. Gelli plate - I want one (or several). Signed up to a course with Carolyn Dube and really wanted to join in with her Gelli Printing course that starts now, but could not justify the expense right now of getting the stuff. One day! Ali x #18

  8. Sorry you feel sadder as time goes on but I can understand your feelings.
    Must visit your other blog.
    Enjoy the Gelli plate. it is not my thing despite having a couple. hope you like it.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Hi Helen,you'll have a lot of fun with the gelli plate, I had one gifted to me. I'd not bought one, as wasn't sure I'd use it, was pleasantly surprised at what i could do with it. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

  10. It took me a while to get a gelli plate too, but now I can't live without it! Very addicting, making pun mono prints :) Have fun!
    Have a wonderful week! Happy WOYWW xoxo Cheetarah #20

  11. Yummo, Helen, gotta love a new thing to try out!! what fun it all is!

    And well done on bargain price too and mobile painless changeover these are some accomplishments in both areas.
    happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x #21

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  12. (clapping hands with delighted glee) How fun for you to have that new gelli plate! And you've got the better brand as well. I know I am not alone in looking forward to seeing what you'll make using it
    Happy WOYWW!
    Rose of Rose's Art Garden

  13. Helen, if you were to come to the States, your experience in the phone shop would be a TOTALLY DIFFERENT experience. If you get out under an hour you are having a GREAT day! LOLOL The week is flying by for sure. Last week is a faint memory! LOL Our weather in the southeast has been so pleasant. Unfortunately at the expense of the precious hurricane victims over in Texas! So sad. Thoughts are with you as you reflect on your memories of your sister. I can totally understand how you feel. We lost my sister when I was a Junior in High School in a car accident. Not a day goes by that I don't thing on her beautiful smile and laugh! Blessings to you! Can't wait to see your Gelli pulls, you will have a ball! Felicia, #32

  14. Happy WOYWW ave a great week xx Jan (30)

  15. So jealous! Can't wait to see what creations you make with your new toy! Have a great week, thanks for sharing! Lindart #35

  16. I love my gel plates and I'm sure you will too!
    Robyn 7

  17. This is a new toy I know you are going to love. Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x11x

  18. Oh, I have just spread drip catchers like craft mats and big packing envelope anywhere there is flat space to dry dripping gelli prints when I do it. Have fun with that :) it's kind of addictive making the backgrounds. ~Stacy #37

  19. Whahoo! You will love the pretty backgrounds you can make with your Geli plate! I love playing with mine! You will make more backgrounds than you can ever use just with playing one time with it! But I love getting mine out and playing. You have inspired me to get mine out again! #39

  20. Ooh yes, you'll love the gelli plate. Great results with not much effort.

    Fiona #36

  21. Hi Helen
    Have fun with your new toy. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with it. Thanks for stopping by, and hope you have a lovely week, Heather #25

  22. I'm slowly playing with my Gel Plate. So cool! I made so many pieces of background the first time that I'm still using them! Have fun! Thanks for the visit and have a great week!
    Carol N 322

  23. Ohhh! you are going to have a blast with the Gelli Plate!!! I've gone to using text weight paper, and can fly through a ream in a weekend!!
    Thanks for stopping by, and using the black gesso on the fishy prints is a great idea, as I got blue fingerprints all over the white portion-a clean tidy stamper I am not! Happy Crafting!
    -K #29

  24. Gelli plate now that is something that I have not played with...enjoy.
    Darlene #34

  25. Gelli plate looks like fun - enjoy! My little sis means the world to me so I can only imagine how much you miss yours. Hugs. xx Jo

  26. Have fun with your plate Helen! I never tire of using mine! :-)

  27. Let me give you a little warning: once you get gelli-printing, you never stop :) I'm sure you will have fun with it! And yes, we keep on missing our passed dear ones during the years... and that probably ain't bad 'cause they are not forgotten and we treasure the good memories. Big hug to you from the Netherlands, Marit #26

  28. I get it, my sister died in 1987 and I feel the lack of her when we're all doing fun things and being together..and yes, the older I get! Glad you got your rather thinking that you need to get the food shopping in and then there will be no need to go out whilst you're could well make a hermit of you!

  29. Helen, Hope you enjoy the Geli printing.

    Sending hugs (((Helen))).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #9

  30. I'm so sorry that you lost your sister, Helen. I am quite sure you must miss her dreadfully with the passing years. So great that you've got yourself a gelli plate - something I've got on my wish list for the future but since I never seem to have time to use all the stuff I've got, I think I'd better forgo it for a while! Thank you for your lovely comments and I'm glad you enjoyed seeing our day out with friends. Like you, I loved the curves and shadows - always something I photograph when I see them, as well as rusty stuff.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #33

  31. Hi Helen
    You'll love the Gelli plate, I'm sure. I've seen so much good stuff about it. Actually I have borrowed one from Sandra de but haven't got around to using it yet. Hopefully, once winter is over, because I think I might have to use the table outside :) Hope you get to play with yours soon :)

  32. Oh, I simply can't be doing with phone shops and phone upgrades - such a waste of precious creative time!! Looking forward to seeing your Gelli adventures, and I love the look of that ESC pumpkin tag emerging...
    Alison x

  33. Sorry to hear of the 20th anniversary of your sister's passing, it was a few days before Diana too. It's hard isn't it? For me it's the start of my 20 years anniversaries too. Met hubby, married, Dad died, Son was born......... Hoping happy memories will invade your mind and make you smile, hugs and thanks for the visit BJ#23

  34. it's quite a journey from your end of the world... We shall miss you.



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