Wednesday 28 June 2017

WOYWW 421 - what a difference a week makes

Welcome deskers, time for another desk hopping extravaganza.   Luckily the heatwave finished and now of course we're having rain... I know the gardens need it, but does it have to!

Anyway, time for another link up with the holidaying Julia here.   I think I forgot to go back and check the late entries last week, oops me!

so, as nothing really changes here, there are new stamps and goodies to share with you! (and more on order, wow me!)  some new Paperartsy stamps designed by the lovely and talented JoFY - loving those and looking forward to inking them up... and the brush pens, by Ecoline, that I bought on Saturday when I stopped in Kingston on the way home from Kew (story about that here)  (still can't believe that what happened, happened!)       Well, Cass Art were having a sale, so.....
(I bet you're amazed I only got the pens!)

 It was my birthday on Monday and I received some gifts from the folk at work - flowers (and some cash) from my boss Monica
gorgeous, aren't they?
and some other lovely gifts from the rest.  the bracelet sitting on bottom of the photo just about in shot, is really pretty

I will try not to kill the potted Gerbera too quickly....!

the gerbera came wrapped in a cardboard sleeve.. which was gorgeous.. so of course it gets saved .. look

how could you get rid of this!

I'll leave you with a bunch of fading Allium seed heads from Saturday. (and if you want to know the story you'll need to read the post, though lots of you have!)


  1. Happy Belated Helen and those stamps and pens look wonderful and love to see what you think of the pens once you use them and share a sample too :)
    lovely presents hugs Nikki ??

  2. Happy birthday for Monday Helen! Hope you had a great day. Lovely new pens, and I love your journal page - really bright and pretty. Thank you for your nice comment - glad you think my chaos is organised lol lol! No flash - just the light from one of my overhead lamps that clip onto the high shelf above. I've got all my stamps in those bags hanging from the rail. We are very excited about the new kitties and can't wait till the end of July when they will be ready to come to us.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #12

  3. Hi Helen. Happy birthday for Monday! Well done on the radio "appearance" - what fun - and a great surprise as you walked the grounds. The photos are just gorgeous - I think that if I lived your way, I would be a regular visitor to Kew as well - my younger daughter loves going there - and is often to be found at the orchid special!
    Thanks for visiting already - yes, the cards are indeed all different - such different techniques - just didn't know what folks at the hotel would like best, so decided a great variety was called for!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  4. A very happy belated birthday to you. What a lot of lovely gifts you had.
    Annie x #16

  5. Happy Belated Birthday all the best are in June!! You had some lovely gifts. Love the look of the brush pens must investigate further as I have a water brush pen for paint that I use an awful lot. Have a good week Anickoana#14

  6. Snap Helen! I've just got those stamps and the pens look just right to go with them. Happy belated birthday sweetie and have a great woyww. Thanks for the visit to mine, Angela x18x

  7. Hey, get you..mega media star!! Well done for going on the radio..Lovely pics of the flowers as always and you were very restrained with the new purchases...
    Hugs, LLJ 13 xxx

  8. Happy belated Birthday Helen, Those birthday goodies look lovely... wine & chocolate what more could a lady want...Hmmm stamps of course love the new arrivals on your crafty desk... Have fun using them on the week ahead... May #11

  9. Happy belated birthday Helen, hope you had a lovely day. Just visited your Kew pics and also listened to your two minutes of fame - what a great experience, and I am popping back to radio station to listen to their guest Ian Hunter who I loved as a teenager - I drove my parents mad playing 'Once Bitten Twice Shy' over and over and over again - thanks for the link!
    Hope you have a great week and enjoy playing with your lovely new stash,
    Diana x #25

  10. Hi Helen, hope you had a great birthday. Love the stamps. Gorgeous flowers & pressies, and yes, that pot cover is way too good to throw away. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 XxX

  11. We have had temperatures into the forties, it has just dropped into the twenties and we have a couple of days with overnight rain forcast, so I have been really busy in the garden hoping to plant up some donated items ( bad time for replanting I know but i never look a gift horse in the mouth). Came to catch up on facebook and saw I missed your birthday - So Sorry and HAPPY BIRTHDAY - we will eat cake together when you come over for the retreat next year...

  12. Happy Birthday! lovely flowers. We need rain here, so send it along. Enjoy your new stamps and I'm curious about those brush pens!
    Robyn 3

  13. Belated Birthday Wishes To You, wonderful lady :)
    I'd have saved that cardboard cover too - its so pretty!
    Have fun with those lovely stamps
    Have a wonderful WOYWW Wednes-yay!
    Bubbles #1

  14. Happy birthday and many more! What great friends you have!!

    Have a great day!
    Diane F #30

  15. Will listen to your Glasshouse talk later - thanks for the link.
    Look forward to seeing how the pens work out, they look really interesting.
    Have a good week
    Christine #25 ish

  16. Happy belated Birthday Helen! You made out like a bandit! The gerbea is beautiful - I love that flower! and the Alum pic is gorgeous - fit for a card! Thanks for sharing, Lindart "39

  17. happy belated birthday, Helen! Those Ecoline brush markers are super fun :) Happy WOYWW xo Cheetarah #43

  18. A very happy belated birthday. You look to have some lovely presents
    Lynn 19-20

  19. I actually am amazed that you only bought the pens -- altho', as versatile as they are, they'd be a fine choice if only 1 thing were allowed. Happy WOYWW!
    Rose #22

  20. What a great desk. TFS Happy WOYWW xx Jan (31)

  21. Happy belated birthday! Enjoy your week. Great desk as always! Dorlene #36

  22. Lovely flowers. Enjoy trying out all your new stash. Thanks for calling by earlier.

  23. Happy belated birthday. Gerber daisies are my favorite. Can't wait to see what you do with your new stamps.
    April #3

  24. I love the blue and white of the flowers you got from work, delightful. Glad you had a good birthday despite working. Thanks for the visit BJ#28

  25. How lovely to b e spoilt on your birthday. Love the pretty flowers.

  26. Love those new JOFYs - looking forward to seeing those in action. And I'm dead chuffed that you've invested in mine too... thank you. I'm more than happy to be patient before you use them - I know you've got lots to play with!

    Belated birthday greetings - lovely flowers and I agree about the pot sleeve. Happily the BBC let you listen to the radio abroad, though not watch tv, so I've just had fun listening to you on the subject of the Palm House - well done you.
    Alison x

  27. Beautiful flowers! Hope you had a lovely birthday Helen!

  28. Hope you had a good day Helen. Love that photo of the seed heads...what gorgeous muted colours x

  29. Lovely stash!! And what wonderful birthday gifts - well deserved!! I have been thinking about getting the Jane Davenport pens - hadn't seen the ecoline ones!

  30. Hi Helen, this is just a quick comment as we're almost at another Wednesday and I'm just catching up. Belated Birthday Greetings! The flowers and pressies are all fabulous and I wouldn't be throwing out the pot plant sleeve either - it's just too lovely, as are the Allium seed heads - gorgeous! Elizabeth x #43

  31. You are such a temptress Helen! Naughty but nice - and I am going straight to that post.
    Love the new stamps, interested in the new pens/brushes and yes, I would have had to save the wrapper from the Gerbra - too pretty not to save.
    Off to your other blog now.
    Sorry I am so late - bad back - bed bound last week.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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