Wednesday 21 June 2017

WOYWW 420 the hot one

Welcome deskers to a very hot WOYWW .  Julia is away on her holibobs but hopefully leaving a linky to our weekly desk gathering here

England is in the grips of a heatwave (I don't like heat but am determined not to moan too much....!)  but it is as much as I can do to drag myself to work and back (no air conditioning in my office, I am not in the posh new one!) so no crafting has been done again..
I have managed to shop though!

Paperartsy are releasing some new stamps by some of their designers this week and so far I've ordered 3 lots (the two that have arrived here and a third in progress!)

hopefully you can make out the images in the two sets at the top, which are by Sara Naumann and will be great for journalling but all kinds of other things too. The bottom two are by Tracy Scott and are fab!
The big star on the set on the right, made me think of comics and the "wham" "pow" explosion type speech bubbles that they use in comics - although it could be that I saw them at the time that Batman (Adam West) died... or is it just the heat doing weird things to me?!

The cable is from my fan which is attempting to keep me cool (but really is just wafting warm air about)

I went to Kew again last Saturday, and took a gazillion photos of poppies (amongst other things) - I know several of you saw the link on Facebook but if you missed it, they can be seen here 
Neet, in answer to your suggestion, yes I do intend to make them into calendars one year!
Not sure when I'll be able to visit, depends on the heat - Wednesday today  is meant to be unbearable again! (I am writing this in advance on Tuesday night) I may have to wait till later in the week when it cools down.


  1. Hi My Lovely
    Thanks so much for correcting me on which week it is. Doh! I agree it is the heat, after-all it was early and I could not sleep.
    Sorry you are suffering with this heat. I am not really affected that much with being at home the whole time and it is lovely to have the patio doors open. Plus I think you have had it much hotter than we have here in the north of the country. Yesterday was lovely, a nice breeze which actually got quite wild at times. I just slept!
    Love those stamps - thanks for the alert - must investigate. Seeing Tracy this weekend, wonder if she will have them with her - might drop her a line
    Off to Kew for a few minutes now.
    Toodle Pip
    Hugs, Neet xx.

  2. A heatwave indeed Helen, lovely if you have air con, otherwise phew.........

    Love the Poppies.


  3. I think we are all struggling in this heat Helen but as you say we mustn't complain....I just keep my fans going.
    Annie x #16

  4. Hi there. Beautiful photo o the poppies. don't like it this hot but am fortunate not to have to go to work. Remeber doing it at such times - a classful of very hot, irritable children - was not fun at all. Anne x #17

  5. I am not enjoying this heat at all and I'm going to complain loudly!! Think I must have Viking blood in me :-D. That poppy pic is gorgeous, my favourite so far...though your alliums did run it close!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  6. Oh love the poppies. My wildlife garden seeds from last year have reseeded themselves and I have a pot of poppies myself. Did you know they close up at night??? Glad I reminded you of cards. BJ#5

  7. Funnily enough, you are not the only UK desker to mention the heat. It's a little cooler than yesterday, but not by much. Gorgeous poppy photo; you are so lucky to be so close to Kew. Sarah #28

  8. Hi Helen, loving the stamps. I get what you mean about the star type one. It could also be a great Christmas one too, I think. Doug doesn't get fazed by driving anywhere- he might get a tad pissed off when the sat nav leaves it a bit late with directions, though! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 XxX

  9. No heatwave here, Helen, we're in winter.. glad you're getting summer anyway. Love the dragonfly set the best out of your stamps, it's truly fab. Wonderful collection though and stunning poppies. Keep cool.
    Thanks for sharing your space!
    Shaz in Oz.x 24

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  10. Great WOYWW. Thanks for sharing xx Jan 31.

  11. Don't worry Helen I am moaning enough for the whole of England, even the nutters who are sat outside cooking in it! And no doubt I shall moan some more.

    You're right about those stamps - definitely a bit of retro Batman about them! You so have to do something like that with them! I double dare you!

    Carmen x Wait for it... #32!!! :D

  12. I love the new stamps. The Dragonfly is my favorite, but I get what your saying about the star one. I love your Poppy photo, its so nice that you get to visit there so often. Have a great week and try to stay cool.
    -K #34

  13. Ooh, love those new stamps - I'm really taken with the dragonfly and bee set - I think they are a must-have! The poppy pic is stunning, as are so many of your beautiful flower photos, I think they will make a spectacular calendar.
    Hope you have a good week - I think things are cooling down tomorrow (fingers crossed),
    Diana x #23

  14. Helen, you're lagging this week LOL! You're usually number 1 or 2, it was surprising to find you at #8. LOL We're having a heatwave over in Central CA too. UGH! Love the photo of the poppies. So vibrant and pretty! Happy week and try to stay cool. Dorlene #38

  15. Our office is hot too, we're not geared up for hot weather are we, although I love it when I can sit outside and do nothing!!
    Your new stamps look interesting but it was the poppy photo that really caugh my eye, they are so beautiful.
    Hugs Lisax #21

  16. Lovely new stamps, Helen, and what fabulous popppies - I adore poppies. Thank you for your sweet comment about our poor old kitties. I do hope we find some new babies soon - the place feels so dead without any cats.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #26

  17. Another warm one! Those poppies are stunning and a calendar would be fab! x Jo

  18. What cool stamps! They will be lots of fun to play with.

    Have a great day!
    Diane F #27

  19. Crazy hot weather but soon to change so they say so I expect to much cooler by the end of the week... Love the new stamps and those poppies are amazing... I have some in my garden giant ones, But your skill with the camera brings there true beauty out... Have a happy week ahead... May#21

  20. Enjoy your new stamps Helen, they look fab!

  21. Hello Helen,

    We are having a heat wave here too. It's terrible when all I feel like doing when I get home from work is sitting with my arms up in the air so my pits don't get stinky (haaa).

    Those are some nice stamp sets. I might have the top left one but am not sure.

    Thanks for visiting me. My link is now fixed so you can actually see what was supposed to be posted today!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (2)

  22. Hi Helen I will come back tomorrow and have a look at your photos but we've been out all day and just want to catch-up with a few visits. Still can't decide about those stamps but I have ordered the new Jofy collection. I do hope you show us how you use those stamps then I might just have to get them Lol! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x22x

  23. Loving the new stamps Helen, can't wait to seeing what you create with them.. I giggled when you mentioned the *wafting* fan as it's been the same here, circulating hot air really does nothing for anyone trying to cool down. Fingers crossed the rain comes soon.. and I look forward to seeing WOYWW next week. Hugs Tracey xx

  24. Helen, Love the new stamps. Have fun with them.

    Off to checkout your photos from Kew.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #15

  25. I wish it was a heatwave here too!
    When you get tired of it send it to me here in Sweden.

    :) Sussie nr 41

  26. I absolutely LOVE poppies! The paper artsy stamps look amazing too :) Happy WOYWW xo Cheetarah #36

  27. Hi, Helen and belated WOYWW wishes I didn't have the energy last night to go online or anything else after work. The stamps look ace, what excellent purchases. Your photo is beautiful, I take so many photos of flowers plants trees wherever I go.. not any good with people though! could frame those poppies YOU captured their delicacy perfectly.. looking forward to more delights from your Kew visits. I hope you are feeling a lot cooler it is here. I'm not a fan at all but can tolerate it ...just.Have a great weekend and hope it's cool enough to get some cards made Hugs Andrea #11

  28. Oh! All these new stamps - I have a list longer than 2 arms!! While I'm here I'll pop along to Kew! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. Looks like you will have fun with your new stamps. Love the color of the poppies. So lovely!

  30. Love those Sara Naumann ones - may well have to go shopping when I get back! The TS ones are very cool too - not in my style, but looking forward to seeing what you get up with them. And the poppies are stunning.
    Alison x

  31. After seeing your comment on my T Tuesday post, I went to your photo blog and typed in Chihuly, only to get zero results. I hope you find the photos you are looking for, because, for some reason, I think I remember the sculptures.

  32. I must have been thinking about the big red glass balls you showed last year. DUH!

  33. greedy girl TWO sets of comments! PML Happy WOYWWing, Dxxx @29

  34. Gorgeous new stamps! I really like the one with the dragonfly and the bee! I also love Poppies! What a great photo! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #39


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