Wednesday 5 April 2017

WOYWW 409 - Oxides are in da house!

well some of them anyway... finally!
a package was put on my desk at work on Monday with a comment "what have you been buying now?!"

it's worse than having to hide stuff from a hubby!

anyhow when I got home I unpacked them and staged the desk for you - together with some chipboard letters from The Works I picked up at the weekend, and some fabric washi tape..just because!

Another journal WIP - possibly another entry for the Paperartsy blue and ochre challenge if I get my act together in time

 (full details of this, the previous entry in the post beneath this one)

so whilst Monday's dinner was cooking I had a play with my new inks and a large tag...
just a basic let's see what it does play to start with... but so much so that I leapt onto the website to order some more

I wasn't going to get anything else from Oyster because of their slow service with these inks but the price was too good to miss.. loads cheaper than anywhere else (shows what a markup everyone is making) but they only had another 4 of the colours left in stock.

Saturday sees the bi-annual Ally Pally show (now called Crafting at Ally Pally) - can't wait to top up my stash supplies..............

Happy Desk Hopping Wednesday - see you at Julia's


  1. You did make me giggle with the *what have you been buying* remark Helen.. I always think if someone comments on your purchase its an incentive to order more :)) Hope you have fun with your Distress Oxides.. Hugs Tracey xx

  2. Must get my act together and get some of the Oxides. Missed out on them (and probably dem'ing them) at the weekend as I was away. Love the look of your tag!
    Love your journal page, is that lace or cut out flowers and is that string you have gong across the two pages? As what those two medias are they look very interesting and lovely.
    Hugs, Neet xx (right behind you)

  3. Love the colours of the distress oxides so spring and summery, must have a look at the website. I have no one to say 'What have you been buying now' so have to give myself a good talking to. I actually saw some original Washi tape this week as what I have been buying is from our Chinese shop where it is alot cheaper.but I reckon just as good. Have a good week will be posting later as I am all behind with having my friend here this last week. anickoana

  4. Still resisting the oxides. time will tell.
    robyn 3

  5. Funnily enough I received my Distress Oxides this week finally from the same supplier (I had ordered them at the end of January for a mid February delivery initially). I had ordered all 12 though, as at that price I wasn't missing out. Now I too can't wait for more colours; hurry up Tim. Aren't they fantastic. Love your journal page, especially the added texture of the lace/trimmings. I can't believe how early I am today. Sarah #4

  6. It seems your work mates know you well hehehe.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Annie x #7

  7. Your play session looks fantabulous - I've managed to resist (SO FAR!). Have a wonderful time at Ally Pally and say "HI" to my pal Lauren at the PA stand!

    Happy WOYWW


  8. Not sure about topping up H - your space must be rammed packed with stash already! Very much like your journalling, and the colour combo's really work well...sorry I didn't return your visit last week - excuses on my desk this week.... Dxxx #17

  9. Adore the brick and lace journal page such a mix of textures also soft and hard ideas and the string looks like barbed wire too. Love it. BJ#9

  10. Lovely journal pages, great textures - I love the lace bits against the subtle bricks. I am resisting the Oxides but it's getting harder when so many people are showing them on their blogs - they look great, and you are definitely tempting me but I'm holding out a bit longer!!
    Have a great week and I'm looking forward to seeing what you find at Ally Pally.
    Diana x #20

  11. Hi Helen, pleased you liked my card x I agree with you about Oyster they do seem slow but I was shocked at the difference in the price of their Oxides as it cost me about twenty pounds more for my full set. I have ordered a set of reinkers from them as they are also lots cheaper and as I'm not in a rush for them I don't mind waiting. Loving your desk today, the comment sounds familiar but I just don't listen as there are worse things you could be spending your money on and we are helping the economy Lol! Have a great crafty week and happy woyww, Angela x24x

  12. Inspiring journal page! I love the ochre and blue and would not have thought to put them together. Like how you incorporated the flowered ribbon, stenciling and string. Looking forward to seeing what eese you do with those distress oxide inks.

  13. How do you manage to always be number 1? And it seems every time I swing by there are new supplies, enjoy them; I like the white and blue page. Happy WOYWW Vicky #23

  14. Great examples of what you can create with those oxides. Love the work comment!
    sandra de @26

  15. Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot. I stopped myself going down the very expensive Tim Holtz road a few years ago - and now have the grand total of 2 of his inkpads in my stash, plus some card and a few alcohol inks. All of the new stuff looks fabulous, but having very little spare money does help me to resist. Those letters from The Works do look useful - might stretch to a set this month! Ali x #27

  16. oh no i have to go look now - I had two inks arrive yesterday but not played with yet - think i need more already! Enjoy ally pally . Soojay 28 xx

  17. You are going to have so much fun! Chrisx

  18. Hi helen, love the journal colours. the Oxides are very different to use, aren't they? Saw those letters in the Works yesterday, almost grabbed some, I know I will end up getting a pack, the price is a steal. Have a lovely week,and enjoy the Ally Pally show, Hugs, Shaz XxX

  19. Beautiful colours! Love the tag. Really pretty. The journal page looks stunning.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #34

  20. Great minds think alike-bought those letters from my local works .... had to spend the money on my card...
    Love those oxides, might have another try at buying some
    Enjoy your week, playing, and the weekend, shopping!
    Christine #18

  21. What lovely colours you've been working with - really fresh and bright! I'm liking those chipboard letters too, bet they were a steal. I was thinking of you at the Botanic gardens - obviously they're not a patch on Kew, but there was some interesting stuff there and the mountains and valley scenery around it was glorious :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  22. New toys! I can't wait to get my hands on those oxide inks! But as I am way behind in the times, I just got Dylusions Paints! Who know how long it will be before I can get some oxides! I hope you love them! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #38


  23. it's always exciting when a parcel of crafty goodies arrives and even better if they contain the distress oxides. I can't wait to get my hands on them.
    Love your journal page.
    Enjoy Ally Pally.
    Hugs Lisax #25

  24. Hi Helen, You'll have fun with your new stash. The Works do dies now as well. They are on their website.

    Love the tag and your journal page is nice.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #14

  25. Too funny about your coworker's comment. As long as you're using the products...who cares! Dorlene #37

  26. Interesting reaction to the Oxides, I shall be watching this space! I'm so glad you can get to Ally Pally, I've been feeling a bit sorry for you rgarding stash levels!! Have a fab time. X

  27. How fun when we get new stuff but a coworker asking about it? You must get most of your goodies delivered to work! Anyway, love the colors on your pages and tag!Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #31

  28. oooh fun stuff :) I laughed out loud about the note. ( one came to work today) hahahah. enjoy those inks Helen & thanks for the earlier visit, ~Stacy # 39

  29. Love what you did with your new inks.
    April #33

  30. I might have to break down and get some oxides, myself! Your journal is amazing. Thank you for stopping by and wishing me happy blogiversary! #42

  31. LOL the 'just because' comment made me laugh. Lots of goodies to play with. Creative Blessings! Kelly #44

  32. Ooh, lovely page with the blue and ochre - all that lacy texture is luscious, and I love your Oxide playtime tag - they really are fun, aren't they?
    Alison x


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