Sunday 2 April 2017

Blue and Ochre - Paperartsy colour challenge

The current Paperartsy challenge is, as the title suggests, a colour challenge.  What a gorgeous combination too.  You can see some fabulous DT suggestions here  and I really loved Kate Yetter's post on Friday and my dear friend Chris's altered book kicking things off on Monday7

I seem to be stuck in a journalling rut lately (nothing wrong with that!) and after a false start working on canvas I'd abandoned weeks ago I went back to a journal for my project today!

I started by glueing some strips of torn book page across the middle of the journal (it's my large A4 Seawhite one) and painting my ochre shade - I used Pumpkin Soup Fresco.  round the edges of this I blended on some Haystack
 I stencilled Midnight Fresco through my mini Tim Holtz brick wall stencil (first time out!) taking care to fade out the edges and not get it all the same solid colour..

I then glued some fibres (fab bargain from a Paperartsy sale bin at Stevenage) taking care to only use blue/ochre/beige colours

I left that drying while I went shopping (I used 3d matt gel so it needed some decent drying time)

I then mixed some Midnight Fresco into heavy white gesso and stencilled the 'art is' stencil randomly in some of the white space

I also added a bit of brick stencilling in Haystack to further blend it all in

 my focal point was going to be the lacy flowers (Noor designs, great find at Stevenage) and I happened to see across the room a pack of 7 Dots Studio papers that were bluey-yellowy in colour.
Tore a sheet into strips,
stamped some large scribbly circles (EEG15) in  Cobalt archival before placing the paper and lace

Took a black pen and wrote "live your dream" on the blank strips of paper...done

those lace flowers are so fab!

Linking up to the Paperartsy Blue and Ochre challenge here 


  1. love your pages Helen the colours look great's very pretty xx

  2. Liking the contrasts between bricks, lace, and twine Helen. Lovely pages. Xx

  3. Oooohhhh! Fabulous! Love that Helen. Lx

  4. Beautiful journal pages, Helen. I do love this colour combo! I really like the different textures you've used too. xx

  5. WOW, wow, wow. This is an experiment in textures with the lace flowers and twine. And it's a beautiful entry, too. I adore it and want to touch it, too.

  6. Brilliant step out Helen. I was dying to see how you created this when I saw it earlier. Then, when I was just starting to read your blog earlier, my iPad just suddenly closed down!! Only just got it going again. Grrr. I love the variety of textures on here set against that gorgeous background. This colour combo is just delicious isn't it? Brilliant entry Helen and Thankyou for the mention! xxxx

  7. Gorgeous! I love the swathe of colour across the page.

  8. Absolutely stunning the mix-media pages Helen, fabulous the blue and ochre background and really beautiful these laces focal point..I love the words you drew. xx

  9. LOVE this Helen! I absolutely MUST have that brick stencil - it's amazing! The whole page is fabulous xxx mwah x

  10. Great combination and contrast Helen, I especially love the lace addition.. such a great colour scheme. Thank you for sharing.. Hugs Tracey xx

  11. Great pages but love that string going across the middle, it looks fab xx

  12. These pages are quite stunning Helen. I love all the elements you have used and the composition is great but the special 'oooh' bit for me is the brick stencilling. It looks amazing the way you have shaded the colour and doing it in Midnight instead of Ochre, which I would have normally expected was a genius idea. I love it!

    Lesley Xx

  13. Wow Helen this looks fabulous! Such a clever way to add texture! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. This is gorgeous, helen, love the lace flowers,

    Lucy x

  15. Really fabulous page - lovely to see some more of the details in close up.
    Alison x


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