Wednesday 15 February 2017

WOYWW 402 - the haul from Sunday's trip

Hello and happy WOYWW-day... time to bare all (desk wise) once again...
The best day of the week... Desk day and half way to the weekend!!

so, as I showed in the previous post (here) I went to Stamperama on Sunday in Stevenage, and boy, did  my cards get a workout!

 two piles of goodies, as they don't all fit in one!
Stencils, paints, inks, twines, infusions..
and  stamps, laces, chipboard, flowers, a couple of dies...

Luvvly Jubbly!

and just in case you think I've bought all these new goodies for nothing - I am using them already!

another background in the journal, which may or may not be finished, it might get a focal image yet!

(stamps by Lin Brown for Paperartsy) Inks are Ranger archival in shades of bluey-green

the link for the desks, should you need it, is here


  1. Lovely new goodies to enjoy. Hav3 fun with it all hugs Nikki 4

  2. Morning Helen, thought you'd pipped me to the number 1 spot for a minute. I've been awake for an age already and was trying to find things to do before the family stir. One thing is making a list of possible birthday things to buy and your desk is a prime candidate for inspiration. Think I need to add a stencil or two (already added a brick wall embossing folder from Julia's last post in the week !!!) Oh and would you believe I have my "Follow your dreams" nightie on, just like your journal page. Typical someone just came and closed my door!! Probably husband he hates to wake early and I still have a cough, not even a "Happy Birthday!" Good job I have crafty friends who wake early. Hugs BJ#1

  3. Lots of lovelies here. Glad you had a great day at the show. Thanks for stopping by.

    Fiona #9

  4. Lots of lovely goodies hope you get time to open the packets and have some creative fun.
    sandra de @8

  5. Lots of lovely crafty goodies! Looks like inky fun is onit's way! Love the journal page too! Happy WOYWW! Anne #7

  6. Your desk rivals mine - and I was there for three weeks with the opportunity to buy, so you obviously were busy on the day of the show. So glad you were as I just love seeing what you have and this time you are showing us already what you are up to with it.
    Thanks for showing us and inspiring us to spend
    Lots of Love
    Neet (thanks for the visit to mine) 12 xxx

  7. Lots of goodies to fill your time or if you are like me when I buy things am always to busy to get at them. Have a good week experimenting with your stash.Ann

  8. Wow, you DID have fun at the show! I enjoyed reading your post, it ws good to see so many friends huh? That pile of new goodies is delicious, great that you've dived in already :-D.
    Hugs, LLJ 14 xxx

  9. Now that's what I call a card workout. What a lot if really lovely new stash you've got there today.
    Hope you have a fab week.
    Annie x #15

  10. Hi Helen, now I'm really jealous as I've not been to a show in ages. Looks like you had a good time. Thanks for the visit to mine, happy woyww and have agreat week too, Angela x17

  11. Wow. Lovely goodies especially the stencils. I'm excitedly waiting for a delivery of the new Distress Oxides and the last 3 packs of distress crayons! Happy WOYWW Sarah #25

  12. Hi Helen, saw the post the other day about Stamperama- and you definitely got yourself a haul there. Love the colour on the journal page. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxXxX

  13. So who get the stash queen crown this week you or Neet? LMAO -dx #24

  14. Sounds like a lot of fun! Lots of crafty goodies you got - almost makes me fall off the crafty wagon. I'm trying (and mostly succeeding) in not buying new purchases. Well, I've cut down lol

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #38

  15. wow, great new stash and good on you of jumping right in and using it already, have fun and have a great week, Vicky #22

  16. Wow, what a haul! I love everything in the first photo! And good use of your new toys on your journal page! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #40

  17. Hi Helen,

    Wow - you have some nice things on your desk! Great job on choosing fun stuff! Double bonus points for already using them too! Your journal page looks great.

    I'm going to my locally owned shop Saturday to take another class. I HAVE TO take an inventory of my Tim Holtz mini stamp pads before I go. I'd hate to have doubles.... well, maybe not!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (41)

  18. great new stash.

    Happy WOYWDW

    lilian b # 18

  19. Uh, oh, Helen! Whose plastic took a knocking then. Fabulous goodies - irresistible I'd say. Glad to see you are using them already. Hope you have a good week. Elizabeth x #35

  20. What a haul! Looks like you are going to have a lot of fun with all those goodies. Thanks for sharing with us. :) #44

  21. Wow! What fun to have all that to play with! I can imagine how excited you are! Patsy

  22. Oh my, that is a fabulous pile of goodies! Have FUN!!!

  23. Happy WOYWW. I used to buy that amount of stash at shows, but eventually my credit card got overpowered! Taking 3 years to pay it all off now, so it is good that I live too far west to get to shows now. You are definitely going to have lots of fun playing with it all. Ali x #26

  24. Great stuff! And you're already using them so SCORE! Happy WOYWW!

  25. Granted, I saw these in the last post, but I still have stencil envy. You got some wonderful goodies. I hope they were on sale at the show.

  26. I bet you will have hours of crafty fun with that lot Helen! Enjoy! xx Jo

  27. Lots of lovely new things to play with!! And that journal page looks great.

  28. WOw - just Wow - I have BIG stencil envy!!Well done you on finding such great stash , have fun . Thanks for your comment earlier in the week and sorry I am SO late in getting round to commenting . soojay 21 xx

  29. Such wonderful goodies you got there... I LOVE the stencils! Wowzah! Enjoy creating. Have a great weekend dear, hug from foggy HOlland. Marit #32

  30. I am very sorry about the incredibly late peek Turns out working on a Wednesday and joining in WOYWW don't go together - so I will just have to have Wednesdays off! Love seems to be in the air, really love the blue you have used. Your haul pictures are just making me itchy for the knit and stitch show - IN OCTOBER (wail). Thanks for sharing - EmbroidRage #6 x


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