Sunday 12 February 2017

Stamperama show, Stevenage - today

Hi all, just got home from Stevenage with some goodies (ahem!) from the show.

It was busy to start with but by 2ish had practically emptied... but we had a good time and met a few Twits (though not as many as sometimes sadly)  I didn't take as many photos as usual, either..
 an early cuppa and sit down.. Karen, Jo, Lewis (Caz's son) (man in purple no idea!) Miriam, Caz and Lin
 bit later we had another sit down.. only there weren't enough chairs so I took up my normal crafting position..

 you get a different view down here!
 but then I got a chair!
 Paperartsy was busy all day... no pics of the stand as there are new releases for the trade show next week, that we can't share with you yet..
 Lin, rocking the short hair!
 stash (1)
stash (2)

there is another one but I can't show that!

There were only 20 stalls there today, lots fewer than normal, and like I say by about 2 it had got quite empty (which did mean you could get in to look at the stock nicely!)

Looking forward to playing with some of this soon, but probably not today!


  1. Lovely to see so many friends and some of your new stash! Glad you had a fab time x

  2. Loving the look of your haul so far. Thanks for sharing Helen. One day I will make a meet up! 😊

  3. So lovely to see your photos helen, thank you. Sorry not to have been there. Lovely stash i would have bought those things too,

    Lucy x

  4. Memo to self....make sure to keep a smiley face when Helen is around with her camera....although the shot where I was "concentrating" on Lin's demo, my non-smiley face is blocked!! LOL!!! Lovely photos, shame we couldn't have had more PAtwits there but was good to meet up again. xx

  5. Great to see you... loved the catch up....and you've got good stash!

  6. Thanks for the report for those of us that weren't there Helen. Nice to see some PATwits and what gorgeous stash you bought! I hope I cab find a lot of what you have at Ally Pally. You've whet my appetite for it.....and I thought I was only going to see lots of friends, lol!

    Lesley Xx

  7. Yay what a fab post - so nice to see everyone. Looks like you've bought some fab goodies to play with -can't wait to see the secret stash photo after stitches! X

  8. Great to see everyone! Glad you had a good day and found some fab new stash.

  9. Hi Helen, some lovely new stash I see. Isn't it funny how often we end up sitting on the floor at these shows,lol. Hugs, Shaz xXx

  10. Great stash and thanks for sharing the photos of everyone x

  11. WOW, wow, wow. I have stencil envy. These are fantastic. I also like that you purchased white lace that can be dyed any color you choose. I enjoyed seeing everyone who went and the fun you obviously had. Most impressive stash. Still haven't seen infusions (or for that matter brushos) in person.

  12. Great blog post Helen. You always manage to capture the mood of the show with your pics and commentary. You bought some smashing things too. I do hope you have lots of fun playing when you have the time. xx

  13. Great shopping haul Helen! Glad you had a good day xx

  14. WOWser, fab pix and it looks like you had a great time - lovely selection of stash too


  15. Yummy stash as usual Helen, BJ

  16. Great photos Helen! Was nice to see you and the Twits today :-) x

  17. Thanks for keeping us all in the mix Helen. Some great purchases there! Xx

  18. Always good to meet up with friends and spend some cash on such wonderful looking stash! Looking forward to seeing where you use them! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. NIce new toys to play with, and nice photos of you all chatting. Shame to hear it was so low on stands, and emptyish for half the day too - doesn't bode well!
    Alison x

  20. Small show but bet you still had a great time especially as Paper Artsy were there and by the look of the stash I have no doubts that you did. I really need a show fix Lol! Just back from the Gym, trying to get back into it after my cold though the cough hasn't quite gone yet but I did go in the pool today, first time in ages. Have a great week, Angela xXx


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