Wednesday 25 January 2017

WOYWW 399 ... more new stuff!

Hi and welcome, it's Wednesday again, time for Julia to muster the troops at the Stamping Ground for WOYWW
I think I managed to visit everybody last week apart from the Google + sites that won't let me comment (I just looked!) which is the first for a long time.
So, my desk.. (oh, for a proper desk!)
 I'm going up to Long Eaton in Nottingham on Saturday for a Powertex workshop and am amassing things I need to take - apron, train tickets are the most important... but also some birthday presents as two of the girls have birthdays this week...
the lacy trims and bits are to take in case they can be incorporated into the project.

the bright green notebook (and another blue one underneath) were donated from a lad at work - just ordinary thin paper lined notebooks.. Did I want them... of course I did...
Love it when everybody saves stuff for me!!

but, new stuff, the title promised.  I didn't mean the notebooks..

Paperartsy have launched a huge new release of products, you may have seen ... I "may" have ordered....
5 sets of stamps (oops) and 4 stencils...
whilst I was ordering the stencils, I checked out the modelling paste that I had had in my "basket" for a week or so...
You may notice that two of the stencils have been used...

Yes, this is a "staged" shot... I tried to rotate the original photo but messed something up and couldn't, so I had to get the stuff out again and re-do the photo....
I have used some of the stamps too, but for now they are still living in their packets (that won't be for long)
I haven't got any further with the Finn style canvas from last week, haven't decided how many gazillion flowers to put on it!  (did laugh at Julia's comment!) and it will probably be after the weekend now.
I'll show you what we did at the workshop, after Saturday - it will probably get a post of it's own. Watch this space.  Till then, happy WOYWW


  1. Saw some gorgeous stamps (new) and samples using them at the trade show in Phoenix. So I might be having to join you on the pre-ordering stage.
    Full of envy for your Powertex weekend which sounds good fun if the past ones are anything to go by. Enjoy and show us the results as well as the antics.
    Hugs, Neet (in America)

  2. Look at those fab stamps & stencil's.
    I like the hexagon one & think I just might have to have that .
    Happy woyww Jill #4

  3. Bonjour Helen! I used to work in Sutton! I love your creative space andlook at all those lovely stamps and stencils! Looks like you are up for some fun! Anne #7

  4. Oh my lordy! What a delectable arrangement of goodies on show here. I have been oggling CHA 2017 videos and have seen so many things I want to buy!We get them much later over here, but I guess I could order them on line.
    I'd love to delve into Dyan Reaveley's journals!They look so bright and inviting.
    have a good rest of the week.

  5. Hi Helen. You did indeed pip me this week.. well done number 1!I was somewhat busy drinking an early morning panad before popping back to the computer to see if Julia had posted...
    Your floor looks great - have a wonderful time at the powertex workshop - enjoy. It is such fun - and amazing generosity - when folk give us things, isn't it? I too, have been blessed with that this week - a pile of fabric for machine embroidery and bag-making, LOTS of fantastic reels of shiny machine thread, some card blanks, embroidery threads. I shall, I'm sure pass some on, because at my advanced age I should never get through everything in my lifetime!! Teehee.
    Have a great week and thanks for already visiting.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. What fab new stash Helen. It always amazes me how you craft and create on the knees just ache thinking about it.
    Hope you have a good week.
    Annie x #13


    Have a great time at Powertex work shop, Loving your new stamps Some lovely stash there,

    Lilian B #14

  8. FAB looking desk, deeply envious of your PA haul - ENJOY!

    Happy WOYWW


  9. I'm in awe of you heading to a Powertex workshop. I first read about Powertex on Angela's blog, and got interested. Not sure we can even get that here in the States.

    You and Chris are going to put those new flowers and monsters stamps through their paces. But it's the stencils that had my heart going pitter patter. And those notebooks are really nice, too. Most don't have the bookmark and cover holder like those. You scored in both the freebie and purchasing areas.

  10. Mm part of me cant help wondering that IF you had desk or tale to work on whether you would just end up on the floor anyway Helen!!! well done on numero uno! :D
    mm the new stash does look inviting well staged indeedy! and yes think the powertex sounds really great..

    ah the note books would you believe I have orange one, a blue one and pink one!!! curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say. I did buy mine though.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #15

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  11. Enjoy your workshop and looks like you are already having some fun with your new goodies.
    sandra de @23

  12. Hi Helen, love those stamps and stencils! Especially the one with the hexagons.
    Those Mixed Media dies- the one I have the most trouble with is the Lattice one. Total nightmare, I have to shim it, and still rotate it round to get a good cut, But, I think that goes back to what I was saying about less pressure in the centre of my 'Bug. But all the shimming and rotating then leaves a slight dent from the die around the shape, but looking at others on Pinterest, it seems to do that for everyone. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  13. Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot. Enjoy your workshop and remember to take the apron/train tickets! Fab new crafty stash. Those stamps are glorious. Ali x #30

  14. Lots of wonderful new stamps - love Paperartsy. Their stamps are so unique and playful. Have fun on the workshop!

    Sharon K #35

  15. New stamps, new stencils and a workshop ahead... your week will be fabulous for sure! Enjoy, enjoy! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #27

  16. I can't wait to see what you do with all the PaperArtsy goodies!! Have fun Saturday. And thanks for stopping at my WL post. I've adopted a "close my eyes and jump" philosophy for the lessons...if I can, you can!
    Have a great week!
    -K #37

  17. modelling paste ( soft light) and gesso - clear white and black - are my staple products I buy them in industrial qualities - when you add colour to the paste once it has dried the vibrance is amazing... dxx #39

  18. Love the look of the new stash. I use modelling past a lot through stencils too. I like the fact that you can make it any colour with the addition of acrylic paint. Happy WOYWW Sarah #37

  19. Love the new stash .... exciting times ahead.
    Your desk .... at least you can move around and start on a fresh piece of carpet!! Love the idea of you going round in circles looking for a 'nice' piece of carpet pattern!!!!

    Have a good week

    Christine #20 ish

  20. Fab post H! Love those PA stamps! Happy WOYWW! Crafty hugs Sez x

  21. fortunately for my retirement fund (LOL) I can live vicariously through your desk!
    robyn 8

  22. Love your new stamps and all the rest of your goodies! You are lucky to go to a workshop! Have a lovely time and tell us about it!

  23. Oh dear, I'm having stamp envy--and I don't even really properly use most of my own stamps. But oh my, those are so cute! Happy WOYWW!! Sandy Leigh #45

  24. I LOVE those new Paper Artsy stamp sets! Must go and have a peek over there! Stencils are slways good - I use them on practically everything these days! Great "desk", thanks for sharing! Lindart #48

  25. Powertex - hmmmm will have to google that one. Looks like you are one busy lady
    Darlene #51

  26. Thanks for visiting. You really staged that well. I cannot imagine working on the floor,you must be very careful so as not to "put a foot in it". I now have to look up powertex. it sounds like a light company from texas!
    Monica #36.

  27. New stamps & stencils - so FUN!! Hope you enjoy the workshop on Saturday!

  28. Oooh lots of lovely new stash, Helen. I've been following the PaperArtsy new stuff on their blog, too, and can't wait till I can get my hands on the new range of Infusions... Hope you have a really great time at the Powertex workshop. Thank you for your lovely comment and I'm glad you like all my recent efforts. Last week was quite busy and I'm really tired again now...

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #31

  29. Thanks for sharing your great WOYWW and visiting my blog xx Jan (33)

  30. Oh Helen, wish I was going with you, so love Powertex and you will have a great time. Look forward to seeing the results. Have a great woyww, Angela x 19

  31. Enjoy your workshop and have fun 'playing' with all that new stash. Thanks for calling by earlier.
    Bernice #15

  32. I'm interested what Powertek is and look forward to seeing your project. I do love when people bring me things too. Of course most times it just added to my already huge pile of "nothing". Thanks for visiting me too. Dorlene #49

  33. wowza, that is a lot of new stuff, you will be having loads of fun with those no doubt. I also like it when people save things, I can use everything :-) Thx for your visit, vicky

  34. Hi Helen, You'll have fun with your new stash.

    Hope you enjoy the workshop.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #18

  35. Was a little jealous of your new stash, but then went to Lidl this morning and on offer was stencils, washi tape and craft papers. this is bliss for me in this area of Spain. Have a good time with your new stash.

  36. Good morning, Helen! Yay for using your new purchases already. YOu can't feel guilty about purchases if you're using them... that's my motto. :-) Thank you for the stop-in this week. Have fun at the art event. Creative Blessings! Kelly #42

  37. Thanks for visiting, Your desk has some lovely new items.I like those Paperartsy stamps. Enjoy the weekend sounds fun

  38. I wish I had lads gifting me things too! Have fun on Saturday. Thanks for the visit BJ#27

  39. Glad to see that you're stocking up on biscuits for the gruelling weekend ahead! The pink bags look lovely, nice and friendly. Desk, floor, whatever, am fascinated that we both use our work areas to corral the bits we don't want to forget...seems we have a comfort zone for that too!

  40. Love the photo of the new goodies & I'm glad you've had a chance to use some of them. Have a great time on Saturday.

  41. ooooooh gorgeous stamps and I'm totally intrigyed by the Pwertex workshop .... have fun and don't forget to tell us al about it :o) Annie C #11

  42. Hope you get to do some Wanderlust stuff soon :) I've enjoyed the first few weeks very much!

  43. Can;t wait to see what you create at the Powertex workshop, we have been busy working with ours again at home - love Powertex!

  44. Love the look of your new purchases. Wish i was coming with you today but look forward to seeing what you make,

    Lucy x


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