Wednesday 18 January 2017


Hello and welcome back to another Wednesday.. Julia is hosting WOYWW again and I see when I popped over to check the week number, that she's updated her blog - looking good, Missus!

Anyhow, my desk  floor awaits your inspection.
 3rd desk of the year, and new stuff!!
I was killing time before my haircut on Saturday and found myself in Rymans stationers.. dangerous... very dangerous.

not 1 not 2 but 3 new journals.. although one to be fair is just a thin sketchbook (I liked the weight of the paper, will probably use it for the pages)
and some stamps.  a new Paperartsy set for the new year of Wanderlust classes.. had to be done!
Incidentally, Paperartsy have released a whole HEAP of new stamps/stencils/infusions and re-issued some discontinued paints... I am  broke already - hopefully by next week's instalment there will be loads to show you!! (one order on the way, another one being processed....and I am sitting on my hands to stop myself putting in another one tonight!)

this is the final WIP from last week (the other two are finished and full details available here  - in the post below this one)

This is the one that was going to be a Finnabair inspired canvas.  got a bit out of hand with the colour (prima colourbloom spray mostly) over what was there already.   so now I am not sure...
I had got as far as picking out some metal embellies to use on it.. but have put them away for now.
I may as you see, just go flowery instead, I have about a gazillion paper flowers I could use!
(and if I use up a load, I can buy more, right?!) the pack to the left of the canvas that is reflecting the light so badly so you can't really see it, is a pack of feathers.  just the right colour for what I was thinking.. so they may feature, too.

That's it for me today, will catch you all soon.. failed to get round the list last week what with one thing and another!


  1. Had to laugh that you are broke. I seriously doubt that, but I really want your craft budget for a single month. I'm loving the Everything stamps. Of course, those new journals look good, too.

    I'm not playing this week, but I loved looking at your floor desk. Gotta LOVE that red liner tape!

  2. Good morning Helen. You are probably the only desk I shall have time to visit before I go fill up with fuel, pick up a friend, and head for the hills. Having a day in the Lake District... hope a bit of snow is still visible!!
    Love the new letters. Have fun with the page. Glad you managed to finish everything else... on to new things - with lots of now stash by the sound of it!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  3. I love new craft stashes... it's always so exciting to think oooooo I'd love that... and watch my want or need list grow. My craft pennies were channeled into flights to Aberdeen for next weekend...and then I saw someone local selling a Big Shot with dies for only £30!! Hubby gave me a look then gave me the monies... he knows my Cuttlebug is getting older and may not last forever.

    Have a lovely week x
    Erika #3

  4. Happy WOYWW. I was tempted by Wanderlust, but had already signed up for Life Book - and decided to not take on too much this year. Planning to do Wanderlust next year instead. I am mostly not spending on crafty stash this year, mainly because I have spent too much in the past few years and need to pay my credit card off. It is strangely satisfying to make do with what I have got - and stash that has not been used is now proving to be very popular. I saw on Instagram the fab new PaperArtsy stuff - at least it is my birthday next month and hoping to get a voucher. Ali x #7

  5. Loving the crafty goodness in your post!

  6. I love seeing all your new stash and the gorgeous things you do with it all. Have a fun week.
    Annie x #13


    I know what you mean it is tempting when you go near somewhere that has craft goodies. Like the canvas,

    Lilian B #14

  8. A trip to Rymans, dangerous? Who'd'a thunk it?!?!?! I like your style, buying three - that's how I buy my card there too .... on three for two!

    Happy WOYWW


  9. Hi Helen, just linked in at Julias, nice new blog but for some reason my web browser wont find the comment box, I know where it should be but it's just not there! Off for a bit of skiing now. I may be away from home but have already ordered some new Paper Artsy Stamps, naughty me! Have a great woyww, Angela x 9

  10. Stationary shops are even more addictive than craft shops. I love a new notebook or sketchbook and I am loving the stamp set. Have a great week. I also can't comment on Julia's blog.
    sandra de @19

  11. Oh I know what you mean about Rymans, I love it, in fact any stationers shop is irresistible to me! Lucky you getting a whole load of new stash! I love the canvas, and especially the colour of those feathers - they will look stunning against that background.
    Have a great week, and enjoy your new stash when it arrives,
    Diana #20 x

  12. Happy woyww Helen ,
    We don't have a stationery shop locally.
    Jill #24

  13. Everyone seems to have had a makeover, think its time I did one too! Trying not to look at the PA new releases, though I'm pretty sure I shall get tempted! Happy WOYWW - Cindy (forgot number but you'll find me!)

  14. Hi Helen, I've been casting my eye over Tims new releases! Was not crazy about a lot of the stamps, but those Distress Oxide pads? Now that's another story. Nice goodies you snagged for yourself, browsing is possibly the most expensive pastime ever, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  15. I'm trying to be really good this year, although having seen Tim Holtz's sneak peeks for the next few months it will be difficult to resist. I love the new Groovi plates from Clarity too! Happy WOYWW Sarah #29

  16. Lovely journal page. I had to laugh at you in the stationer's shop. I'd be the same way. I am beginning to realise that I have far too much stuff and am trying to weed some out. That also means using what I have and (trying) to stay away from buying any more!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #37

  17. Love the work and a trip to any shop with paper in it is dangerous for us crafters

  18. Hiya H! I caved and bought the EEA05 stamps too! Such versatility. You doing Wanderlust2017? Have a happy WOYWW! Crafty hugs Sez x

  19. Your broke, are you Helen! Isn't that the norm for us crafters - so many new goodies, so little money :) I enlarged the pics to see the feathers and the colour is lovely, looks perfect for your page. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #21

  20. I forgot to put my No! haha! Sez X #42

  21. Love your piles of paint, gesso, mediums, inks, etc, surrounding you on your desk! I love Paper Artsy stamps, and have to keep myself from hopping right over there right now to see what the new stamps are. I haven't allowed myself to buy new stamps for awhile, although I have no problem with people giving them to me! You will see why when you visit my blog! Have fun with your new stamps and journals! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #47

  22. I am loving some of the new stamps over at PA..will be relying on you to show me what you do with them before I break my 17 day old stash diet! Like the start you've made; I think using a gazillion of the flowers may make it look a bit overdone?!!!

  23. Ooooh, Rymans is a tempting place - what is it about stationery shops? Julia can't resist a good riffle through paper and envelopes either! And as for notebooks, well... a girl just can't have enough :-D. Hope you have fun with your new purchases!
    See you in a couple of weeks,
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  24. Great workspace. TFS xx Jan 52

  25. Love those PA letters (on my list of course!) I have had to pace myself as we had a big bill to pay! Hoping my first set ordered arrives tomorrow! Love Rymans journals! Looking forward to seeing more happen to your WIP too! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. Love the flowers, but then am into flowers at the moment. Thanks for the visit. BJ#34

  27. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has to sit on my hands when new craft stuff comes out - since the new SU spring/summer catalogue was released I've had great difficulty stopping myself from buying half the catalogue!! Have fun 'playing' with all the new supplies,
    Bernice #57

  28. That's a lot of mediums. Yes stationery shops are dangerous for me too x JB #27

  29. Sounds like you had a nice little bit of shopping & finding bargains! :) It is difficult to be in a crafty store without picking up a little something, isn't it!! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Enjoy your new goodies!

  30. Love the new stash and that gorgeous canvas too. I am already salivating at the idea of a new range of Infusions - they are definitely on my Wish List!! One of them is called "slime" which creases me up! Thank you for your visit and thanks - the tooth is much better today, and I'm hoping it won't flare up again. As for the cardboard tube project, not sure when I shall embark on that because when studio time permits, I really should be getting on with my UFOs.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #40

  31. There's always so much to buy, I think we're all broke! Have a wonderful week! Dorlene #48

  32. Oh I have to stay out of craft stores, my resistance is always so low after the Christmas rush. Three new journals means you have lots of wonderful expressive thoughts & ideas to capture. ... Mary-Lou #26

  33. Ooh, good luck with your Finnabair-inspired project. I love the look of her work. Glad you found new goodies to acquire. Thanks for your visit & happy WOYWW! ~ Laura

  34. Pretty new stash eventually there comes a time when we try to just use up what we have to make room for the new stuff hugs Nikki

  35. always nice to have new stash, thx for your visit and have a great week, Vicky

  36. Hi Helen, Love your page. Looking forward to seeing how you use your new stash.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #22

  37. Happy WOYWW! I haven't gotten that stamp set---yet! So far the US Suppliers don't have it. I did pick up 2 from last year's WL, and can't wait to use them. It's probably a good thing PaperArtsy isn't very prevalent over here! I love the start of your canvas also. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by.
    -K #38

  38. Yes, yes, the alphabet - a must-have (soon)... Loving that WIP canvas with its beautiful sweeps and swirls of painty texture. Looking forward to seeing if you pursue the floral path...
    Alison x

  39. It could still be a Finn page, it looks lovely.
    Oh dear, more spending, why the heck not. Will be seeing Leandra at Creativation - so will say Hi from you.
    Hugs & Thanks for visiting me whilst I am in a different time zone xxx

  40. Gasp! I can't believe you manage to work on the floor, don't think I could do it these days - though it would be like having a realy GIANT desk and stuff does end up on the floor all around me anyway ... hmmmm ... Love the stamp set, I was particularly tempted by that one too and will probably succumb at some point when we see them being used so effectively on Wanderlust. Stamps are never a waste of money, as long as you use them, they're so versatile. Love the beginnings of your canvas, hope you will show us the finished result next time :o) Annie C #53

  41. Hi Helen!
    Thank you for the stop-in this week. don't you just hate when our favorite companies release tons of new stuff at once? How do they expect us to keep up? Look forward to seeing what you make. Creative Blessings! Kelly #41

  42. You sound so much like me...My DD and I had a discussion the other day about my digging through the discontinued bin for stuff I just can't live know at 80% off I think that is motivation enough to dig. I love having stuff around and if I can get it for less then I am that much happier. I bought two more mixed media pads the other day for journaling....YAY! Sorry I am so late getting around but...I made it!!! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my desk earlier! Vickie #54


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