Wednesday 7 December 2016

WOYWW 392 - the little pile is growing..

Not a lot happening on my floor today, (well Tuesday night) but I did crack on with the card production at the weekend...
it's Wednesday and time to share our workspaces at Julia's once more..
I was having a chat on Twitter on Sunday morning (early) and ended up getting out of bed to count up how many cards I had made and how many I needed... cue immediate get up (I can't craft in my pj's!) and got on with it...

 this is the result - the total, didn't do all these on Sunday, that would have been pushing it!  but the pile on the right is Sunday's

I think I need about another 8 or so...
so not bad.  I bought the stamps on Saturday... anyone want to write them for me?  Plus, who's doing my gift shopping for me???

as the workmat is bare, this is a side look at the storage area (the tidy one!)
the box with the tube map on is full of Paperartsy stamp sets (and so is the spotty one underneath it....) and the little box to the left is full of Paperartsy mini stamps... the two transparent boxes hold Fresco paints (and some Pebeos) and the blue box under that, other paints... the wooden boxes behind that are double deed and hold my wood mounted stamps, and the coloured drawers hold all kinds of ink pads (old ones!)
Most of you have seen this shot before, but probably not for a while..
The cold is more or less gone, that wasn't too bad, the cough is of course lingering and driving me mad!

I probably won't have much time for desk visiting till about Friday, as it is the work office Christmas do on Thursday (an early afternoon tea then an evening meal, all up in London somewhere - will let you know next week!)  so Wednesday night will be spent getting ready.  or snoozing on the sofa like normal.... so I'll see you soon.


  1. Helen, you put me to shame with all those Christmas cards - you must do another count up and let us know how many you did make.
    Enjoy your party or should I say 'parties' as it sounds like a full day of merriment. Your boss certainly treats her staff well. Looking forward to seeing the party photos, especially as you now have the new hairdo which I love.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. Hello Helen. That is some pile of cards you have finished...... and more so lots of writing to get done. I love your stamp storage and the one that holds your mini stamps is super. Have fun this week with your outings .Hugs ~ Anne L#3

  3. Just popped in to say hello Helen as don't seem to have been by in a while, typing is still a problem so apologies.

    Whatever weny wrong at the weekend ??

    B x

  4. Wow that's an amazing pile of cards you've made. I've been doing the same but thankfully mine are now posted so I can now start my shopping!! I've done a lot of making of gifts but still have a lot of buying to do so I'd best get cracking.
    Annie x #12

  5. Nice pile of cards there. I still have a few to make like you but nearly there. Have a great Christmas do, you deserve it. Not long now till the big day either, time is running away with us. I know how busy you are so big thanks for the visit to mine. Happy woyww,
    Angela xXx 14

  6. That is a great collection of cards and an amazing memory to remember what you have in all those boxes and drawers.
    sandra de

  7. I wish I had that many made, and I still have to buy most of the gifts :-( Have a great time in London. Anne x #16

  8. Good job on getting so many cards finished. Time seems to fly by and every bit helps. Enjoy the weeks adventures. Safe travels.

  9. Hi helen, nice to get a guided tour of your workspace. Cards look like they're coming on a treat. Back from appt, still not got a date! Surgeon not in clinic, saw a registrar, who has to speak with the surgeon about a date, so not exactly a happy bunny. Does look like it may well be mid Jan, as they have no surgery list next week, and then it's Christmas week. Oh well, it is what it is, and thats all. Have a great time at your works do, Hugs, Shaz xx

  10. That's a huge heap of festive loveliness! But as much as I adore getting Christmas cards, writing them is a pain. Still, it's gotta be done and I am working my way through them. Hope you have a wonderful time hitting the town for the Christmas bash!!
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xxx

  11. Nice to see your pile grow higher. I resorted to bought cards with added sparkle as I had a much more pressing experience this week..... BJ#20

  12. You have got a lot of cards done! I'm on a Christmas roll but have got the ones I needed done - thank goodness. Some are going in the post today. Love your pile of organised boxes, sounds like a lovely lot of stamps.

    Have fun at the work do.

    Sharon K #21

  13. Wow! What a great pile of cards! The ones I can see look awesome. I always like other people's cards better than my own! I wonder if that is universal? Have fun at your party! Thanks for sharing Lindart #26

  14. Wow, Helen, you are really going to town with your cards! I am hoping to have some time to create today. Enjoy this special season! :-)

    Create With Joy #5

  15. Crikey H, you made a lot of cards in one afternoon...I really must try harder! I womder what percentage of your entire collection the PA stuff it's more than any other marque. Really would love to go through your wood mounts. But in the basis that you aren't likely to give them away, I guess it's a pointless wish, just make me covetous!!!

  16. My goodness, Helen, that's a lot of cards. Well done indeedy. I can never imagine how you can work on the floor - I could never do it! Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you enjoyed a good read on my blog! Lots going on at the moment. I've been having fun with that project, and also cooking up the new recipes!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  17. Wow, I usually make about 50 cards, but this year it didn't happen. Woot! Woot! to you for getting them done! I must have a desk try sitting on the floor here and dogs and cats will be right there to 'help!' Thanks for the visit!

  18. I am feeling pretty good about my Christmas cards, as I did them all through the year. I have most of them mailed, too. I couldn't do them all at once like you did. I am happy that you were able to get so many done. Happy WOYWW! #24

  19. You're doing well with the Christmas cards Helen! I'm hoping to make a few more today :-)

  20. That is one huge pile of Christmas cards Helen. I salute you! Loving your neat and tidy storage. My fingers are itching to riffle through all those lovely PA goodies :oD If only I could reeeachhhhh..... Lx

  21. Hi Helen, That is a big pile of cards. Hate to think how much the postage will be.

    Looks like you have a good stock of stash, ready for more projects.

    Glad your cold is going and hope the cough does as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    sue #23

  22. Oh my goodness... that's a LOT of work you got managed there, and you still found time to visit my blog last week... you must be superwoman! Have a relaxed weekend dear, you deserve it! Hug from Holland, Marit #19

  23. Wow - you are going great guns. Maybe you've even done the final eight by now?! I need to rethink some storage in my room, so it's good to see how others do it... I'm just too used to having the bottles right there next to the desk to grab - does it not annoy you having to open up the boxes for the paints all the time?
    Alison x

  24. I have literally just returned from a visit to the post office where I posted all my overseas cards, and bought a dozen second class stamps for the UK (already got a dozen at home) - and was robbed to the tune of just about £17! There was only about 8 overseas cards, too! Ridiculous....

    I can recommend the purchase of a Dymo Labelwriter - put all your addresses in the address book on your PC and just click and print whenever you need them. I swear by mine!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Morti @10

  25. You leave me breathless! And then all the envelopes to write too....

    I hang my head in shame as I confess to sending an email card nowadays, albeit with a photo of something I have made.

    All best wishes for the festive season


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