Wednesday 30 November 2016

WOYWW 391 - post crop and nearly December!

Morning deskers... Some of us were lucky enough to meet up last Saturday at the WOYWW crop - thanks as ever to Julia and Jan and all the men who helped... reports here (mine) and here (Jan's) and many others...  it was lovely to meet Erika and Margaret who were new to the crop.
There are one or two pics that didn't make my report...
my desk Friday morning pre-packing....!
and once home and everything was away.... here is my deskonthefloor now!
 I collected some stamps that Julia had put aside for me from clearing her Mama's stash...

and some atc's and tree decoration from Mary-Anne from the crop - I am ashamed to say the thought didn't even cross my mind this time!

thanks to Christine, Mary-Anne, Dolores, Erika and Margaret.

and in between making Christmas cards (mostly the grumpy penguins - happy enabling) I did finish the journal page that so many of you thought was finished as it was... well it could have been finished... but I felt it was crying out for a Paperartsy monster - talking to PearshapedChris at the crop, she said she'd cut one out and crossed his legs.... the idea was born.

I had a JoFY Paperartsy Christmas set with me... a bit of tweeking with the inking of the word and....

ha!!  couldn't resist!   NOW it's finished!!

I had to nick this picture that Jan took of me and Chris at crop, just before I left...
love it.  you can just see my fave over the knee suede boots too!

See you at a desk near here very soon!   head to Julia for the link
oh, and I seem to have come down with a cold since the weekend... if any of you from Saturday end up with one too - I am really sorry!!


  1. Oh dear, so many colds about - and they seem to be ending up on people's chests so be careful.
    Does the journal page say what I think it says? Wonder who thought that one up??? LOL
    Not surprised you had to include that photo of you and Chris but I smiled more at a memory of when I wore over the knee boots - in days when we wore mini skirts but that is another story and probably before your time.
    Hugs, Neet xx 2

  2. Ahhh great post Helen, must admit I'm enjoying pickies of crop and love the stamps too gifted to you!! Kind Julia, indeed! Smiled at your addition to your now finished page.take care with that cold.
    Happy WOYWW!!
    Shaz in Oz.x #4

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  3. Glad you had such fun at the Crop! Those stamps are great, and cute page in your book.Sorry you've got a cold.
    Thanks for the visit and comment.
    Judy # 9

  4. Morning Helen, I heard about the man with his legs crossed, it sounded like you all had a very fun day on Saturday. That's a lovely picture of you and Chris.
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #11

  5. You and Chris look like top models for a design magazine. I LOVE that photo of you two. Your boots are killer! And you made out like a bandit with those ATCs. Since the crop was pushed ahead so much, I didn't have a chance to send any to Julia to pass out to people.

  6. Hi Helen, great post and gab photo. Have a good week and happy woyww, Angela x 17

  7. I really enjoyed all the crop pics. It's so lovely that soooooo many friendships have been made thanks to the blogging world. Life should be full of days like that.
    Annie x #12

  8. Oh I am sorry that you're full of cold :-(. Stay in and keep warm. That monster journal page made made hoot - I didn't realise at first how you'd tweaked the sentiment!!
    And you looked amazing on Saturday, those boots were fab - I really love that pic of you and Chris!!
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xxx

  9. As a newbie to the crop myself, it was so much fun to meet so many fabulous "deskers" - here's to 2017 ... and thanks for posting your fab pix following the crop too

    Happy WOYWW


  10. Hi Helen, awesome pic of you and Chris. Love it! Grabs the WOYWW circle of friendship perfectly. Love the monster card too- very clever.I never gave a thought to ATC's either, so you're not alone. Hope the co;d is a bit better. Have a lovely week,Hugs,Shaz #10 xxx

  11. Great time had by all ... the photos say it all.
    sandra de @24

  12. What a great time it was! Just realised I forgot my ATC pics - will have to go back and add them! Hope the cold gets better soon! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Lovely picture of the two of you. It must have been so much fun meeting up with fellow WOYWWers. Love the journal page - such fun!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #33

  14. Helen your picture is fab and those boots are hot! You go girl, creating such beautiful things. Thanks for sharing. Sandy Leigh #38

  15. Hi Helen, I've so enjoyed reading the posts about the WOYWW, tinged with regret that I couldn't be there this year - again. I'm sure I'll make it one day. Love, love, love that 'serendipity' stamp - my favourite word of all time!!! Your desperate monster made me laugh :) appy WOYWW and have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #39

    PS: great photo of you and your fellow model, Chris!

  16. Your post is so fun! I love all the photos and that card...hilarious!!! It looks like you had a great time at the crop and how fabulous to meet some other WOYWWers. Cool! Dorlene #40

  17. Lucky y'all! and thanks for taking me with you!
    robyn 3

  18. Hee Hee I am grinning from ear to ear Helen, the bug/monster page is so fun and so are your cute boots too. ( You guys look like you are totally ready for mischief) :) thanks for sharing, ~Stacy #36

  19. Looks like you had a fab time!! The journal page does look finished now - cute little monster! I think I have those new stamps you have, too! The Seth Apter stamps look awesome! Glad you guys can get together! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41

  20. I love the frog - your page is now perfect, and it made me laugh! I'm loving the pics of the crop - so wish I could have been there, and your boots are fab - Oh to have the legs for them, I'm so envious!! Hope you are soon feeling better,
    Diana #20 x

  21. I see my earlier comment never materialised!
    Love that card, makes me smile just thinking of it. What a superb photo of you and Chris! Thank you for sharing the photo.....:-)
    Hope your cold clears soon, calls for lots of hot soup and plenty of bed!
    Have a good week
    Christine #43

  22. Hi Helen. Thanks for popping by to say hello. I am enjoying all the photos of the crop, it all sounds/looks such fun. Maybe one day ! Your boots are fab u lous - I couldn't wear them as my legs are too short and too fat lol Anne x #19

  23. It sounds as if you all had a wonderful time, Helen, and what fun it must have been, meeting up with everyone. I sometimes feel a tad cut off, right down here in Devon, so far from the action! Sorry to hear you got a cold afterwards and hope it clears up soon. The weather has got really cold which doesn't help. Thank you for your lovely comment - very encouraging! I've still got loads to do on that project and I found some more photos lurking today, which need mounting on their pages. Then it's decision time, as to what else I do on them! I have no idea what will happen with the Skype call tomorrow so I've laid out loads of my work all around my studio - we shall see!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #23

  24. Sounds like the crop was a load of un and full of creativity. Great shot of the 2 of you. All the best!
    Thanks for stopping by

  25. Nope definitely didn't visit earlier! But I have now. I did see "the boots" on other blogs though, very nice I must say. Loving the little guy taken short - LOL. Thanks for visiting me before I visited you despite thinking I had LOL BJ#28

  26. Good morning Helen. Sorry i am getting around a day later yesterday with errands the day flew by before I noticed. Seen so many pictures from the crop you attended and looks like such fun you all had. Those are wonderful stamps given to you, very sweet of Julia. As soon as I saw your art journal page had to gigggle and I just love the creature you used and what a great idea to make him sit with the legs crossed. The background I also love......your work is trully gorgeous love peeking in to all your creations. Thanks for visiting me earlier and have a wonderful week. Hugs Always ~Anne L#15


  27. Hi Helen, Glad you had such a nice time at the crop.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    sue #18

  28. Happy Belated WOYWW - it is getting very late to be on my laptop, but today has been another very busy day. I will go and read the Crop posts now. Looks like a lot of fun (and cakes) was had. Ali x #29

  29. Sorry to hear you're under the weather too - here's hoping we're both getting it well out of the way so that Christmas is cold-free! I did spot the fabulous photo of Hamish in passing somewhere, and I'm looking forward to catching up with more tales from the crop soon. I know I must have missed lots of treats here, but I'm looking forward to some proper catching-up time over the festive season.
    Alison x

  30. Hi Helen! Hope you are feeling better! I loved peeking at your desk! totally awesome stamps and the cards are really great, makes me want to go out and find those stamps!! why is it we can never get enough??Have a great week! Ginny#45

  31. OHMY... that crop looks so much fun (I saw photos on other blogs too) and you certainly had a good time from the look on your face... love that photo! The frog is hilarious, great idea! Thanks for your visit earlier this week... December: busy times so I'm a late with my desk visit.. have a great weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #16

  32. We do have such fun at the crop, don't we?

    Your journal page and the monster with his sentiment just about sums my life up at the moment with this cold weather....

    Happy Hopping, H!

    Morti at (grumble grumble) 35


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