Wednesday 19 October 2016

WOYWW 385 - still no new stuff

at the risk of setting a bit of a habit, there is no new 'stuff' on my desk today for What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday - week 385.  You can find the link up at Julia's
Not even any new art, either!  Well, not really

 because these atcs were posted off for a swap earlier in the week...

 so the floor looks like this today....
two pages in the journal painted (kind of) ready for "something" to happen to them soon...

the page on the left is a mop up using some Pebeo irredescent paint and dry brushed with gesso to knock it back just a little.  It goes a long way that paint, I obviously poured out way too much to get a full page covered with it!  the pink on the left is Bougainvillea Fresco paint, again left over from something or other....
maybe by next week I'll have done something with them to show you!

so, not much to show here, I'm off to check some more interesting desks at the Stamping Ground! 


  1. I like your set of ATC you posted off who doesn't love monsters they are adorable
    Hugs Nikki 7

  2. The atc's are very interesting Helen, is the centre one showcasing dies by Seth Apter? Look forward to seeing your pages progress and also what your next lot of shopping is.
    Hugs & Thanks for visiting me
    Neet 2 xx

  3. I always like to snoop through your workspace. Always so many fun things! Monster ATC 's are nice too! Hope you have a crafty week! Vickie #11

  4. Ha, those monster atcs made me laugh! I like the colour of that left hand page, the blue is beautiful - maybe you won't pour out quite as much next time!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  5. Hi Helen. Fun ATCs there. Hope the recipients enjoyed them too. Sounded like you all had loads of fun at Port Sunlight a week ago. Glad you all enjoyed it.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  6. those atcs are fun, especially the monster ones. Happy WOYWW Vicky #9

  7. Busy, busy floor.. love those ATCs Elaine no. 16

  8. Loving your bulky journal - any chance of a flip through when it's full?

  9. A busy floor indeed! Like the ATC's - especially the monster ones. Anne x #23

  10. Those little creature are very cute - right up my alley! Long time no see :) Happy to be back and anxious to get around the desks. With luck I will manage the crop in November and can see those little fellows IRL.

    hugs and Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (24)

  11. Hi Helen, I do like the colour of that iridescent paint, and the pink looks good, although I'm not a 'pink' person, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #4xxx

  12. Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot (I was proud to get in the top 10 last week!). Loving those ATCs - and perhaps I should use journal pages to mop up spare paint, rather than my increasing pile of scrap paper! Ali x #27

  13. Your craft space is always a hub of activity and lovely to see the cute little monster atc.'s
    sandra de @28

  14. Super work as always, it's always a please to see your creations.

    B x

  15. Still looks interesting all the same Helen. I keep wondering how your knees survive working on the floor Lol! Have a great week, thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela xXx 17

  16. Love the ATCs. The monsters are really cute!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #34

  17. Lovely ATC's whimsical, and those paint colours in your journal...swoon! Your desk space full of all those supplies and paint makes my creative brain so happy!! happy WeDnesday from Lynne in Canada WOYWW #3...and THANK YOU for the wonderful comment you left me earlier (hugs)

  18. Ha! I had some mop up pages sitting on my desk this morning too (before I moved them across the room to make space for other projects.) Here's hoping you get to playing on them before too long!
    Hope #44

  19. Love the colors in your ATCs... :) The blue monster is super cute. Can't wait to see progress on your journal pages! I just love the word bougainvillea... flower names are always so fun to me. Have a great week! Heather (waywardgypsy) #50? #51?

  20. Thanks for your visit earlier .... the feathers are going into a box at the mo .... they just keep coming!!!!
    Love those ATCs, right little monsters. lol
    Have a good week
    aka Bishopsmate #20

  21. Super cute ATC's! Thanks so much for visiting earlier, I hope you have a good week,
    Diana #18

  22. Thanks for your visit. It is so fun to have time to visit and enjoy new things. I peeped about to play catch up And I enjoy seeing you gals all getting together I'd love to be closer and enjoy a lunch with you all.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures past. I like the cute ATC's also. Have a fun week.

  23. Your little monsters made me smile! My desk is clean as a whistle this week too! Next week will be a different story.
    Chris #31

  24. Love the ATCs ….and the promise of more being added to those gorgeous coloured pages! Hugs, Chris

  25. Hi Helwn, you are surprising us with still no new stash!! :) well done on save Ng paint and moping it up well, and fun acts too! Shaz in Oz.x31

  26. Shame on you, no new stuff?!! Love those ATCs!

  27. Love those monsters. Great colours on your journal pages. The baby wipes work really well and at 50p for 72 wipes you can't go wrong. I can get about 8-12 good images from one before it starts to fade.

    Fiona #52

  28. Hi Helen
    I also have no problem making journal backgrounds. It's what happens then that can be a challenge :) Hope you have some inspiration soon :) (Me too.)
    Have a good week.

  29. Well I'm shocked no new stuff!! Ha ha. I always love the desk shot no matter what's on it. Take care Zo xx 29

  30. Great ATCs Helen and some nice journal pages too. Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment - I continue to feel really rough so I've decided to go and see the doctor and see what they say as I'm fed up with this!! So glad you like my digital efforts. Like you, I was always slightly sniffy about digital art but now I realise that there's a lot more to it, and it takes just as much creativity as the "real" variety - you are just using different tools.

    Shoshi #41

  31. Wonderful ATCs. I too use leftover paints for bases in my AJ pages. I'm sure you will have them filled in no time. Happy WOYWW week! LisaDV #35

  32. Love these Helen. Those monsters are just so great aren't they. Lx

  33. Cute and a little crazy ATC´s! :-D
    I like them.

    Have a great weekend!

    from SusanLotus nr 32 WOYWW.

  34. Loving the monster ATCs. What with your photos of Kew, art and meet ups/courses I am always blown away by how productive you are!

  35. The ATC's are cute, love that little monster! I, too, always pour too much paint on my palette... oh well, it's good for starting a new page/project. I hope you had the time and 'mojo' for that. Have a lovely Sunday, love from Holland, Marit #24

  36. Ooh, Monsters! High time we did a monster ATC swap on here. And an Xmas one for the next WOYWW meet up...

    Thanks for stopping by...

    Morti @ 40

  37. Fabulous little monster ATCs, and I love that you always have so much on the go journalling-wise. I'm sure it won't be long before something happens on those pages.
    Alison x


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