Wednesday 12 October 2016


What? Wednesday again already?  You are here for a desk then... check at the Stamping Ground  for the link and all the details.
So I enjoyed my week off work, spent some time in London (see photos here) and Kew (photos here)

but I didn't get a lot of crafting done (certainly didn't start my Christmas cards which was tentatively on my mental "to do" list... still there's always the WOYWW crop for that, right.... lalalala
I did this journal page
 which is for the Paperartsy challenge

and I'm working on a tag for a Facebook challenge    that is the sum total I have to show for my week off!  

But the day in London and at Kew were worth it, got some cracking photos, as some of you have been kind enough to comment on.
Back at work now, so everything is back to normal!

Will catch up with as many of your desks as I can very soon.


  1. Hi there Helen
    Cracking page for the PA challenge. Looking forward to seeing the tag completed.
    Really enjoyed my trip around London via your blog.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Hey Helen your page looks great and what challenge on facebook I only know a few
    Hugs Nikki 4

  3. My husbands great grandfather worked at Kew Gardens in 1850 just before he came across to the US. We went to Kew in 2011 to see if we could get any info about him and one of the clerks did some research and got back to us pretty quickly. Seems he had trouble with the Latin terms for the plants and was told he wouldn't make master gardener if he didn't so he left and came to the states. He founded a garden in a cemetery in Fort Wayne, Indiana called Lindenwood. It is a beautiful garden. Hope you do well this week. Looking forward to seeing what you make! Vickie #2

  4. Great AJ page and how lovely to have been in Kew.
    sandra de @7

  5. Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot. I love Kew. Used to go there regularly with my dad as a child, and took hubby there for the first time in 2014. Must go back next year. Fab journal pages. I think I need to go to the PA website and check out the challenge. Ali x #10

  6. MM were good at making other things but not what is actually on our to do list, aren't we, Helen?
    .. and no new stash this week! Well that's a change eh?!
    Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x

  7. your aj page is awesome, love the texture and grunginess. Just wondering, you don"'t have a table full stop or you have one but is full of stuff, thx for your early visit, Vicky

  8. Love the latest page. Christmas cards are on my to do list too.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x #13

  9. Cracking London pics! How's your new lens working out? Sometimes we need a break from the crafting routine, you'll come back fired up. Looking forward to seeing your cards at the Crop ;-)
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  10. Lovely journal page for the Paper Artsy challenge - had to have a closer look and I love the subtle texture of the background stencilling. The tag is looking fab too. Just enjoyed your photos - where do you get your energy from!

  11. Hi Helen, love to see your 'desk' shots, always so much stuff to poke around in and decide if I need, lol. The tissue is something I've been meaning to try out for ages, and it's also part of my first stab at canvases and mixed media. :) Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 xxx

  12. Love that page, Helen, and you certainly had great weather for your outings! Have fun this week! :)

  13. Lovely page! Can't wait to see the tag.

    Sharon K #30

  14. Absolutely cracking photos, I keep revisiting. That mental to do list, it's a bugger isn't me imagined time! But as you say, there's always the crop!!!!

  15. Helen, I love, love that journal spread! So much cuteness and fun! Can't wait to see your tag! Blessings, Felicia #35

  16. Hi Helen, Your journal page looks fab.

    Glad you enjoyed your time in London and at Kew.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #5

  17. Great journal page. Loved all your photos - brought back memories of our visit there in July - although I can't do much walking but enjoyed people watching and saw boats passing under the bridge, while the rest of the family went to the tower of London. I also really enjoyed a tour of Kensington Palace and a lovely piece of Victoria sponge in their tea rooms!
    Bernice #17

  18. Hi Helen, pleased you had a good time and it looks as though the weather was kind to you. I've been using the Misti quite a lot and I am quite pleased with it though I have now found another make which is cheaper at Once Upon A Stamp and is called The Stampers Friend, about half the price and the same size as the one I have but that's how it goes Lol! It took me a while to decide to buy it but I do think it will get lots of use. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 19

  19. Hi Helen...your journal page is very nice! I would like to see London sometime in my life, but until then I can travel thru your pics! Have a great week.
    Chris #24

  20. I love the journal page and the tag! I wish I could get into art journaling, but I just can't seem to keep up with it, no matter how many challenges I join. Your pics from your time off make me long to go back to England... luckily, I'm planning a trip to the UK next fall! Have a great week! Heather #40

  21. I would say those photos of Kew and London were more than cracking. They were out of this world! Your week off flew by, but I was so glad you shared your days out and about with us mere mortals who love to follow you and your camera around.

  22. I love your packed much to see and very inspiring, I would love to dive into all that stuff and create! And I am in love with your border-doodles on the art journal page (the curvy ones with the blocks...) Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #15

  23. Great looking page, Helen, and your creative space looks a hive of activity! Thank you for your lovely comment. My appointment was OK - no cancer was found on the scan, but some small clots in my lungs (nothing serious) so I will have to start taking aspirin to thin my blood a bit. I was a bit fed up with the lack of communication over my scan resuls and I wish they'd realise that these things are a worry for us, having to wait, not knowing.

    Plenty of compensations though - a really great day out yesterday with old friends, and the arrival of my wonderful iPad which I am having such fun playing with! So glad you like my Zengems - they really are a lot of fun to do, with a real wow factor at the end.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  24. Christmas cards? What Christmas Cards? I've not even had the "thought" yet! I managed to sleep last night, first time in ages, so felt OK for work today and so glad to have my car back too. Thanks for visiting me BJ#37

  25. Hi Helen
    Love the journal spread!
    Christmas cards?! Not on my radar yet :)
    Thanks for dropping by earlier.

  26. Wow - what a brilliantly inspiring work space, Helen!

    And I love the texture you have created on that gorgeous journal spread!

    Claudia x

  27. Good luck on the paperartsy challenge - love your work. Sorry for the late visit, but last week was crazy!
    April #25

  28. Great layered page - I love the cheeky winged lass in her frame!
    Alison x


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