Wednesday 25 May 2016

WOYWW 364 - welcome to year 7

Morning and welcome to the 7th anniversary - week 364 of WOYWW - hosted by the delightful Julia (usually) and Jan (for now)   I know I will be joined by everyone who has ever shared their desks on a Wednesday, when I wish Julia a speedy recovery from her operation soon and in the meantime hope she is enjoying some sunshine.  Thanks to you both for keeping this wonderful thing going and for allowing us to make so many friends - some we've met, and some we only know "virtually"!

Once again we are swapping atcs - this year I am afraid I have only done one for my "official" swappee next to me on the list, plus one for Julia which I will send off today. I debated whether to leave them on my desk in view but in the end, have done so!

 with - oops - some shopping!  the stencils from Stencil Girl are by Seth Apter - and truth be told, i thought I had ordered the larger size, but these will be fine... the stamp, by Carabelle Studios, is an image of Paris (one day I will get to journal/scrap some more of my visit two years ago!)

but wait, there's more.... the order that arrived just after last week's desk went live...

yes, more stencils!  I was only ordering the soft gel, really... the others are an "accident"!!  The alphabet cards looked intriguing (I had just taken part in an altered playing card swap, that's what drew me to them!)

you see, once I start again, I can't stop... shopping that is!

I'm off to a Powertex workshop with my friends on Saturday so there may be something else new to share next week too.. who knows!


  1. Happy WOYWW # 7 you always have new toys to play with and the cards do look interesting for sure
    hugs Nikki ??

  2. I want to come play in your supplies. In return, I'll make some real scones for you! You are surprisingly late buying those stencils. They've been out several months. OK, just joking here. I like your ATCs. Truth be told, I have been running so far behind this year, I can't seem to catch up. Happy 7th Anniversary from #5.

  3. So you are linked now #12 and you are my swap to partner so may I have your address please
    Bridget #11

  4. Morning Helen , Just emailed you.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier & I always like seeing what crafty things you have on your desk. Jill #14

  5. Hi Helen wonderful indeedy! do love your accidents rather partial to them too, when shopping like that :D
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW 7! Shaz in Oz.x #8

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  6. Happy 7th WOYWW!! I'm so glad to have met you through this decking madness, our paths would never have crossed otherwise....thank you for supporting me every week and for your great comments, it really means a lot.
    I'm sorry you had problems linking up this morning, the weird thing is that others (myself included) has no issues so it hasn't affected everybody. Anyway, I'm glad you managed to link up in the end!
    HUgs, LLJ xxxxx

  7. Fabulous stash Helen.... No I'm sure you'll have a great time at the powertex workshop :)

  8. Where would we be without this WOYWW madness Helen! I am determined to get round all the desks in celebration of the fun we have with all our mad WOYWW friends so here I am! Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary - here's to many more! x Jo

  9. Those ATCs are so pretty Helen, love them. That's a lot of lovely new things you've got there. Bet you're going to enjoy playing with them. Happy WOYWW7! Max #36

  10. I do know what you mean. When you buy one item you might as well order other things, seen that you have to pay for the postage only once.
    Looking forward to seeing photos of the Powertex workshop.
    Happy 7th anniversary,

  11. Sorry I forgot my number:
    Happy 7th anniversary,

  12. You always have the most amazing goodies on your desk. Hope you get lots of time to play.
    sandra de @37

  13. Lots more goodies to oogle at on your desk! It's always a treat to see what you've got on your desk.
    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #45

  14. I love the goodies you bought... I 'forbid' myself to go to online shops for a while as it is too tempting *lol* Happy anniversary! hug from Holland, Marit #39

  15. New goodies who'd have thought that?!!! Love the Paris stamps. Am grateful for WOYWW because it's meant I have made fabulous friends like you Helen. I'm no longer as isolated as I was before this fun weekly meet up and those meet ups in person. Very happy WOYWW 7! Take care Zo xx 41

  16. Very cool ATCs! And such fun stuff on your desk! Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary!
    Carol N #4

  17. WOW! What an accident! Love those stencils -the ones at the bottom especially! I'm wondering if your Soft Gloss gel is a lot different to my 3D gloss - which I must say I love!! Enjoy the workshop! Hugs, Chrisxx 57

  18. MMM I have accidents like that too! Keeping short, IT Problems have put me sooo behind today. Happy Anniversary, Cindy #48 xx

  19. I see you are back to normal Helen! Namely new stuff! My plan for today is to visit everyone even if it takes till midnight! But you might know the one day when I planned to sit and do this people keep coming, post men x 3, friends x 2, workman x 1 and my hubby in and out, dogs decided they needed to go out more than usual but I will get there Lol! Have a great woyww 7th Anniversary, Angela x30

  20. Ooh you've got some lovely new stash there - I love the Carabelle stamp of Paris - it looks really detailed - and funnily enough I ordered a Donna Downey stencil this week that turned out a lot bigger than I was expecting - Oh well, the joys of internet shopping!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my desk earlier, I hope you have a great week trying out all you new goodies,
    Diana #22

  21. Thanks to your facebook post this morning, I remembered! I am such a scatterbrain these days. My harp playing isn't that amazing yet but I'm sure I could fool some people - LOL. Oh super stencils, now I want them too. Thanks for visiting me and Happy WOYWW 7th Anniversary BJ#20

  22. Hi Helen, I'm with you on the shopping- I usually spend enough to get free postage- I figure if I've got to pay the money out, I might as well spend it on crafting goodies, rather than postage. Have a great week, Happy Anniversary, Hugs, Shaz #8 xx

  23. Happy WOWWY to you too. Love that Prima soft's a devil to get off your hands though..but it's fantastically good at sticking!

  24. Well, what can you do when things just jump into your cart (online or in person)? You've got to go with it. :-) Happy 7th anniversary WOYWW! Thanks for visiting. ~ Laura #47

  25. Super products/desk - love those stencils

    Happy 7th Anniversary WOYWW


  26. Lovely new stash, Helen. What fun you are going to have with that! Well done taking part in the ATC swap - I'm afraid I really can't cope with it this year as I've only just got back into my studio and there are so many things clamouring for my attention and I am so busy with other things too. Thank you for your lovely comment and your anniversary wishes. I do hope I can mend my heat gun but I don't hold out much hope. I'm a bit disappointed that it's broken as it isn't that many years old. My old one is quite ancient and still going strong!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #48

  27. I'm glad I'm not the only one that orders by um "accident". I mean sometimes you have to buy more just for to get free shipping! And it's on sale - then you have to have it! LOl
    Happy anniversary!!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #2

  28. Your ATCs are wonderful and I wish I could just stop at one or two but the OCD kicks in everytime and the next thing I know I have 20 of the suckers! Grin... Happy 7th WOYWW Anniversary! Scrapbook Lynne Mizera WOYWW #58

  29. Ooh, lovely new goodies! I'm sounding like a broken each week! Wishing a very Happy 7th WOYWW Anniversary and here's to many more x

    Fiona #26

  30. Happy Anniversary!! Here's to many more! I love Stencil Girl stencils! I'm trying not to buy Gwen's I'm going to a stamp convention in 2 weeks and need to save for that; but it is very hard...
    Enjoy the weekend.
    -K #60

  31. Helen I don't know how you find the time to use all the goodies - I bet your home is a crafters heaven!

  32. Hmm... I have accidents like that. We must be very clumsy! Sadly at the moment all my orders arrive and then sit there - at least you're good about putting them straight into action most of the time. Love the look of those stencils. And wow - seven years of WOYWW-ing... congrats to all!
    Alison x

  33. Hi Helen!

    Oh it is such a joy to look at your "desk" as there is always something new there! Love all the stuff you have bought! So my dear friend HAPPY 7th WOYWW Anniversary! It was nice to meet you in real life and I hope to meet you soon again!
    I will send you an ATC - I do have your address!
    Lots of hugs,

  34. Now that is one accident that is a really good one (LOL). Great stash on display. I am looking forward to the photos from Saturday when you do the Powertex workshop - same friends as usual?
    Here's to another year of WOYWW friendships
    Hugs, Neet 28 xx

  35. Hey Helen! Looks like your going to have some fun!! Wonderful!! Would love to come on over and join in on the creative fun!!
    Thank you for visiting my space earlier. I just haven't found the time to get out to everyones space this week - as usual ;-) Wishing you a wonderful and happy 7th Anniversary. I enjoy desk hopping so much and hope to see more of your wonderful space again soon!
    Michelle #54 ♥

  36. Hi Helen, I'm sorry I haven’t managed to comment earlier, once again life got in the way! However, I have promised myself to get round all the desks this week to celebrate our 7 years of WOYWW friendship - so here I am. Love all the templates and stamps you've treated to yourself this week - they look like they will be very useful. Gorgeous ATCs too. Look forward to seeing what's new next week :) Have a great weekend, Elizabeth x #66

  37. Thanks for your visit earlier, I hope we can meet up again - the Crop was good.
    I am interested in your cards as I once joined in an APC swap but my cars were sent back as they weren't the right size. I have never been able to find a pack of cards the right size yet!! lol You will have to let me know how you get on.
    have a good week
    aka Bishopsmate #32

  38. That is my kind of desk Helen. Much appreciation that you included my stencils in the mix. I look forward to seeing what you create with them!


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