Sunday 29 May 2016

Powertex Workshop - Angel

Yesterday was my first ever Powertex workshop - and my second play with this fabulous fabric sculpturing medium.  We - Sam, Emma, Lin R, Chris and Lesley - sadly our great friend Lin was poorly and had to cancel - attended a workshop with Allison Turner of Allison Turner Designs in Stapleford, Nottingham.  An early start, but so worth it.

 catch up and then time to get started, it's quite a packed workshop to allow for drying time!
from the right, standing at the window, Sam, Lin, Chris, tutor Allison, Emma and Lesley nearest
 fix your chosen head to the stand with a loo roll stuffed with tin foil and held in place
 wire frame wings

 first layer of fabric Powertex'd
 quick walk round the table to see  how everyone else is doing
Chris and Lin hadn't used Powertex before.. the mess was a bit scary for them!
it's easier to stand up to work...(and at home I tell you it's not easy on the floor!!)
 my angel, fully draped, time to get her dry enough to paint (train home leaves at 4.50...)
 this is Chris's
 got a bit lost going round the table now...

 this is Sam's (sorry Sam)
 and Lin's
 Allison demonstrating how to apply the gold paint layer of drybrushing, which I had to do at home
 had to take these photos halfway down the stairs!
love her dangles, even though they got a bit stuck together in the bag on the train home

I've done some more dry brushing on her this morning and think she's finished now...

 back view

now to find somewhere for her to stand, at the moment she's sideways on the windowsill (the wings hit the window if she faces the room..)

it was a great day, with great company; if you like getting messy this would be right up your street!


  1. Great post Helen, glad you got her home safe. Just one thing, the one you have down as Allisons is actually mine - lol xx

  2. Wow looks fantastic. Can see lots of dry brushing would be awesome on there!

  3. WOW, just WOW.
    It looks like a fantastic day. Love all the different angels!
    What a great way to spend a day :-)

  4. Gorgeous angel Helen.... I can see you've had loads of fun

  5. Gorgeous angel Helen.... I can see you've had loads of fun

  6. How clever you are...and how intrepid to go to Nottingham! She looks absolutely fab, how long did she take to dry? Don't forget to show us when she's painted. Too messy for me!!

  7. Cannot believe this was your first attempt - fabulous?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. See Helen you can do it lol!! She came out beautifully x

  9. She's beautiful, Helen - I'm thinking a workshop is probably the best way in, especially to getting one's head round the mess! Looks like you all had a great creative time.
    Alison x

  10. Wow Helen, that looks like ti was a real fun class and I adore the figures you created.

    B x

  11. Glad both you and your angel made it home safely Helen! It was great to see you yesterday (been too long since we all had a get together). Such a shame about our Lin :-( as it was a fabulous workshop with great results for everyone.

    Lesley Xx

  12. Wow! She is beautiful and you all seem to be concentrating hard! Well done for getting her home safely! I love the effect of this but don't think I would want to do it at home - maybe in a workshop with everyone else getting messy I could cope!... Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Oh Helen, she is beautiful. x

  14. It was messy!! But your photos reveal what a great day we all had. I'm really pleased with the way my angel turned out too. She have us great guidance didn't she? I love the way the material fals and folds on yours Helen. It was so lovely to catch up again. Enjoy your week! Hugs xxx

  15. OH you lucky girls!! That must have been one amazing workshop, - thanks for sharing all those photos, it really gives a flavour of the day! The end results look incredible, - wow I would love to do a workshop with that lady!

  16. They are utterly glorious! I just love them and those wings! You must be so pleased with her Helen. Love her!


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