Sunday 31 August 2014

Darcy Journal - month 8 - The Tree of Knowledge

When I was away last weekend, Darcy posted her final page in her monthly journalling series with Paperartsy. The Tree of Knowledge - which involved a recap of some of the techniques we'd learnt over the last 7 months - and drawing... eek!!

However, I wasn't going to be undone by drawing a tree to join in the final challenge.  Here is my entry.
 I used a mixture of Fibralos (I have the 15 chunky set, so quite limited with colours) and water colour pencils (Inktense and WH Smith) for my background
loved re-visiting the torn paper as a mask border and the mini wall stamp is lovely.

 my tree - I sketched it roughly on paper first as recommended by Darcy, then on the journal but rather than fill in the lines, I kind of used it as a guide, and painted the branches.
 I then had a panic about the leaves, as I didn't have the Urban Snapshot set Darcy used, but a twitter convo resulted in Darcy suggesting Sara Naumann's set 12- one of the new ones - for Paperartsy, as there is a splotchy stamp that was perfect!  3 colours of Fresco - Holly, Tinned Peas and Sage - give a lovely soft full in leaf tree look - thanks Darcy, thank goodness you were on twitter at the right time!
then on to the technique leaves - die cut as Darcy showed, (only had to staple one together, lol! ) and chose my techniques to fit on such a small space.. I chose - (left page) stencilling on tissue, crackle, blending opaques, torn stamped tissue; (right page ) masterboard (I had some of the one I used for Darcy's previous month where we did this, so die cut a leaf from it) blending Treasure Gold, stencilling resist with portfolios,  stamping into gesso.
and to show that the apples really do keep the leaves in place!

and of course the apples themselves! cool idea Darcy, they were fun to do (once I got a red I liked mixed)
thanks for months of fun with this Darcy and all your hard work getting these pages ready for us to try!
It's been great to play along.


  1. Your tree looks great Helen. Fantastic page.

  2. Well done Helen, this is great. You have been Darcy's star pupil and she should give you a sticker or a star! Love your tree, you have done her proud as usual! Xx

  3. Wow looks amazing, all of it. Thanks Helen you are a fantastic PA supporter, just love that you join in with everything.

    That stamp turned out perfect, so glad I was around.. and your apples are so cute. I loved mine so much i made extra, no idea what to do with them now lol

  4. Wow great tree! Can't believe you were worried about drawing, it looks fab! I really like the brick border, it really suits the page. Love Claire x

  5. wow love your tree Helen it looks fantastic!!

  6. Helen this is FAB-U-LOUS, love love love your interpretation of this challenge. Way to go girl :) xx

  7. Love this - what a fabulous tree. Love the shiny apples and fantastic leaves!
    Alison xx

  8. This is great Helen and your tree is brilliant. I could do the stamping bit to get the leaves but I couldn't draw the tree. Wonderful last page .... for now!
    Lesley Xx

  9. Oooh great tree, love how your leaves turned out, was on twitter at the time of the panic, it was quite funny though and you got there in the end

    Well done - Sam xx

  10. Fabulous, you really made a great job of the tree and I love the technique leaves.
    hugs Brenda xx

  11. I love your tree - what a great time you have had! Chrisx

  12. A fantastic spread, I love your tree of life! xxx

  13. Wonderful spread, that tree is amazing.

  14. Very good page and you were quick too! Wasn't this fun as well as instructive!

  15. Fabulous pages Helen love your tree, thanks for the tip about using the stamp for the leaves


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