Sunday 31 August 2014

Craft Barn Q&L - 17. Peaceful/Grace

I missed the launch of the Craft Barn Quotes and Lyrics challenge last Sunday as I was away.  I had a look during the week for a suitable quote or lyric, using either 'peaceful' or 'grace' and was struggling...

Then this morning I looked again and came across this quote by novelist John Updike "Rain is grace, rain is the sky descending to earth, without rain there would be no life"  I really like this, it's meaning is quite deep if you stop to think about it....

 I used a mixture of Frescos for my sky - Antarctic and Chalk, I wanted a really pale sky... the to find the rain... I spritzed some Fresco (Beach Hut I think) mixed with water. For the earth I mixed Guacamole with Limelight and then blended Guacamole with some of the leftover Antarctic for the middle ground.

Please forgive the bad case of wrinkles!!
I stamped the Tim Holtz grasses, forgetting I'd already used these for an early Q&L page, but it's too late now!

the rain wasn't really prominent enough, so I added some drops of blue Izink ink and spritzed it with water to run down the page.. blotting it before it got too intense.

The birds in amongst the grasses are die cut from the Memory Box resting birds set. (I love these birds!)
and I typed the quotation out on lightweight card, leaving enough space to cut it into sections.

Entering the Craft Barn Q&L challenge here


  1. The wrinkles maketh the rain! Nice page.

  2. great page Helen those colours really work that quote too xx

  3. A very serene page. I've got those birdy dies - love them!

  4. Lovely page - I love the quote and your choice of colour and stamps make this a very peaceful page! Chrisx

  5. A beautiful page, the sky is lovely.

  6. Oh Helen, I simply adore this quote. It is, as you said, deep on many levels. And the art complimented the quote perfectly. I'm fairly certain no one is going to notice you've used those grasses if you don't tell (Grin). Of course, the beautiful birds make it unique and different from before. I like those birds, too.

  7. Delicious page, Helen - love those grasses, and the Updike words are wonderful.
    Alison xx

  8. Excellent quote and page you clever girl!

    Lesley Xx

  9. What a fabulous quote to find Helen and I love how you translated it into your journal page - great job.
    Have a great week.
    hugs Brenda xx

  10. Lovely pages and doesn't matter you've already used the stamp does it?

    Sam xx

  11. Such a beautiful page! Congratulations :D

  12. Hi Helen, love your page, great Quote...doesn't matter at all that you have already used the's lovely. xx

  13. Fab page, love the wrinkled look and the grass :)

  14. Lovely page, the grasses stamp is so beautiful why shouldn't use it again!

  15. Perfect thought provoking quote for your lovely journal page!
    This is my first time playing along with the Q&L Challenge.

  16. STUNNING pages Helen, i love rain an your quote has moved me very much, thank you for sharing those words with us :-) xxx

  17. That's a beautiful quote! Great page! xxx

  18. love your use of the Fresco paints on your page and that grass stamp is worth a second showing, Its lovely.

  19. It is a fabulous page and the grasses stamp is well worth using again! Lovely little birds and a great quote.

  20. Lovely quote and those birds in the grasses are fab.

  21. You have really captured the freshness you get with summer rain.


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