Wednesday 28 August 2013


Welcome to another desk fest... It's time for WOYWW .  Thanks for your comments last week - and apologies for not making it to as many of you as I wanted...

It was suggested that I should a) open some of my drawers (oo-err!) and b) give you a view from the ceiling.. well a) I can manage, b) is a bit more tricky - but I have balanced on sofa and chair arms for you...

this from the chair arm under the window (the view you had last week I think actually)  Shame about the flash on my dolphin picture!

 some of the drawers, opened as requested.the wooden ones all have stamps in, and yes, they are double stacked and the cardboard ones (like the green one here) are ink pads, and other similar stuff (there are loads of them around the room!)
Standing on the sofa arm in the doorway.
and the "desk" itself... my new Wendy Vecchi archival inks which arrived at the weekend or last Friday, they are lush colours.

So, that's me today. what have you been up to? I'll try and visit as many of you as I can before work tomorrow (oops, I mean today!) and later on too...


  1. Talk about a fun fest. This was a really great look at your most impressive stash. I had no idea they even HAD that many different types of stamp pads. Like I've said before, I would LOVE to come craft with you, if only for ONE day. You could teach me SO much!!

    Obviously, no number yet, but happy WOYWW, anyway.

  2. I am now suffering from ink envy. Those new Archival ones look just perfect. Have a wonderful time experimenting with them. xx Maggie (no number yet)

  3. Wow thanks so much for the peak in those drawers and Ohh all that ink DROOL !!!! Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki ??

  4. Oh Wow!!!! It looks like a crafter's heaven. Where did you get those awesome drawers? April #24

  5. Holy guacamole that is a lot of stuff, my head is spinning. How do you know where everything is? can I come and play?

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 30

  6. Ooh, Helen, I do envy your lovely Aladdin's Cave of goodies! All those stamps!!! And I sooo envious of the new Wendy Vecchi ink pads! I think you're soon going to be invaded by people wanting to come and play! Have a great WOYWW - hope work passes quickly! Julie Ann xx #42

  7. Nice to have a like look in those drawers ....... Stamps !!!! Lovely new inks
    Jackie 39

  8. Those Archival pads are on the list for when I start buying again. Promised myself not to get any new stuff until after the summer but finding it increasingly difficult to keep the promise. Need the new dinky Stazon pads as well.
    Your 'desk' always makes me smile, how do you remember which stamp is where, or are you like me and have to tip the whole lot out to find the one you want?

    Ann B

  9. Oh er Helen that is a lot if stuff but it still looks organised,
    Glad to see you have a few clothes in there as well
    Janet @47

  10. we are such a nosey bunch, aren't we? asking you to open drawers, indeed... (my mother wouldn't approve!)
    great pics tho!!
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 38

  11. Blimey Helen, I thought I had a lot of stuff but I think you beat me here. Do you have a system for cataloguing what stamps you have? Mine has gone to pot recently but the thought of starting again ...
    Just enjoy - especially your new pads.
    Hugs, Neet 25 xx (thanks for visiting me - I was asleep)

  12. Oh Lordy...that's a lot of stuff Helen!
    I love all those drawers. They look fantastic but I doubt I could fill that many myself. Well it would be a challenge I suppose.
    I'm looking for what kind of storage to put in my new room so thanks for a peek!
    Enjoy WOYWW Neesie #45

  13. I am in awe of all your stuff. My little brain would not remember which box kept what! Have a lovely week.
    Sandra @34

  14. TY for thr visit and the lovely comment. WOW…just WOW… you have so many lovely things, I hope you have a great week as well. HAPPY HUMP DAYY!!!!! (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW #1

  15. I only have 3 archival inkpads so you can see why I was like a kid in a candy store at your place - LOL. Thanks for popping by BJ#6

  16. I haven't been for quite a while but I know that crafty zone and still don't know how you craft sitting down...or can find anything! Looks wonderfully packed though! H... Queen of Stash!

  17. Oh my, you do have a fair bit of stash there. Lots of great storage too though.

    The bears @#90

  18. I so want to have a rummage in your drawers!!! Love all that stash. Hugs. Pam#36

  19. you have an amazing storage chest! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #15

  20. Wow, do you know what is in which drawer?
    Famfa 8

  21. Helen, that is just a creative paradise right there! Those drawers are fab! What great storage. And as they say, if your desk isn't a bit messy, then there's nothing going on! Have a great week dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  22. "Take a photo from the ceiling"!! Do people think you're Tinkerbell or something??! That's an amazing stash on show, you could probably open up your own shop you know!

    Brenda 7

  23. I love seeing all that wonderful stash. I would like to go through your stuff and play. Thanks for stopping by. Happy crafting #3

  24. An Aladdin's cave indeed! But I'm sure you know where everything is though? We all have ink envy by the sounds of it!! No desk from me, there isn't anything to see, well there is, but I can't share it yet! Take care Zo xx

  25. I want to have a play date at YOUR house! OMG what a treasure trove of crafty goodness. Lovely to see inside your drawers (stop sniggering!!)


    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (22)

  26. wow thanks for letting us have a
    sneaky peak around I could look all night at the the photos and still miss half of what's there .. a bit concerned about balancing on chair arms though ! careful!!
    loving your new ink pad colours they look ace have great fun using them.thanks for visiting earlier too hugs Andrea#49

  27. Wow! I am so glad you didn't fall taking all those pictures and balancing too. You have fun stuff...lots of fun stuff. I think we all need a play date at your place! How fun and thanks for sharing. Rasz #120

  28. Oh, my word... I feel better about my spreading stash now. The inks look fabulous - I ordered three of them, but suspect the others won't be far behind!
    Alison x

  29. Love all your fun drawers! A crafters dream! I want those INKS! I have so many of the archival, but now I do want to add Wendy's colors to my collection, they look fab! Enjoy the week! Winnie#84

  30. I'm impressed that you did all that random furniture balancing and didn't break any bones or your face. Or if you did you've kept it a secret from us. You have so much stuff stashed in your room. It would be fun to have a sneaky poke through it all. I'm sure you have lots of treasures in there.

  31. Oh my goodness, can I move in?? I could spend years in there just finding things to play with. I would love to have been a fly on the wall to see you up on the couch arm taking the photos :) That has to be the most impressive room I've seen.
    Have a great week.
    Von # 41

  32. Oh Helen - you've got it bad honey. I am going to have to show this to my husband because he thinks I am off the deep end.

  33. I am still in awe of all your stash, some might say you've got it bad.... say you've got it Loving the look of your new color inks. Have a great week! Danie #62

  34. Hello, I am sending this to everyone. Im sorry I am not going to be able to get to all the desk and I have now lost my sheet of paper that I was writing them down on. I don't think my cat is going to make it through the night to even see the vet. She is old just like my dog so I guess they are going to get sick at the same time or so. I just going to copy and paste and sorry to every one that I didn't get to read.. I just cant do it right now. Thank you Roberta 40 and bright blessings to all.

  35. Good grief Helen! That is a lotta lotta stash! LOL Think it is going to take a wee while to sort that lot out... and you will find all sorts of things you had forgotten! Annette #9

  36. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I envy you,,,,,grrrrrrrrrrrr,,,, hahahaha.Thanks for your comments at Brenda' s blog about my butterfly Twinchie, so feel free to choose a free product from all my store,,,,, I´ll send it . Email me to

  37. I am ALWAYS bowled over by your stash and crafting space.... so much going on, so much to take in, so.... much! How do you know where it all is? I've been finding things I'd forgotten I'd even bought...

    Thanks for stopping by!

  38. Fantastic Grand Tour there- I can picture you balancing in various precarious positions to get those shots. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #56 xx

  39. Brilliant tour I love all the drawers especially the wider ones at the bottom. As for those new archival colours....they are SO lovely.

  40. Fantastic effort to give us all a sneaky peek in the drawers - hugs - Thanks for popping by Happy WOYWW Mxx #48

  41. He he - I am just imagining you balancing at odd angles to get these fab views of your room - thanks for all the effort - what a lot you've got!! Enjoy the weekend. x Jo

  42. I didn't play, Helen, so you don't need to visit considering all the other visits you have, but I just had to comment when I saw your post: My! Oh, my! My, oh my!! Have a great week! Darnell

  43. I love it when you posts shots around your room like this as I show Craig and after going a deathly shade of white he leaves me alone for a couple of days about how cluttered my desk is :D :D Thanks Helen!


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