Wednesday 5 June 2013

WOYWW 209 - At The Crop

Hello all welcome to another WOYWW - it is so nice to be able to put faces to some more of you now after a fabulous day at the crop last Saturday - once again, a HUGE thanks to Julia and Jan for organising it all - and to Gordon, Shaz & Doug for doing lots of running around and work on the day. Julia, I am sorry,there are lots of pics here!!

As promised in my review here  (hope you forgive the link Julia!) here are my photos from Saturday - they're not very good, too much sun through the windows has over-exposed some of them
 Diane, Mary-Anne and Laura
 Mary-Anne and Janet
 Dolores (Cardarian)

Sam (Hettie) and her amazing lace making
 my fabulous ATC's  - from Dolores, Cindy
Shaz, Zoe
 Janet, Donna
Kyla, Sam
and these in the mail, from Elizabeth, Nikki
Jo (Jozart)
Jo (Twiglet) and Shaz in Oz

i have also done my "homework" - card sketch kit in the goodie bag we brought home..

I added some prima flowers, the rest was in the kit.


  1. You all look like you've had a blast and all your ATC's look amazing together and your's made it to my desk for today too :) hugs Nikki #2

  2. I'm SO glad you got your ATC. I loved the photos. I hadn't seen any of the lunchtime antics before your post. Loved it!!

  3. So fun to see everyone gathered around, it would be amazing if ALL of us could join in on the fun! Hope you have tons of fun at your crop this week end! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥ # 12

  4. I'm so glad you took lots of pictures for those of us that are far, far away. Looks like it was so much fun, and the ATCs are fab!!
    Krisha #11

  5. It looks like you all had heaps of fun, love the pics. I looked at Julias photo of everyone too, love to see who I'm visiting each week. So many gorgeous ÁTC's you lucky thing.
    Have a great week.
    Von #14

  6. Looks like the crop was amazing fun, wish I could have been there.
    Happy WOYWW. Pam#9

  7. Looks like everyone had a real good time.


  8. Ohhhh...loving the pictures even if they are not perfect...they still let us associate a face to a name...and that is always fun!

    You received some fabulous ATC's...and your card is cute!

  9. Lovely photos, it must be lovely to put actual faces to the people you feel you know already! Great photos, looks like everyone had a wonderful time and look at that collection of ATC's you have, fabulous!! Annette #8

  10. love the fact that you all got to meet. Looks like fun was had by all. #38

  11. I find that other people's photos fill in the parts of the day that I didn't see! Thank you for sharing them and for coming too....10/10 for the homework ;-) !!
    Hugs, LLJ 36 xxxx

  12. Hi Helen
    it sounds like everyone had a fantastic time at the crop. Thank you for all the photo's becasue it means for us that were not able to make it we can also put faces to names
    Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
    Ria #40

  13. Looks like you all had just a wonderful time - what fun. I thought maybe this week would be kind of a let down after all the excitement last week, but I am loving all these ATC's. What an amazing variety!! So cool. Thanks for all the lovely's kinda like we were there - at least in spirit!! Have a great week.
    Sara j#41

  14. What a fantastic time it looks like you all had and thank you so much for your photos it really helps putting a name and face together. I couldn't make it across the pond it was a tad deep in some places for me and the swim a bit far. Maybe I will get there for another crop one day.

    Great ATC's too.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 18

  15. Wow Helen, great photos, much better than perfect ones, everyone looks like they are having a great time. Thank you for sharing them and your lovely ATCs! Happy WOYWW, Anne x #52

  16. Wowza! So much to see today!
    So glad you guys had fun in the Crop. If only I didn't live in Egypt.. lol

    Those ATCs are so gorgeous! All of them! You've got quite a collection here. :)

    Happy WOYWW. xx
    It's my blogiversary and I've got candy to celebrate!


  17. Sounds like a fun day was had by all last Saturday, all I did was see the Queen - LOL (on her way to the races and she zoomed by very fast this year!)
    Super load of ATCs too, lucky you. And I'm loving the card kit you made up, might have to use that sketch too. BJ#22

  18. This is such a great post! The pictures of the crop are lovely, especially the lace-maker - what a fabulous skill! Your ATCs are beautiful and your make with your kit is lovely. Thank you so much for sharing! xxx

  19. It looks like you've all had a fabulous time! never been to a crop yet...well yes I have...but it was silly! the lady gave us a bit of card told us to fold it and then stick on stickers! Umm??? Okay...bye bye! never went back! Great woyww ATC's Have great week!!
    ((Lyn)) 32#

  20. It was lovely to meet you on Saturday Helen. We all had such a fun day I can't wait to do it again!!

    Gorgeous ATCs

    Laura #61 x

  21. Hi there,
    Just popping in briefly, I'm supposed to be mowing the lawn!
    Still, this is a better way to spend the morning in my opinion.
    Looks like you had a great time at the crop and those ATCs are fabulous too.
    Hope you have a great week.

  22. It's great seeing the photos of the Crop and putting names to faces. Great ATC's you got there. Thanks for visiting me. Happy WOYWW Anne x #52

  23. Hi Helen, looks like you all had a fun time at the crop. And what a fab haul of ATCs! Thanks for your visit - glad you liked my pages. MMx #68

  24. Looks like you had a lot of fun at the crop =)
    ThanX for stopping by my workdesk. Have a wonderful week xx

  25. Looks like everyone had a great time maybe one day i will get the chance to go . what wonderful ATC all so different but amazing what a talented lot have a wonderful week Andrea#78

  26. Ohhh, I wish I had been there... bummer to live overseas... and thanks for your visit an enthusiastic comment on my blog. Happy woyww and hug from Holland, Marit #70

  27. That looks like a fun crop. Wish we lived near enough to go. What a wonderful stash of ATCs you received.

    Waving hi from the bears @#85

  28. Oh what fab little ATCs - we are so lucky to have such clever crafty blog buddies. I am just deciding how to display mine. Love the photos of you enjoying your fun day - thanks for sharing. x Jo #49

  29. Looks like every one had a great day, and you have some wonderful ATC's to treasure. Love what you made with your kit.Thanks for paying me a visit.
    Happy art making
    Hugs Lottie #45

  30. ah Helen this is a wonderful post and yes our time with WOYWW last week was fab! love seeing every one and also atc and card which was sent across the sea my post below woyww post shows how I made them.
    happy WOYWW and thanks for popping over, Shaz in Oz.x #7

  31. What a great post, looks like another fab crop out of the way again. Liked your recap post too, I love it that the best thing for you was that you got to SIT down and craft, lol!!

    Brenda 96

  32. Thanks for sharing some photos Helen.. makes me feel great to see everyone having fun - its lovely to see all the ATC's around everyone's desks... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #98

  33. Thanks for sharing the pics, great card and a lovely selection of ATC's too xo
    Happy Wednesday
    Hugz Minxy #58

  34. So glad you all had fun! The ATC's are lovely! Thanks for the visit!
    Angie #101

  35. Some fantastic art work there - and it looks like you had a great time.
    Thanks for stopping by my desk, hope you have a great week.

  36. Lots of lovely photos. Yes, DH did manage to collect me, and only moments after LLJ left so all was well. I wish, too, we had more of a chance to chat and thank you for not tempting me this week with a load of must-have stash :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (10)

  37. Looks like a fun day at the crop! How cool to put faces with monikers, hey! Love love the ATCs you've received! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #103

  38. Helen thanks for sharing the pics from the CROP meeting! I wish I could organize a similar meetup here. Perhaps I will this fall???
    You have a beautiful collection of ATCs! Have a blessed week!

    Debbie #101

  39. Thanks for the crop photo essay!
    How wonderful to be up close and personal in paper and ink!
    thanks for visiting and welcoming me to your place.
    Robyn 101

  40. Looked like a fab dAy. Lovely atc's. I learnt to crochet via YouTube and perseverance.
    Famfa 97

  41. So fun to see more of the girls at the crop--thanks for posting the pictures. How I wish I could be there! Your ATCs are adorable. Good job on your homework too! Hugs! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #100

  42. Thank you for sharing the photos. What fun! I think I need to plan another vacation.... The ATC's are amazing! FYI...grab and go doesn't always work....I usually forget something major! Thankfully the other girls have my back! LOL! Have a most wonderful week.

  43. dont you have a fab selection there and some great photos to remember the day by.

    Gill x

  44. It certainly looks like you had a fun time at the crop at the weekend Helen and you most definitely looked at home on Julia’s craft desk on Friday.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Have a great week and……..

    Happy Crafting!

  45. Hi Helen, it was lovely meeting you in person. Love your pics of the day- wasn't it glorious weather? Very inspired by your art journalling at the crop, Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #33

  46. Lovely Homework card! I've managed 600 words so far today, just taking a break now! It was fab to see you again, def see you next year take care Deb xxx

  47. blimmin 'eck H, that's fast work, my kit is still sitting on the pink bag....

    great to met you again,


  48. Yay you summed it up perfectly and well done on the homework too, aren't we good?! Great to see you again, let's hope it's not long till the next time. Take care Zo xx 65

  49. It looks like a fantastic day, great ATCs too.
    Karen #38

  50. I so wish I could have joined you for the crop, it looks such fun! I love all your wonderful ATCs. Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#55)

  51. Nice to see some more piccies of the Day!
    I am working on the theory that if we keep talking about Crop III then it will happen!!

  52. Looks like a fine time was had by all! Great ATCs.
    Bernice #55

  53. You are a lucky lady to be able to go to the crop!! I loved seeing faces of the people I visit!!!

  54. EEK!! I forgot to tell you your card is awesome!!

  55. What a lot of lovely ATCs! Glad you had a great time at the crop. Thanks for popping by, have a great week - Lucy #27 x

  56. Hi Helen, great photos of the workshop - there's no doubt you all had a fun day - and all the gorgeous ATCs you've received too. Thanks for the visit earlier today - it's nice to hear from you. Hope you had a great WOYWW, Elizabeth x #56

  57. Hi Helen I' sorry I missed your ATC I think we might have been talking.. no really. I will e mail you my snail mail address.
    Didn't you do well and finish your homework already.... min will have to wait I think
    janet #26

  58. Looks like you had a wonderful time at the crop. Thanks for sharing with us. Loving your vast array of ATC's too - what a lot of happy mail! Loving that canvas. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #131

  59. The ATC's look fabulous Helen. Looks like a fabulous time was had by all.

  60. Thank you, Helen, for sharing the pictures of your great card, the fun-time crop, and all those fantastic ATCs!!

  61. Oh seeing all your lovely ATC's-it makes me sad that I was not more motivated to get some made-maybe next year...Happy WOYWW! Sue Kment 19

  62. Looks as if you all had a really good time. Wish I just lived a little closer. You have some gorgeous atc's there - what a fab collection.
    Hugs and thanks for visiting me earlier - sorry I am so late - sun is out and I want/need some sunshine. Neet 17 xx

  63. It was great to meet you too. It was so much fun and althgh I didn't achieve much on the day, I picked up lots of tips and ideas. A truly great day.

    Hope it went well at work on Monday.

    Love Rachel #29

  64. Hi, Helen, it looks like a fun gathering! Great ATCs. Happy WOYWW (and thanks for your visit.) ~ Laura

  65. Those are lovely ATC's, it looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@135

  66. Beautiful ATCs and what a fun time you all had! Happy WOYWW! #108

  67. Great pics, lovely ATC's and i can;t believe you;ve done your homework already!!
    Great to meet you, looking forward to the next one
    Debs x

  68. Wow looks like you all had a fantastic time and the ATCs you received are amazing. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy xxx


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