Saturday 8 June 2013

Up-cycling - Twitter style

Recently a few of us on twitter enjoyed our Paperartsy 3UP secret fun so much that Lin decided to set some of us another challenge. She sent us a jiffy bag full of bits and bobs with instructions to make as many projects as we wanted - but that we must use at least some of all of the contents.  To add further spice to the challenge, there was a list of colours to use and we could only use one accent colour if we chose, once on each project....

This is the bundle of 'stuff' that we received..
I decided early on that my colour would be blue.  I started with no ideas of what I was going to do, but by painting all my pieces various shades of blue (I used Fresco paint)

I decided early on to cover the outside of the folder with paper as I wasn't sure how the paint would cover the patterned plastic front.  (we were told we could add to the items from our own stash)

 though i did paint the inside, which was white. The fresco paint covered the plastic easily!
I used the doily folded to make a fan shape. and stamped 'recipes' on the front. I used cobalt archival ink to keep to the blue theme.

Now for the rest - I was struck with a heavy cold around this time so left it a few days, not knowing where to go...
I painted the tin, and on the top I used the Fresco crackle glaze. I think the base coat was Pea Coat (opaque) and the top is Beach Hut (translucent) I was pleased how well it crackled on metal.

I used the frame and the metal embellie (also painted blue!) and some blue brads from my stock, and the Paperartsy text is stamped in Cobalt archival and the white paper coloured with blue distress ink.

Now for the inside...
 I lined the insides of the tin with some Coredinations card that I put through the Big Shot with an embossing folder.

I made a little book from the book pages - cut each one in half and painted them with watered down paint, and some distress ink.

I confess that the paperclip round the fob hanging for the pocket watch is a substitute - I managed to loose a little safety pin that was included. But this is how I intended using it so hope I am forgiven!
 I had some blue paper flowers in my stash too, that I made into a bouquet. wrapping the stems in the coloured string and some of the coloured lace..
stamped the jigsaw pieces with one of the JoFY flower stamps and used the postage stamp brad as a title piece for the book.

Do go over to Lin's blog and see how everyone else interpreted these items - I am sure there will be some fabulous - and very different - ideas!


  1. Super job done chick, Great to see how different everyone's makes are xo

  2. This is so pretty! What a great idea of Lin's. Looks like you all had loads of fun! xx Julie Ann

  3. Great project Helen!! Love those blues and I hope you are going to fill that binder with recipes be it of the eating kind or crafting kind lol!!

    thank you so much for joining in :D

  4. Such pretty shades of blue Helen and you've pulled everything together beautifully. Love the little bouquet and the recipe folder is a great idea. Well done for using up all the stash!

    Lesley Xx

  5. Great makes Helen, love the jigsaw pieces.

    Fun to do wasn't it.

    Sam xxx

  6. Your creativity was tested and you surely got an A+ on everything!!

  7. Fabulous Helen... lovely job there. Thanks for all your comments and sorry I've not had internet to reply so often. Catch up next week when I'm home.
    Jo x

  8. It all sounds like a fun challenge Helen...I love both of your projects!
    Hope the cold has gone now xx

  9. Delicious makes with all those bits and bobs - what fun! Love all your shades of blue, and the crackle on the metal is very cool! Love that the Frescos handled the plastic too - they really are amazing!
    Alison x

  10. Great makes Helen! I love the tin, its gorgeous! xxx

  11. That's a challenge and a half. I love what you did to that tin, the crackle s gorgeous and then when you open it... Treasure!


  12. I'd say you met this challenge head on and conquered it with ease. Everything you made was fantastic. I really liked the idea of a recipe book, too. Way to RECYCLE.

  13. They are gorgeous! Love the colours & all the different textures.

  14. looks great, I love the blue, and that crackling on the metal worked so well.


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