Sunday 16 June 2013

The cotton fibres saved it...

I've been faffing about with a journal page this afternoon, and it got to the stage where I nearly painted all over it and started again...

I tore some book pages randomly and glued them to the journal, then spread Inky Pool Fresco paint over it, inked the edges with Salty Ocean distress inks.
 Using an empty 35mm film canister, I stamped some circles over both pages, using Cobalt archival ink.  Added some black stamping with the Paperartsy mini 24, rolling the stamp to get partial images.  I used a babywipe over the inking to smudge it a little to distress it.
 Decided to add some crackle - (this time I definitely used crackle glaze) - spread it over the page, with a palette knife, not too worried to get total coverage.  Once that was dry, I used Stone Fresco paint.

This obliterated most of my background stamping, so I added some more over the top of the crackle layer.

However, it then felt I had gone too far, so I used a watered down sparingly applied layer of Ice Blue Fresco.

and added some more stamping using various of the Sara Naumann stamps for Paperartsy.   I edged the page with some Vintage Photo distress ink, knocking it back a bit with a babywipe.

Now it needed a final focal image.... I decided to go for one of the Lin Brown flowers for Paperartsy and stamped them on black card, using Bora Bora and Beach Hut (or maybe South Pacific, I've forgotten...!)
However, I felt the page needed something white too so found some cotton fibres that I'd saved since Christmas when I was fraying the edges of the cotton on which I'd stamped some of my Christmas cards... and glued it behind the cut out flowers.

At this point I thought it may have been easier to just stamp with the paint straight onto the cotton - so had to have a go to see what that looked like - as you can see I didn't bother to find a piece that wasn't all crumpled up in the packet!

I like this a lot, so think I'll be doing more of that very soon!! (Once I can find a way to stop it fraying,,, my sewing not being up to stitching round the edges, and I don't have a machine!!)


  1. Looks fabulous, the addition of the stamped fabric really brings it to life - nice job!!

    Sam xxx

  2. looks great, i love working on fabric to add extra dimension. Get some iron-on interfacing, I use a medium-heavy weight vilene. buy a metre, it will last ages. Just iron it onto the back of your stamped image and then you can cut the image out.

  3. Love it! Well, I would - it has Vintage Photo on it!!!! Mwah x

  4. Love the layers - just building and building until they found their way... and the stamping on the fabric looks so cool! Great pages, Helen.
    Alison x

  5. Beautiful pages, Helen. Those flowers on the fabric look great. Julie Ann x

  6. Gorgeous pages Helen, lovely colour scheme

  7. Pretty summery colours there Helen! Now where is the sun?

  8. Fabulous page Helen, great to see your process! x

  9. Great page Helen, I often paint a layer of PVA on the back of my fabric to strengthen it and stop it fraying. Jo xx

  10. Looks fabulous Helen. Your page has turned out wonderful!

  11. u ny how self critical you are..there isn't a stage that you've got a photo for that I wouldn't have been happy to call it done! Love the colour choices..would nt have thought to go to vintage photo, would've pressed on with salty ocean..and that would have caused a totally different finish. Am hoping you'll have a good and positive week!

  12. I like how you kept layering and layering, getting different results each time. My problem is, I don't seem to carry things far enough. You, on the other hand, make lovely art full of depth.


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