Tuesday 18 June 2013

Tag Book - inspired by Carol Quance for Paperartsy

This week, it's Carol back at Paperartsy with a fabulous tag book - and I had to have a go. I have admired handmade books for ages, got a couple of books telling me how to do it - but this was the push I needed to actually DO one.

First of all, make sure you check Carol's posts for Paperartsy here and here telling you how it should be done.

I had a few problems (my fault, not Carol's step by step guide at all!) but I got there... There are lots of photos - but I won't tell you how I did it, as it's all in Carol's posts.

 inside covers - stone and blood orange applied while stone still wet.
 outside covers - baltic blue, limelight over the grunge paste stencilling, and quacamole, Renaissance Treasure Gold.

 covered one tag with one of the wrongly scored/folded pieces
 used up remnants of the papers. painted the edges with shaded lilac distress ink
 Next tag - both sides painted with claret and nougat paint, grunge paste through the reverse chicken wire stencil.

 fibres and ribbon, JoFy stamps - although I prefer the other side... stamped the head of the spiky flower on some painted manilla card and layered it over.

next tag - a steampunky feel with this scrap of paper
 and on the other side, coloured with portfolio pastels.
 tried to crackle this side (very berry and stone on top) but the crackle didn't very well, so sanded it back instead.

 this side is ok though! Very Berry again.
 the finished book
 due to my sticking error, I ended up with 4 pockets instead of 5. still don't know where I went wrong!!
Thanks so much Carol, this was an absolute joy to do - I am sure the next one will be much easier!!!


  1. Brilliant tags Helen. All looking fab!!

  2. my god Helen - this is amazing - so much hard work you've put into this. it looks fab and you should be proud!

  3. WOW Helen, well done, you carried on even after 2 folding mis-haps. Love your tags too.

    I shall just be sticking to the tags I reckon!!

    Sam xxx

  4. This is fabulous Helen. I'm so glad you persevered because it was well worth it. Your tags are gorgeous and the book itself is great.

    Lesley Xx

  5. This is terrific, I love your tags. If you hadn't said anything I would never have known you didn't do it right, it looks fantastic to me.

  6. Oh that's fabulous stuff Helen, what a great idea!

  7. It's gorgeous!! You made all the book!!

  8. Love the tags. I don't know how you work so fast, I'm still pondering the colour I might start with lol! xx

  9. Looks fab, have to go look at the tutorials now! Zo xx

  10. Helen, your tag book is gorgeous!! I can't wait to try this. Thanks so much for sharing. --Sandy Leigh

  11. Love it Helen, my favorite tag is the JoFY one, but both great.


  12. Fabulous book covers, and the tags are just brilliant - especially love the pink JOFY one - amazing make!
    Alison x

  13. Your tag book looks great & I'm so impressed that you made it, I'm still wondering if I can be brave enough to attempt it!

  14. Wow Helen, your tag book is totally amazeballs! I love the book design on the inside as well as the outside, and the tags are very cool. Love em all. Michelle x

  15. A lovely piece of work to be proud of! Julie Ann xxx

  16. This is lovely Helen and I couldn't see the booboo!

  17. Your tag book looks amazing Helen! I love all the tags, & the covers are fabulous! x

  18. Looks like you have had lots of fun, loving all the different looks. Thanks for playing along with our GD challenge this week. xx

  19. Amazing you managed a whole book ! The cover is wonderful and I love the tags.

  20. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! Truly fabulous!

  21. Fabulous book. I so need to make one myself!
    Hugs Lynn


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