Saturday 1 June 2013

At the crop

Hi, I am just home from a fabulous day at the WOYWW crop (well, two days as I was lucky enough to travel down on Friday and stay overnight with the lovely lovely Julia and her (equally lovely) family.

I didn't take very many photos at the crop and there are some that aren't that good... I will save most of them for Wednesday's Workdesk post, but can share these now.

I debated long and hard what to take with me - being unsure what I would feel like creating on the day... so this is the end result..
some careful packing of a box (never throw boxes away, they pack a pile of paint! and this fitted nicely in my (new for the purpose) suitcase...

however I packed so much on top of the box, spare clothes wouldn't fit and I had to take a rucksack too...

On Friday afternoon, after lunch with Julia and her family, they had to pop out for a while, and I was left in charge of the craft room.... possibly a dangerous thing to do (and access to the computer for my twitter fix!!)

So I sat down (SAT down....) and played...

 as you can see I soon made myself at!!
I made a load more ATC's to swap or give out at the crop... you can see what a lovely day it turned into, by the sun streaming through Julia's craftroom window/door.
How I would love somewhere this organised to work!!
and when Julia came home she snapped me through the window working!

I also got a photo of her stunningly beautiful Paper Peony which was blooming away in the garden...

I am amazed this came out so well as it was so bright I couldn't tell from the camera screen!

Thanks, Julia, Bart and Jen for making me so welcome and to everyone involved in making the crop such fun. See you all again next year...!


  1. Well you were quite reserved in the end as to your amount of craft stash!!

    Glad someone snapped a photo of you, we don't get to see you very often!!

    Lovely flower too.

    Glad you had a great time.

    Sam xxx

  2. You have excellent packing skills! Great photos, love the one of you. And the peony is beautiful.

  3. Oooo looks like you had a lovely time xxx

  4. The crop sounds great. What a gorgeous peony! x

  5. looks like you had lots of fun xtrace x hugs x

  6. It was so lovely to meet you yesterday. It looks like you had lots of fun at Julia's desk! I can't wait for the next meet up

    Laura x

  7. Looks like you had a fab weekend Helen! Missing you at the Extravaganza! xx

  8. It sound like you had a great time Helen and I'm sure some lovely inky sessions.

    Hope you have a good Sunday and get some sunshine.

    B x

  9. What a dream come true. To work/craft at Julia's craft desk would have been such a thrill. And to join the crop must have been so much fun. So glad you enjoyed yourself. Of course, you know me. I'd have had to clean and organize before I could sit (or stand) to make art. Then Julia would probably never have found a thing, but it would be tidy, at which time Julia would never speak to me again. Just joking, of course. Seriously, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

  10. Hi H
    glad you made it back ok. I haven't laughed so much for ages it certainly was a great day looking forward to the next one

  11. Hi H
    glad you made it back ok. I haven't laughed so much for ages it certainly was a great day looking forward to the next one

  12. Very condensed stash-packing! Personally I'd've stuffed extra stash rather than extra clothes in the backpack, but I guess if you're staying with people you probably need a change of clothing!! Glad you had a great time at the crop - look forward to hearing/seeing more later in the week.
    Alison x

  13. It was a great day Helen and it was lovely to see you working away on your journal. You are cleaner with paint than I am!!
    Great photo of you at Julia's desk and that Peony is stunning.
    See you at the next one!

  14. Hi Helen, was great to meet you on Saturday! And a pic if you working at J's Hallowed 'where it all started' desk!!

    Glad you had a good journey back, more important the crafty case made it back ok - after all, you can always replace the clothes lol!!

    Debs x

  15. Pffft clothes? Who needs clothes? I love that picture of you in Julia's craft room - how surreal was that then?


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