Wednesday 24 April 2013


Dear friends and bloggers, welcome, whether you find your way here anyhow, or from Julia's gaff at the Stamping-Ground for your weekly fix of desk nosing...Julia will explain all about WOYWW, if you don't know by now...(where have you been?)

You (kind of) find me mid-tag here although actually that's a bit of a cheat cos I made it yesterday...!!

also, there's a new stool at the PC too - but although I've been able to lift the screen to a decent level (not yet high enough) the keyboard is too low - when I saw the stool I thought it would be a perfect height but it may not work - I need to raise the keyboard too... I will be getting neck-ache!! so it could be back to crouching on the low-level stool from before!
Ah well....
so, the desk shots... you may spy some anniversary atc's too... hiding!! but at least I have some ready! phew....

I'd never used this mini webbing stencil - but it looks fab for the butterfly, don't you think?  (Cherry Pie Dylusion spray before you ask...)
ooh look, another 'staged' shot... tee hee - there's those atc's again...they're getting around aren't they!

You'll be able to see the finished tag in Tuesday's post!! (It was for a challenge)


  1. The effect you have achieved with the webbing stencil is fabulous. Love the tag.
    Sandra @13

  2. Such a Pretty butterfly with that webbing and lots to see in your space hugs Nikki #9 I have some candy too :)

  3. First, thanks for stopping by earlier today and leaving such a sweet message. I would have been here sooner, but I've been very busy all day and just decided to join WOYWW at the last minute.

    I love that webbing stencil on the butterfly. It is to die for. You find the neatest tools!!

    Happy WOYWW from #7.

  4. oooh, i love butterflies and i love that effect! it's an ongoing battle finding the perfect seat and computer set-up isn't it? hope you find the goldilocks solution and it's all just right :)
    happy WOYWW and have a great week!
    no. 1 - can't believe it!!

  5. I am aghast at your supplies!!yes, table heights..they have to be right don't they.
    Pretty tag.
    Judy #20

  6. Lovely to get. A better view this week of your working area Helen
    The butterfly's look great
    Jackie 15

  7. I do like the effect you have got with that stencil on the butterfly...staged photos...LOL! Chair and screen hights can be so uncomfortable if they are wrong! Good luck getting that sorted! Belinda Basson (Bella) #19

  8. Love that webbing effect, how clever is that?? It really lifts the look of the butterfly...and I adore the ht pink against the teal blue. Gorgeous :)
    Hugs, LLJ 22 xx

  9. Adorable butterfly and how many ATCs have you made, I have just made the one so far. Oh and SO close to the #1 spot, perhaps next week. BJ#31

  10. Well done on the Number 2 spot Helen! Love the butterfly, the colour is gorgeous and love that webbed look too. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #37

  11. Well look at you--a new stool! I love your busy creative space, Helen, and that butterfly is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what's to come there. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #42

  12. Loving the colour and the look of that stencil on the butterfly.
    I need to get a move on with those ATC's if I am ever going to be part of the swap this year!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #17

  13. Hi there.
    Looks like you are having fun! You do have an Aladdins cave of creative goodies. Great effect with the mask too.

  14. The Butterfly looks great! Love the effect you got from the mini webbing stencil. Jules No 48

  15. You have been busy Helen!! The ATC's that are moving around your desk are looking great! I have that same stencil and have just used it on an art journal page for my next class!! Isn't the Cherry Pie Dylusion Ink just delish?! I now have all the range and some spares hehe! Your desk area looks like there is just enough room for you to squeeze in, so many wonderful things to look at. Happy WOYWW,
    Janene #47

  16. Your crafty space really does look full of fun this week. Enjoy every minute.
    A x # 39

  17. Thanks for stopping by helen. What a lovely tag & i like the effect you've got on the butterfly fom using a stencil. Happy woyww Jill #26

  18. Happy WOYWW. Love that webbing stencil. ATCs - have not started on mine yet! Ali x. #32

  19. Your space looks so much fun ...I hope you manage to sort the desk/stool height and remove the pain and discomfort.
    Love what you are creating with that mask ...beautiful Tag xx58

  20. You're an ATC tease...! Just going to put this out there, and maybe you've considered it already...what about just getting a new, different height of table to stick the PC on??

  21. Ooh! that's a great it on the flutterby ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  22. What a great space you have!! Love the butterfly. I've not made a single ATC yet must get started. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW Anne x #62

  23. Hi Helen
    I hope you get your seating arrangement sorted soon as there is nothing worse when trying to us computers.
    Your desk is looking fab I do love that webb mask it gives a great result.
    Happy WOYWW and thank you for sharing your desk
    Ria #60

  24. A very busy desk this week Helen, I am so glad to be back nosing around. Have missed you all so much. I like the effect of that webbing stuff. #75

  25. I love the colour of your stool. Hope it works out for you in the end. Could you not put your computer elsewhere if it doesn't?
    Great photos - staged or not - we enjoy them.
    Hugs, Neet xx 4

  26. pretty stuff, busy, busy!
    Karen #64

  27. Love the webbing effect, never seen this before. Happy WOYWW

  28. Hi Helen. Just wanted to stop by to say thanks for visiting me :)

    Looks like you've been having fun getting messy!!!

  29. Love the webbing effect on the butterfly. I was just looking around yesterday for stencils and couldn't find any good ones. Pray tell where you got yours?! SueC#93

  30. Love your crafty space, Helen, and whilst there is so much stash it is obvious that you are well organised with everything to hand. The tag is super and I have a spray can that makes a similar effect..... must get it out and try it again.
    Jo x

  31. I love your space, I would love to have a browse through and see all your goodies!! Hope you sort the puter stool, it's important for your posture!!! Says she who has a purpose made chair, different I know but you get what I mean!! Ha ha Take care Zo xx 82

  32. Looks like you've been extra creative this week. I love your butterfly so much! Can't wait to see how everything turns out. :) Hugs.xx Roudi #71

  33. Woah those colours are stunning! I've never seen a stencil like that but it looks fab, especially on that gorgeous butterfly.

  34. The webbing is fab! I needs that stencil! :) Oh my...anniversary ATCs .....I better scoot! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #98

  35. The tag is looking good so far. We must make an anniversary atc. Thanks for the reminder.

    Oh and thanks for your earlier visit.

  36. Hi Helen,

    psoture whilst using the computer is really, really important, cant afford you to be on WOYWW compo. Hey I do like that webbing stencil it looks fab on the tag.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 102

  37. You have quite a busy desk. I love how you use that stencil. Happy crafting and thanks for stopping by. #6

  38. Hope you have found the right height for yourself. That stencil is fantastic, and the butterfly is beautiful
    Krisha #108

  39. Love the butterfly, and you have a very fun desk! Kathi #105

  40. That is a very busy work space! I don't know how you manage to make such lovely things, with so much other stuff all around you. I am still thinking about my ATCs, so well done you for getting ahead. thanks for calling by my blog earlier. Hugs; Kate x #40

  41. Your workspace looks like a great hive of activity - so much to enjoy. Have a great week of crafting. Linda #122

  42. Hi Helen!

    This is what I'm talking about! I love your crafting space. And what a tease. I enlarged the photos a few times to see if I could spy the ATCs.....

    Thanks for visiting me already!
    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (14)

  43. What a busy desk this week Helen. Thanks for visiting
    Lynn //67

  44. Great webbed butterfly tag Helen, I wasnt going to ask about the colour, I was going to ask about the stencil who's is it? I must have it!. I used to have the same problem with a low table and got my DH to put blocks under the legs - it may work. Thans for your visit earlier Hugs Mo x #29

  45. Hi Helen. LOVE that stencil and yes it does look great on your butterfly. that Cherry Pie is a fab colour - two more items for the wishlist! Thanks for your visit MMx #44

  46. Hi Helen, you have a lovely busy desk! Love the stencil! Thanks for stopping by my desk earlier, happy WOYWW Carole Z X #56

  47. Wow! Lots going on on your desk :)
    That tag looks great - I'll check out the closer look (the background looks very cool)
    (I came over from WOYWW)

  48. I hope you sort the desk, chair, computer combo soon so that you are comfy. I love the butterfly tag...the webbing works beautifully. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro xx #131

  49. Great space! Love the butterfly. Thanks for the visit. Lisa Sparkle :)

  50. Hope you sort your keyboard height problems - the butterfly looks great - look forward to seeing the finished tag.

  51. You've got sooo many gorgeous things going n in your craft space - love it!!

  52. You're so funny with your ATC's. I've be making a lot of them lately too and really enjoying them. Some are complex, some have been really simple-but they are all fun. I down right love the Butterfly, both the color and the way the stencil worked...smiling now since I have a similar stencil I could try is good. Hope you have a good week!
    Sara j

  53. Hi there Helen lovely busy work space. I love that stencil you're using , tag looks good also. thanks for the visit x

  54. Hi H i am always amazed at how you manage to move around your flat with all your stash. Love the mask you could do a lot of things with that
    thanks for sharing
    janet #23

  55. Love that web stencil. Can't wait to see the finished tag! Stools for our desks are trial and error. I'm on my 4th one. We'll see how it works when I finally get the cushion made ths week. Blessings!
    Kelly #123

  56. That webbing stencil is fabulous, such a great effect. Shame about your stool, I use a gas lift chair as I'm short and everyone else is taller, so it goes up and down depending on who is sitting there. Hope you manage to get something that is just right.
    Have a great week.
    Von #28

  57. What a wonderful work space you have, very jealous!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Amy #77

  58. Great looking work space! Love the tags. I have the same issues with my computer and looking for ways to fix it but none so far. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. I forgot it was even Wednesday until 11:50pm CDT! so I am a little late getting around. OMG! Memory issues again. Oh well better late then never. Vickie #145

  59. i love the creative busyness of your space! and the raindrops tag looks great!

  60. Wow you showed us the big picture this week! Lots of crafty stuff on display! Your tag and butterfly are amazing - I quite like that webbing stencil! Very effective!
    Lots of hugs,

  61. Yep I now that feeling, about that height for the computer to suit the hands and the eyes. Although I do have a good set up and will probably showcase it on next weeks WOYWW.
    Bridget #38

  62. what a lot going on love it the butterfly tag is great love the effect and the pretty colours nice and bright hope you get your pc issues sorted without the neck ache thanks for visiting me and hope you have a fab week

  63. Oh I agree 100%! the webbing is just fab on the butterfly! Loving the colour combo too. Yum!

    Happy WOYWW!

    MA (8) (so very late this week!)

  64. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. :)

    I'm green with envy at the size of your crafty room! Love it!!!



  65. Such a busy creative space there Helen! Glad you liked my little wedding pics - will post a few more when M gets back from hols. x Jo

  66. Love your butterfly and love your 'busy' workdesk too.
    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Dawn #30

  67. That is an amazing stencil. But what you've done with it is what counts, and your butterfly rocks.

    Happy (belated) WOYWW,
    Cheers, Rachel #24

  68. Looks like you have been very busy! Love the colours of the tag!
    Thanks for stopping by. #16
    Happy WOYWW!

  69. Love the butterfly - the colour is gorgeous and that stencil looks great! Thanks for visiting! Chris#138

  70. Gosh, that is a busy desk-area! Good to hear you've graduated from the floor to a stool - or is that only for typing?! Lovely web stencil. Hope you're well - time constraints mean I’m Weekend-WOYWW-ing, but hope you’ve had a good one! Deb # 125

  71. Lovely busy crafty space, but the height of the computer would give me serious neck-ache!
    Love the ATC's - not tried these yet

    Thans for your visit
    Debs x

  72. Looks great! xx Jan (80)


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