Wednesday 24 April 2013

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head..

I had some time to play this afternoon, and out came the Grunge Paste (Paperartsy)

This is fabulous stuff, you can colour it, stir it to loosen it (makes fab drips!), sand it - or - as I have done here - mix it with puff paint (also available from Paperartsy) - you don't need much, but I think I should have used a little more than I did, as the puff isn't fantastic, but....

I took a tag that had mopped up some Dylusions sprays the other day (Calypso Teal, Cherry Pie and I added After Midnight), spritzed with water to let the colours puddle and run and cover the tag; and used the puff/grunge mix through a raindrops stencil (creative expressions) ....

 I love how just a little of the puff paint makes the grunge paste much whiter - and how it's picking up the colour from the tag below, where it's thinner.

So, raindrops - could only be one stamp to finish this tag ..... yes, welcome back, Umbrella Man!! it's been a while...

I stamped him on some scrap patterned kraft card and cut him out, and 3d foam mounted him over the tag.

Recycled some ideaology from a previous tag, as the colours match this one too!! (I'm not mean, honest....)

just love this texture!!

If my printer was working, I'd have printed out the song title to add to the tag, but it's not, so you'll have to imagine!!


  1. ♫ raindrops keep falling on my head ♫
    It's a great tag Helen and I love the stencil..haven't used my one yet but soon lol..looks like you had a fun afternoon :)Also love umbrella man!!

  2. Love it and I need some of that paste.

    10 ? Harsh or what ?

    B x

  3. Love the background Helen and gorgeous colours. I think that's another stencil I need, lol! Glad you brought Umbrella Man out of retirement. I haven't seen him around in a while (including my own).

    Lesley Xx

  4. Fabulous grungy raindrops


  5. Love it! Love those raindrops! Kim

  6. Wow! This looks terrific! I so want some of that grunge paste now!

  7. I thought grunge paste was just like texture paste - it does sound different now...

    Love how you've used it. Yay for Umberella man :D

  8. Brilliant tag, Helen - I love the colours you mopped up, and the raindrops are fabulous!
    Alison x

  9. Terrific tag, I love that raindrops stencil, must try to remember to buy it soon.

  10. Cool effect with the paste, I love it! Brolley man is PERFECT here!


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