Wednesday 10 April 2013

WOYWW? 201

Well, here we are again. I still haven't sat down and done anything for the anniversary ATC swap and it's getting ever closer...!!! In the meantime, head for Julia's the Stamping Ground to find some more desks to check out.

Instead let me show you round my floor space today... it hasn't really changed a lot since last week - the project in progress has, but the mess hasn't...
A new page in my journal - dictionary paper, paint, inks and paste.
this is the view taken down low again!! The table that someone thought was a sewing machine - I agree, it does look like it - is what my TV sits on, it used to be my mum's - it's just a little table.
This is (another) overflow pile - you saw inside the blue box last week - next to it is (another!) large pile of magazines, and the box on the chair (you can tell I don't have many visitors....) is full of more craft stash!!

One day I will get so fed up with it I will sort it all out... but I'm not stressing about it!

forgot to say, I am off to Ally Pally for the stamp show on Saturday - looking forward to a big blog/twitter meet up so if you're there I hope to see you - I have my badge out ready!


  1. Love the journal page!!
    Happy wednesday ;)

    Hugs Marleen #1

  2. Loving your journal page! Happy WOYWW! Nan #9

  3. Lovely Page and that little desk is adorable love it :) hugs Nikki #2

  4. Love all the dimention of the spots on your page, they are great. As for the chair/floor etc. don't get me started as I am a tidy freak, my services are quite reasonable though.... BJ#20 smug as I have even got something to decopatch at next craft club.

  5. Fab journal page. That is definitely what chairs are for...more storage! Happy WOYWW> Pam#23

  6. At least the things on the chair are comfy! And I bet you know just where in those piles everything if you sorted wouldn't find a thing...can you tell this is experience talking? #23

  7. Happy Wednesday, I hope you are having, or going to have, or have already had a great day (dependent on where exactly in the world you are!)
    Great page Helen, I do enjoy my visits, you always have something to show; and who needs a chair to sit in anyway......
    Neil #7

  8. Hey, if it works for you, then there ya go!! You must have a bunch of treasures in there!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #32

  9. There is no way I could work on the floor, I had to fix a bottom draw on one of my cupboards today and that was a hassle, believe me.

    Love all the different views of your space.

    Happy WOYWW

  10. i could happily get lost in your crafty space for weeks, helen :)
    thanks for stopping by already!
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 4

  11. It's always good to get a different perspective on crafting...literally!! Lol :).
    I like your pinky page, don't think I've ever seen you do that colour way before but it's ever so pretty....very girly ;)
    Hugs, LLJ 35 xxxx

  12. Like that you took the photo low down
    Love what you have done on your journal
    Hope to go to ally pally on Saturday all being well as have ear nose and throat infection given to me by little oes!
    Jackie 3

  13. Have fun at Allp Pally....I have no doubt you will have to find more homes for all the new stash you buy there too :-)
    A x # 43

  14. Your journal pages look very nice, and wow lots of crafty stuff everywhere! Looking forward to seeing you at ALLY PALLY!
    Lots of hugs,

  15. Great journal page, love the texture. Have fun at the Ally Pally - deep envy! MMx #67

  16. Love the journal page. I won't be at Ally Pally but hope you all have a fab time.


  17. Lovely background on your journal page. It's good to spread out and have everything at hand. Have fun at Ally Pally xx
    Fiona #61

  18. Don't worry about sorting out - I will let you into a secret - my big tidy up just meant I moved all the clutter to another room just for the visit! It will all be back there for next time - lol.

  19. I LOVE the fact that you have piles of things ....and I bet you know what is where, in every one ....mine has just gone past that stage and thats why I had to move to the dinning table.I love your tulip page below.xx71

  20. I was better off when I had piles rather than being tidy....can't find a flippin' thing now!!
    Love the journal pages BTW!!
    Happy WOYWW

  21. I LOVE to see how you stash all those boxes and piles onto chairs and other piles *teehee* - and still your page looks so promising! I admire you for that, I always have to clean up first myself.. Happy woyww and hug from Holland, Marit #82

  22. Hmmn! If my Mummy saw my room look anywhere near as untidy as that, she would be throwing it all out of the window!! She did it to my sister once!
    Tee Hee! Enjoy!
    Maybe see you Saturday! My badge is out ready too!

  23. Love your floor/room/craft area, always looks so busy and productive. I have a half-done journal page aswell and I wish I'd done mine in pink now.
    Thanks for visiting already. Just back from a mammoth shopping session (not craft I'm afraid) and relaxing in the sunshine.
    Ann B

  24. Lovely page and so much stash in your room!
    Karen #74

  25. Old dictionary paper--that's brilliant!!! I can't tell you how many old dictionaries I have laying around in bookcases--you've inspired me. Have a wonderful week Helen. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #52

  26. I love your workspace, your chairs look like mine, piles of stuff in them! I just got an old gate leg table. Before I got it, all crafting was done on the floor. Now I use the table, but have to pick up every time I'm done because when the leaf is open on the table, it's in front of the door! Besides that, I have to move boxes from the table and chair to the sofa in order to use the table. We have no place to sit here either!

    Happy WOYWW, Kathi #109

  27. Nice start to your journal pages, and have fun at Ally Pally. Happy WOYWW

  28. Quite right not to stress about the stash build up, it'll get sorted! Fab work space, thanks for the visit to mine! Lisa Sparkle :)

  29. Nice art journal page. What journal do you use? I am having trouble finding a book thats just plain paper and can take a variety of media on its pages.

    Gill x #118

  30. Lovin' the piles!! And you absolutely don't need to stress. I can't wait until I have a proper craft room so I can have all my lovely stuff all over the place!!!!

    I read on Neil's blog that he's going to Ally Pally so you may see him there. It sounds fun, but guess I can't jump on a plane and come over.....

    Thanks for visiting me already.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (12)

  31. Ahh! Piles, my favourite method for tidying...if in doubt, pile it up! Thansk for sharing and I love the journal page. Caro #53

  32. Sorry, it has to be said (and I mean this in the nicest possible way) - what a mess!! Please don't buy everything on Saturday, shame we won't get to meet up but will see y ou soon. Happy WOYWW Cindy #63

  33. Hi Helen
    great page as usual. do you have anywhere to sit yourself?
    my friend and I queued for ages at that stall, it was worth it BUT at work on monday in our furnishing dept they had the same fabric (not the minis)as I brought there.... gutted!
    janet #25

  34. My goodness, stuff everywhere!! great Pages, but then they always are!!
    Have a great crafty Week!! HaPPy WoYwW!

    ((Lyn)) #24

  35. great looking journal pages! I too have piles of things I need to sort through and my dear daughter tells me to forget sorting and just give them away...can't do it cause I know that there is too much useful stuff in the pile... Sorry I have been absent the past couple weeks but life has taken its toll! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #58

  36. I just love seeing the differences in how we create and what we create. I could never do this brilliant work and your area would stress the socks off me, but works fine for you! Isn't it wonderful how we all fit seamlessly together without judgment in our little community anyway? The world could learn a lesson from us!!

    Have a wonderful week, Helen! Darnell #47

  37. Lovely journal pages! I am trying to visit everyone! jenx 129

  38. Journal pages...YUM! SueC#98

  39. I have never worked on the floor with my crafts.

  40. It was fun seeing your journal page come to life. Great job!

  41. Oh how I laughed at Sam's earlier comment - I remember a little someone beside us at the WOYWW crop with all her stuff spread out around her on the floor! :)

    Am really sad I can't make the one in June as am at a school reunion that weekend :(

    I'll be at AP on Saturday - will look out for you.

    Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

  42. Your page is fab - love the soft colours - and I'll look forward to seeing your stash haul. I always like your selections and you have a bad habit of adding to my shopping list :)

    See you on the floor in June!

    MA (10)

  43. Your background pages look fab and your overflow areas look very well organised. Have fun at your AllyPally stamp show.
    Sandra @28

  44. Great journal page! And oh my the crafty goodies!! Happy WOYWW! #152

  45. it must feel like christmas when you find things in those piles of crafty goodness. love it.
    caroline (akilli melek) #69

  46. The journal page is starting out nicely, but what really caught my eye today was that fabulous photo! Just gorgeous. So I followed that to Kew Gardens in the fall and that shot of the grasses was just fabulous. I've developed a real fondness for grasses over the last couple of years, I think it's their texture, but this array of them was unlike anything I've ever seen. I had an Aunt who was BIG into horticulture in the states and she had a relationship with Kew Gardens which I've heard about for a number of years. But I've never seen photos of the gardens, so this was a real treat for me. Thank you.
    Sara j

  47. Loving that journal page Helen, the colours are fantastic!

  48. Love your finished page, had a look since I am so late visiting this week!


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