Wednesday 13 March 2013

WOYWW 197 - 13th March

Hi, everyone, welcome back for another Wednesday snoop-fest. Head girl Julia has the info here  It was lovely to see so many of you last week, thanks for stopping by.

This week sees my desk  floor  (on a Tuesday evening, but don't tell!) in mid-challenge for the Tim Holtz tattered floral challenge (there by the magic of blog scheduling, is the finished article in the previous post!) -there would have been new stash but Mr Postie didn't deliver today!!

This shows how I got the depth my floral centrepiece! (and all the mess behind it!)

Some of you know that I am shortly to be made redundant and that there have been several months of worry at the company money-wise - but I am delighted to report that I finally received all the missed pay I was due, on Monday of this week. PHEW what a relief! I can eat!

Don't forget to share your desk or crafty spaces at Julia's - I'll be coming to see you soon!


  1. Wow! Glad to hear you got your missing pay! I know how that feels cause when I became sick and couldn't work I went almost a year without any pay and it was tight. Hope you have good luck in finding another job. I was thinking about doing the flower challenge many good things are coming out of it and I don't know that I would stand a chance. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #1

  2. Good news on the pay front Helen, so now you can eat and buy more stuff. Fingers crossed that you find something else soon.
    Ann B

  3. Great news you finally recieving your pay. Happy woyww. jill #30

  4. Oh bless Helen redundancy is no fun and missed pay as well - well at least they got that sorted! It seems to be the general feeling at the moment - redundancies and insecurity. Thank goodness we've got our craft to fall back on! Loving the tattered rose assemblage!

  5. I was in the same boat 3 yrs ago after 33yrs with my company. For me it was the best thing that could have happened. wishing you all the best for what you want. Francesca #41

  6. So glad to hear your money worries have eased for now at least.
    A x # 44

  7. Hi Helen, so good to hear that you got your pay that was owing. Redundancy is such a difficult time, hope your crafting helps you sail through the worst bits and that find something else soon. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #23

  8. I'm missing from the rollcall again this week, but was just hopping by to catch up and caught your news about the missing pay - so happy for you!
    Alison xx

  9. Love the work in progress, looks great :)
    Glad too that you got your money.
    Things like that can be such a worry x Happy WOYWW Heather #46

  10. Glad your pay is sorted Helen and I hope you get a new job soon. Meanwhile keep crafting it will keep you out of trouble
    Lynn x

  11. great news that you got your missing pay helen...hope you find another job soon...thanks for sharing your tattered floral challenge entry..happy WOYWW...hugs kath (40) xxx

  12. Thank goodness the money came in - that must be a relief although you still have the redundancy to face. My son has just been made redundant and whilst he is confident he will find employment I am worried sick for him.
    Look forward to seeing that tag in all its glory.
    Happy crafting - Hugs, Neet xx 16

  13. Wait a minute, there are M&S tattered florals too? Are they smaller than the Big die? Love the bottle cap technique, looks like the scouts will be missing out on a few of the caps for recycling now - LOL. Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting me BJ#42

  14. Quick pop over to Neil's blog as you have won a surprise stamp methinks. BJ

  15. Oops you already did - what a numpty I am, I checked your comments not his!!! BJ

  16. Very pleased to hear your news re money Helen - i enjoy reading your blog

  17. Glad to hear your pennies have been sorted out, hope you get a new job soon. The flowers are looking fabulous! Tracy #67

  18. Your flowers are great. glad to hear you got what was owed to you, and I hope you get fixed up with a job. Keep crafting.
    Carol.x #52

  19. Congratulations on winning one of Neil's stamps!! Great that you got your back pay as well, things are looking up for you and from the sounds of it, you deserve it! Love all the mess that is made when we create and it looks like you are in a VERY creative mood lol! Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #54

  20. Glad to hear you got your pay!! hope you can have a wee treat for yourself - i just got good money news too so bought some ribbons and stuff!!! lol And food of course!
    Best of luck for Tim's Tattered Flowers challenge!! Thanks for stopping by my WOYWW! Mo xxx #63

  21. Oh we love the tattered florals die, we may buy it with our birthday money actually. Glad you got your pay sorted, what a worry that must have been.

    Waving hi from the bears, thanks for your visit today.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Good news on the money front - glad the stress is over now.
    And booooo to Mr Postie! Hope he delivers today :)
    Happy Wednesday

  24. Glad that you got your pay and hoping everything works out for a new job soon. Hope you have a good day and the postman delivers your goodies too - Happy WOYWW.. Gill x #50

  25. Great news on the pay front Helen, not so great news on the job front though, hope you can find something else soon. Glad to see you've still got your priorities straight though and are waiting for Mr Postie to deliver more goodies! Eating is so over rated anyway, lol!

    Brenda 88

  26. oh what wonderful news that you have at long last been paid that must give you chance to breath again and make plans.
    Your desk looks fabby lots of lovely things to play with
    Happy WOYWW
    Ria 60

  27. Well that is good news that you are getting your pay. Loving your tattered flowers and the bottle cap idea is a great one.
    Krisha #97

  28. So great you have got the back pay....what a rotten thing to have to cope with!
    xoxo Sioux

  29. Loved taking a look at your creative space Helen, you are like me bits and pieces everywhere. Good luck with the tattered florals and I hope you found a new job.
    Happy WOYWW.
    hugs {brenda} x0x #99

  30. In this day and age its good to know you are getting money that is due to you. I love your blog very interesting.
    I'm off to visit some more busy desks! Have a lovely crafty week.
    Rum x

  31. Great news on the pay front, so you can leave off the baked beans for a few days! Phew!
    Great flower and I had to peek below and love it!
    Do you need a Red Cross parcel in June then?

  32. Thanks for stopping by today....I'm still around, just about!

    Glad to hear that the money has finally turned up - and I hope you find something else to do that makes you happy! Hope to see you in June?


  33. Hi Helen - great news on the money front. You must be very relieved. Have you managed to find another job yet? I hope all goes well. Thanks for visiting my blog today, for WOYWW. Your room looks very busy - happy crafting! Chris x

  34. Hi Helen dearest! Thank you so much for visiting me--I just love seeing your floor desk...and I don't know what that technique is that you're using, but it looks beautiful! You are always so productive. I was distressed to hear you were missing pay, and I'm so glad that is resolved! Scary. But, probably because I'm American, I don't really know what redundancy means--but I hope your job is secure, and please don't miss any meals...we need your creativity!! Hugs and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #20

  35. Glad to hear the finances were sorted - what a worry for you. Best of luck - happy crafting. x Jo

  36. I was so pleased to hear you got your money, huge relief, just keep on them to make sure you get everything else! I always forget that you craft on the floor and am amazed at how all is to hand. How do you do it?! Great work! My desk is bare, went to footy last night as you know so very little will be done today and a bare desk is a bit boring! Take care Zo xx

  37. so glad about the pay you were due..what a relief! Don't you find as soon as one door shuts, another opens? I wonder what's in store for you next? Be happy and enjoy every day, whatever!
    Love the side shot that shows the 3D ness of the flower, great detail!
    Hugs, LLJ 36 xxxx

  38. I'm new in the WOYWW group so I didn't know of the job situation but I'm sure glad things worked out the way it did for you.

  39. whata relief to hear and receive all your pay. Love your work in progress I will be back to see it finished when it's posted.

    Happy WOYWW

  40. I love tattered florals and I love the colours you've used too. Phew on the pennies situation! Have a great week.

  41. How dare Mr Postie miss you out today, I should have a word!!! I hope your goodies arrive soon.
    Looks like you are having lots of fun with those tattered florals. I had to peek at the finished project and it's gorgeous.
    Glad things have been sorted out on the work front. Redundancy is no fun. We have just been thorough it, talk about stressful. Hope you get something else quickly.
    Hugs Lisax #59

  42. Lovely desky floor, I have one of those sometimes.
    Love the finished tag, great idea with bottle top

    Rosie x

  43. So happy for you your pay got sorted- now fingers crossed on the job front. Lovely stuff on your desk, Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #121

  44. Hi Helen, thanks for your visit - just getting round to my WOYWW world tour! Glad you've got your pay sorted, you must be stressed enough without having to worry about un paid salary too. Love your tattered florals piece - looks like you've been having messy fun! MMx #39

  45. So glad to hear that you have got your pay sorted out. The tattered floral piece looks great, what a fun desk this week! Thanks for sharing. Have a Happy WOYWW. Caro x #61

  46. Ah found money! Lovely, isn't it, when it finally gets sorted. Loving the tattered florals - I've seen them a few places and they always look so stunning. Oh and I get the postie thing too - awaiting a book (HA HA to Amazon Prime next day delivery - it was due FRIDAY) and it is really getting me annoyed it's AWOL.

    Have a stress free day (ok, evening then - I am very late today!)

    MA (21)

  47. Wow Helen what a fab desk and very busy. Love your tattered floral. I hope to play along too.

    Happy WOYWW and TFS

    Annie x

  48. you are right up there with this challenge girly, lovely stuff..and I love the creative 'uplifting'! Doing the happy dance about outstanding probably as relieved as you are Helen, seriously, it will make finding a new job so much easier.

  49. Interesting work "floor" this week, Helen. I am very sorry to hear about your being made redundant, and the money worries you are having, but very glad that you have at last been paid for the work you have done. I do hope something new comes up for you to give you the security you need in the future.

    Thank you for your lovely comment - actually I don not feel that our situation is too difficult - all our plans to secure a happy, comfortable and stress-free future for our very elderly parents are now coming to fruition, and hopefully it will not be too long before we are all settled. Dad is the least of our worries, because he is content where he is, and well cared for. Mum will settle down once she's moved and knows that we will always be there for her - living alone has not been much fun for her these past 6 months. The roof situation at the new house is being resolved, we have a builder lined up for the other necessary work, too, and we are making excellent progress with all the clearing and packing, both here and at Mum's. I feel very upbeat and excited about the whole prospect of the move, and can't wait to get in and start setting up my new ARTHaven!!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #84

  50. Great news on the back-pay situation. Sorry about the job though. But from the tone of your posts I know you're going to come out on top. Creative Blessings Kelly #126

  51. I love the fact that youbrough new stash before thinking about whether you were getting paid and buying food he he. lets hope you find something else soon, but with all your stash you could always open a craft shop
    janet #19

  52. glad you got the money sorted Helen. Thanks for your tip about the mica powders. I bought a couple of mini misters so going to try this weekend.

  53. You never know what's around the corner. After redundancy in my mid 50's I ended up with a radio career for 8 years and only retired to get back to my art and for more time for family visits. Sometimes when one door closes another opens. Good luck! You can't get lower than the floor and you have fun there so that's really goodLOL!!! love jo x

  54. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    I am so glad to hear that you finally got the pay you deserved...what a nightmare that must have been!

    I pray that you will find another job...perhaps one that you like even better is waiting around the corner.

  55. Hullo there Helen,
    Well, lovely work going on here, on the floor - eek could never ever do that - too old now :D! however glad you missing mouli (ok, its our slang for money, not sure if you use it over there) turned up - very disconcerting that - pray a new place of work arises soon for you also. sending big blog hugs!
    Thanks so much for popping over and for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #15

  56. I am glad you got all your pay so that you can eat now!!! :-) Your tattered floral challenge piece looks lovely! I am not sure if I will jump on that wagon, I have too much Easter stuff to do!
    Lots of hugs,

  57. What a beautiful mess you have on your desk... ermm, floor! Bon appetit ;) and happy, belated, woyww. Marit #79

  58. Happy money days! It's the satisfaction that makes one feel good. Lots of things to play with in your area. Enjoy
    We have thunder, lightening, and raining forecast was Sunny and Warm?

  59. Sorry to hear you're losing your job, that sucks. Your stamping looks great though, you should be proud of the work you do:) Lucy #24 x

  60. Glad to hear you will get all your missing pay, it must be such a relief. Are you looking for a new job? If so, I hope you soon find what you want. Thank you for your visit this week and your good wishes. This cold is hanging on but I do think there is a slight improvement today. Fingers crossed. xx Maggie #9

  61. Glad you finally got your dough!!! Fun desk this week!

  62. Hi Helen, thanks for stopping by, I know I am late but what can I do? Your desk looks very busy this week. Aren't you glad it is Friday? More time to play. #70

  63. Good news for you! I have to go look at the flowers post. Then get busy and get my Alpha challenge done! Yikes! a couple days late Happy WOYWW! Nan #25

  64. Good news - great desk - got flu!... belated happy woyww! Thanks for visiting me, jenx

  65. What a smart way to get some height on those flowers. :-) Glad to hear the company made good on paying you.
    April #108

  66. Oh I am so pleased to read you got your missing money Helen, that is amazing news. Must be such a weight off your mind x x


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