Tuesday 12 March 2013

Tim's Tattered Floral Challenge

At the beginning of March, Tim announced a challenge to use his gorgeous tattered floral die and create something - anything - to be in with a chance of winning $100 worth of Tim goodies. Well, it would be rude not to enter, right?! I love the tattered floral die.... so, at last I had a chance to have a play. (You have until March 22nd to enter) Thanks, Tim!

 This is the finished tag.... but I started with the centrepiece.
Cut the tattered florals twice using sticky back canvas (Claudine Hellmuth) which I then stamped the butterfly text background from Tim's  Papillon set (I used royal purple versafine)

I painted the petals with Paperartsy Fresco paint in Eggplant, watered down and blotting the canvas to lighten the colour so the text showed through.  Did the same for the big die, using Limelight Fresco paint so they appear as leaves.

Stuck the green leaves to a die cut in chipboard I found in my stash (handy, not having used it before!)  The second (not shown in this pic) I used Toad Hall so it was darker, and would show up between these leaves. (see first picture) having stamped it with the criss cross background from Tim's Mixed Media set (stamped in pine tree green archival)

For the tag, I used the background stamp again, with the purple versafine pad, having painted the tag with watered down Eggplant again. Rolled the stamp randomly, some of them sideways for variation.
To fix the flower, I wanted some depth between the petals and leaves. I found a bottle cap lying around and using glossy accents, pressed the petals into it, bending them down a little round the cap.  Glued the cap to the green layer.

Die cut some tattered leaves (the smaller movers and shapers  rather than the bigz die) and stamped the background as before, and painted them in limelight. The teeny tiny petal is fixed to the edge of the tag so nothing was left over!

The middle of the flower is a purpley glass bead from my stash - I bought a pack of these years (literally!) ago, and have never used one of them! It fitted perfectly. It was meant to be, obviously!

Finished with some purpley ribbons.

I really had fun with this, am now off to link it up.
Good luck if you have a go too.


  1. I had one of those weird moments when I first looked at your tag. Instead of me seeing the flower laid on the top, I saw it the other way, ie cut out iykwim. You know when you look at ceiling tiles and sometimes they stick out and sometimes they look like they are inverted - just ignore me, must be the jet lag.

    Love the colours the lilac and green go really well together and of course, your tattered floral is gorgeous.

    Good luck with the draw, hope you win.

    Sam xxx

  2. Lovely tag Helen, love the green and lilac together...like sam said they do go really well together...good luck with the draw!!!

  3. Lilac and green make a perfect colour combo Helen and a super tag.

    B x

  4. Oh I'm reading your posts backwards so I got the WOYWW first and then the flower - yay!!! Loving what you did with this challenge, fantastic colour combination purple and lime mmmm - fab stuff!

  5. Scrummy background with all that tape, and I love your elevated flower arrangement, hovering above it - what a lovely tag!
    Alison x

  6. Oops, begging pardon ma'am... just looked again and it's the stamp not tissue tape! Got tissue tape on the brain at the moment as I'm trying to work out a better way of storing it...
    Alison x

  7. Love the colours in this, Spring must surely be on it's way. Very clever idea with the bottlecap to add more dimension xx

  8. loving the colour combination too...lovely tag x

  9. Gorgeous tag, Helen, I love that background and the colors of the flowers...best of luck to you!!! I hope we both win!! lol!


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