Sunday 24 February 2013

Stamperama, Stevenage - report

Well I see from my twitter feed you all very impatient to see what went on - as you know I don't have a smart phone so can't tweet while I'm out!!

Got there just as the doors opened for advance ticket holders (my train to Victoria was late, so I missed the connection I planned at Kings Cross)

the show was in a different hall (bigger) to usual which made for more space but I didn't know where Lin and Leandra were.... but I found them and more or less, there I stood all day....

Here they are, hard at work!

 Leandra was painting on greyboard and it looks amazing....
safe to say, the stand was mobbed early on!
 Leandra hard at work with paint and Jo's stamps

Coke spillage!!
 Leandra's fab work!
 Lin's stamps - this tag was gorgeous - painting on the tag, on black card - look how the images POP! can't wait to try this!!
more of Lin's work
and more! the lace stuck in between individual petals - fab!!
another of Leandra's
 the artwork on the stand

and my stash! i did also get one of Sara's journalling sets, but it hadn't been fully trimmed (Leandra says that was down to Mark... so I have left it with her to trim and send on to me)

Now, is that quick enough a report - I have been in 20 minutes.... can I drink my tea now?!!


  1. That is a quick report! Seems like a great day at the stand. Great stash too. Love the new JOFY stamps too. Glad you had a good day and I hope you have a good tea.

  2. Oh go on then, have your tea..... :)
    GREAT post, thank you for all the photos. Leandra & Lyn's samples look gorgeous, not surprised there were so many people crowding around them.
    Have a lovely time playing with your new stash, can't wait to see what you create.

  3. Finally you are back ROFL, have been waiting patiently for your report. The stand and samples look awesome as does your stash, can't wait to see what you create. x

  4. FAB pics Helen. Enjoy your goodies.xx

  5. Looks like you had an AMAZING day! What a fabulous haul!!!

  6. Thanks Helen.....Enjoy your new stash ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  7. Hi Helen, Looks like you had a fab day,thanks for sharing it. you have lots of fab new goodies. Hope you enjoyed your brew! Hugs Mo x

  8. Looks like a great day all round. Put me right in the mood for the SECC event 7-10 March. Can't wait now.

  9. Wow looks like you've had a brilliant day (already seen what you've created and its brilliant).
    Whenever I see Leandra or Lin I'm always entranced with that they do - stunning work.

  10. WOw Helen, looks like you had a wonderful day. So grateful for all the fab pickies - thank you. Glad to see you also treat yourself to some new stash too - you certainly do deserve it.

    Sam xxx

  11. Ahhh the coke spillage. Lol. Was great to see you, and what a fantastic report. Great to see it from the 'other side' ! Lol

  12. Will look forward to seeing what you create with your new supplies!

  13. So sad to miss you... although if you really were at PA most of the time, we probably coincided - but I was nursing my sister-in-law through all the possibilities! It'll have to be next time!
    Alison x


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