Sunday 24 February 2013

First go with the gorgeous Lin Brown tulip!

Well, after recovering from the joys of Stevenage, I had to have a go....

I started by stamping with paint on black card, as shown so well today by Lin.   The set I have is Eclectica  ELB02.

I used Honey Dew, Tinned Peas and Hey Pesto for the leaves/stem and Honey Dew, Pansy and Egg Plant for the flower head.  I wasn't too happy with my first (2) attempt but 3rd time was a bit better! (though the stem is still a little patchy - need to practice with this technique!)

For the background, I pounced a mixture of Vanilla, Honey Dew Tinned Peas and Hyde Park on the tag. I sanded it back a little, and pounced some more round the edges. Then I stamped the 'flora and fauna' from the stamp set, in both Honey Dew and Tinned Peas

I used the leaves from the stamp set and hyde Park, stamping it across the top corner.

I used one of the spare tulip heads and cut out 2 of the petals and 3d foam mounted them to the main image.


  1. Wow Helen, you must be the fastest crafter ever!!! Thank you again for choosing my stamps.... it's such a thrill to not know that you purchased them but couldn't wait to get home and try them!!! Love your colour choices, your tag looks fab!

    Lin x

  2. This is beautiful Helen, the soft colour hues look great with Lin's stamps. x

  3. That's lovely. I do like that tulip.

  4. Oooh fantastic tag Helen, glad to see you wasted no time in playing with the new stash!!

    Sam xxx

  5. I wonder if we brush shoulders Helen ?

    I didn't really lift my head very often as I was intent on seeing as much as possible. I was determined to get round on my legs because on the scooter you miss so much.

    Inspired by you I bought half a dozen Dylusions and itching to have a play, not to mention quite a few other things that weren't on the list.

    B x

  6. I see you had a good time. Love the colours that you have used here. Very soft and pretty.

  7. Ohh that looks superb Helen. Adore the BG tag too!! Awesome!!

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