Wednesday 8 August 2012

WOYWW? Gold Medal City

I know it's not nice to boast but - wow, Team GB are doing so well at the 2012 London Olympics - I have been enjoying it so much.... not done a lot other than watch Olympic events on TV and listening to the radio commentaries all day at work....

So, once again my "workdesk" for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday looks a little bare.... my sadly neglected journal and the marathon route map, and a little souvenir booklet with a load of London Olympic trivia that was being handed out on Sunday.

So here are a few pics of a very wet Women's Marathon on Sunday - I went to spectate in the pouring rain and the full story is here  (some of you have seen it already, thanks!)

I will try and get round more of your desks this week, after all the Olympics finish on Sunday so I should have some more time!! They have totally taken over my life - I will miss it but kind of looking forward to having some time for other things!

Come back later for another Tag it On challenge!


  1. I love all that paraphernalia you collected in London. I bet they would go great in your altered book. Happy Wednesday. Sorry, no number yet!

  2. That looks like a FULL journal Helen,
    I finally bought myself one earlier in the week but heaven knows when I'll get to do anything in it!
    Like you I've been transfixed with the Games.
    It's been brilliant hasn't it? We've been up at silly-o-clock here to watch most events and still can't get enough. ;D
    I just can't get over how well Team GB are doing! But so proud of everyone involved because it's certainly been a success so far.
    Have fun desk hopping ~ Happy WOYWW
    Neesie (no number hehe)

  3. Gosh your journal looks fit to bust. Great action shots. Yes, it will seem strange when the Olympics finish. Our TV has not been on so much for a long time. I don't normally do TV!

  4. Think the Olympics has taken over all of our lives so don't worry too much :-)
    A x

  5. That;s me Helen, I'm consumed by it, but need it to be over so I can get my butt off the armchair and actually do something for more than five minutes at a time! A bit jelly of your Olympic experience, we've been really slack in realising the events we could have turned up for.

  6. Olympic fever has surely struck everyone right now. Great piccys in the rain. We were lucky with the men's road race and my hubby with the time trials. I was glued to the second half of the Men's Triathlon yesterday and only then realised it was all ticket free too! Great souvenirs too. BJ#19

  7. well done for braving the rain to spectate! love the action shots and the souvenirs :)
    thanks for stopping by :)
    happy WOYWW!!
    no. 11

  8. Yes it's been a great week or s, glad you have managed to watch some of the action. I have been recording it and then trying to watch some late evenings.. usually manage to fall asleep miss most of the action and end up with a cricked neck at 1am wishin I had gone to bed at 9.30 and had a good nights sleep!!!
    Hope you have fun sorting out the memoribilia.
    X Julie(paperpathway) 15

  9. Olympics have taken over my life this week as week but I'm lucky as I no longer work and can watch all day (if I had the energy).
    Lucky you being able to actually see an event, did you go toe the Triathalon as well?

    Happy WOYWW.
    Ann B

  10. I've been enjoying th Olympics too even though I didn't think I would,

    Happy woyww

    Rebecca #40

  11. Hey! Boast away baby! How often does this come around and it must be good I've been watching sport when no one else has been around! I even shouted "Come on Chris" out loud as he went over the line last night for gold #6! SWEA was most surprised! Happy Wednesday x

  12. Great pics Tinker! Our TV (or computer) is on from as soon as DH gets up each morning until night for the Olympics so I've ended up getting sucked in and there have been so many thrilling wins. It is wonderful that the country has regained so much patriotic fever at last.
    Off to Germany tomorrow and I'll certainly clean up for you when I get back !!!
    JoZarty x

  13. I've been watching what I can of the Olympics too, it's on through the night over here and I keep falling asleep. Finals are often at 5am!!
    I have been cheering the Brits and Aussies on (I was born in England and live in Aus). GB has been doing fabulously, very proud.
    Have a great week.
    Von #17

  14. Hay chickie, I too have been sucked in to the Olympics, it's hard not to when were doing so well, Great that you got to experience a bit of it up close, maybe you could do an Olympic journal page!
    Hugz Minxy #50

  15. All in the same boat I fear, I seem to have watched more than ever this time around. Desk still looks interesting. Fracnesca #32

  16. I'm with you.. the Olympics is a great way to spend time I'll get back to the studio next week. have a great one

  17. lucky you to be in the thick of it. cant wait to see what you do with all the bumf you got...

  18. Team GB Whoop, Whoop, Lovin every second..Great desk.. Have a fun week, Hugs May x x#40

  19. Wonderful that you have got caught up in the spirit of the olympics. Sandra @74

  20. I thought your bum would have been firmly planted on a sofa for the last two weeks! I'm impressed that you got out and about and have been taking some of the games in, are you going to go to the Olympic Park, even just for a look around and to soak up some atmosphere? Think it'll be a chance not to be missed.


  21. I am glad so many of you on that side of the pond are enjoying the Olympics. I am enjoying being away from it all. Your desk still looks really busy and that is good.

    Happy Olympic Viewing.
    Eliza #30

  22. Snap... Sunday will be odd, sorry its all over, but glad i can get stuff done again!! Trish #27

  23. I didn't make it to the Olympics, but have watched SO MUCH of it on the television that I feel almost as if I was there. Looks like the marathon was fun to watch in reall life. Enjoy scrapping all those photos! Hugs, Becki (79) xx

  24. That is so very cool - seeing the olympics first hand and having all the bits from it. Enjoy. LisaDV #86

  25. Hi Helen, brilliant post on the marathon, even if it did rain. The memorabilia would make a great scrap layout. Up here in Scotland we are counting the number of Scots medals too - seven at the last count - and dead chuffed with Andy Murray and Chris Hoy, to name only two - it's all so exciting :)

    Happy WOYWW. Hope you have an enjoyable week. Elizabeth x #18

  26. Glad you're enjoying the olympics despite the rain. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #99 x

  27. It must be so wonderful to be there and be able to see some of the events live! I have been glued to the tellie for the last while too, watching all sorts of sports that I don't normally watch!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia 86

  28. Glad I'm not the only one, I've been shouting at the TV and listening to the radio all day long! Great running pics. Take care & enjoy snooping this week. Zo xx 77

  29. Omg I've hardly moved from the sofa this past 12 days! Loving the Olympics too, great photos from the marathon :)

  30. The Olympics have been so much fun this year!
    And how fun to be so close :)
    Mary Jo #74

  31. I've been loving the Olympics too!
    your space is awesome!

  32. I think we're all going to get Olympic withdrawal symptoms after Sunday!! I have really enjoyed it all and hasn't it changed everyone's mood??
    Morti linked me up this morning apparently but it went slightly awry, so Julia redid it for me!!
    Hugs, LLJ #13 xx

  33. Its so tiring keeping up with all this sport. Hockey and volleyball today and I still have sand in my bikini - lol. x Jo

  34. It's nice to have some souvenirs from London. I'd love to have been there too, but we are too far away now.

    I have blog candy on offer so feel free to sign up for a chance to win.

    I bet you'll be back crafting before next Wednesday's blog hop.
    Kate #25

  35. So you went to see the marathon! I wish I could have gone - me and my DBF have tickets for the para olympics but I guess the best atmosphere is at the live events of the proper olympics! I couldn't go with my bad knee now anyway - love your "desk" full of olympic goodies!

  36. Have fun with your journal - you'll have lots of olympic memories to add now!

  37. great team GB stuff. I have never watched so much sport, but as you say it is soooo addictive, just cannot help it. (watching it now too. That is all scrap layout material (sounds like a challenge )
    janet #120

  38. How completely cool is it that you got to see an actual Olympic event!?!?! That's AWESOME!!! It's something I've always wanted to do!!

    Amy E. #8

  39. Belated Happy WOYWW! Di xx

  40. How fun to be part of history Helen! Lucky You! Happy WOYWW! Sue Kment 103

  41. Looks like you picked up some great things to put in your journal. Good for you to get out in the rain and cheer on the runners!

    Today is my one year anniversary so blog candy will be announced soon. I'm taking a poll so pop on over and give me your 2 cents worth!!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #96

  42. i looked at your marathon picks and really enjoyed all of it! wonderful to have the opportunity to watch an Olympic event and collect souvenirs! happy WOYWW!
    thank you for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  43. So many people are saying how they have been transfixed to the tv this last couple of weeks. I think we will all have withdrawal symptoms come weekend.
    Hope you use some of that memorabilia in your bool and show us.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet xx #36

  44. The Olympic coverage here is not so great, too much Beach Volley ball, water polo and no good cycling after day one. As a result I am getting some sewing done.

  45. It's the first time I've watched the Olympics since 1976 lol. GB has done a great job of hosting :D. Looks like you had a great time at the marathon. Belated WOYWW! #128


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