Wednesday 8 August 2012

TIO - Nightmare

Welcome to another Tag It On  challenge from Dragons-Dream - Your challenge, should you accept it is to use the recipe of a blue moon, a chill wind and a murder of crows.  It may not surprise you to learn that this is Blackdragon's choice! Sadly, she has suffered some family bereavement and is taking a breatk.
Don't forget you must make a tag, and use at least one 'real' stamp! Good luck....

My tag features Crafty Individuals CI 319 with the bird (I am calling it a crow!) stamped another twice and cut out.
I did wonder how to demonstrate the 'chill wind' ingredient - but tried to use my scribbly pencil strokes round the edge of the stamped image to illustrate that!


  1. What an awesome theme Helen, it is Lynne completely.

    And your take on it it great.

    B x

  2. Terrific tag and great composition, x

  3. That's a tricky combo but you have done a fab job ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Poop! Wish I'd thought of writing the 'ill wind' bit - it's just brilliant! So reminiscent of the Birds by Hitchcock! Love it but am equally scared by it too! I am such a wimp!

  5. Oh I love this Helen (so much in fact I nearly used this stamp too -whoops). I struggled with the chill wind too, but then I'd been reading it as an ill wind. Hopefully it's the same thing lol x

  6. Great tag Helen, those sure are scarey birds!!! Elizabeth x

  7. Difficult one this, I wouldn't have known what to do but you've done a brilliant job, love it xx

  8. Difficult one this, I wouldn't have known what to do but you've done a brilliant job, love it xx

  9. Do I even need to tell you how much I love this one?

    And by coincidence I was at a conservation park today and got there in time to see the gorgeous and very mischievous ravens being fed. fab!

  10. beautiful it looks like it's painted, great job

  11. Gorgeous Birdies Helen!! Very effective!
    My "rosettes" are up on my blog now if you want to see what I have done with them. Yes they are TH ones!

  12. Fabulous tag Helen, love the image and the birds are perfect for the challenge. Love the text. Tracy x

  13. Ooh heck - I would have been stuck with this one but you have coped brilliantly.
    Neet xx

  14. Fabulous tag Helen, love the background & those crows are Brillant.. great job... Hugs May x x x

  15. How cool, the crows are wonderful.


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