Wednesday 25 July 2012

Tag it On - Alice

Welcome back for another recipe challenge from Dragons Dream - Tag it On - this fortnight, May wants us to follow Alice - the rabbit and a situation..... but first, let me add my thanks for your great entries to the steampunk recipe last time. Also to welcome our latest DT member, the incredible Tracy

This was a struggle for me as I have no Alice themed stamps, couldn't even find a rabbit stamp!! So it had to be my Graphic 45 'Halloween in Wonderland' paper pad....

The pocket watch stamps I used are by Rubber Stampede (top one) and Just for Fun (bottom one) - the situation is being late... which I nearly was for this DT spot, lol!!

Hope you stop by and catch the other DT offerings (they are fab!) and find time to join in - you have 2 weeks again.


  1. Lovely piece there Helen. I ought to make this one for my boss as he is inveribly late!! LOL!
    P.S. do you know where we can get Ranger ink refresher in the UK? not seen it here? If you know please would you mind letting me know!

  2. Hahahhahahahahaha! Love that you, and the rabbit, were running late! Brilliant! Fab tag, love those pocket watches and that paper xxx

  3. Love it, great tag and fabby papers. Zo xx

  4. Well you've certainly made a great piece here Helen, considering you'd only got papers, it's wonderful and fits the theme perfectly xx

  5. Ohhhh my goodness, well done for cutting into that gorgeous paper but you've done it proud, love the sideways clock, that's an unusual stamp. Fab as always and as always a smile at the story behind it!

  6. Fab tag Helen, that paper is so gorgeous!

  7. A wonderful tag, great background and images. Love the Alice playing card.

  8. fabulous tag and a beautiful background

  9. Fabulous tag Helen, love the rabbit in the background, lovely layout too. Tracy x

  10. For not having any Alice stamps, you did a fantastic job with this challenge. Very, very impressive.

  11. thanks so much for the lovely comment and welcome, you are your tag ..i love the colours and the way you have used the papers with the watch stamps.great! trace x
    sorry i am late with this comment too much sunshine fun with the children!

  12. This is great - those papers are wonderful arent they.

  13. Stamps or no stamps this has turned out beautifully. Cpngrats on such a lovely tag.
    Hugs, neet xx

  14. This is fab Helen, though how you could cut into that paper I don't know - hope you have a spare lol x

  15. Love this. Very fond of the vintage brown look :) x


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