Thursday 15 March 2012

Altered Book - the story so far

It's time to show the story so far of my first altered book - I'm following a fab online class run by WOYWW's Elizabeth (and Bleubeard) which has encouraged me to take up my book, cutting blade and glue.... here we go! (the link takes you to the current lesson but you can navigate back from there)

I love books and it was really hard the first time I "allowed" myself to tear a page out of a book - and so this is the first time I have ever tried altering one...
 This was measuring for the niche... decided to use a Stanley knife as I couldn't find any spare blades for my craft knife...
This is the niche drying after I'd glued it's edges - the shot you saw in WOYWW yesterday.  Lots of you commented on the spring clamps - I didn't want to spend a fortune and as the bulldog clips I used for the outer edges of the book were no good for the niche, I found a pack of 4 in my local Poundland store's "DIY" section.  I was quite impressed with them, considering they were so cheap... should have got more than one pack though, but the glue (matte medium) worked well and stuck fast!
 Then last night I stated painting the covers - not re-reading Elizabeth's lesson guide till today I painted over it even though it's kind of cloth covered - the book is one of my late Dad's old (very old) crime thrillers - but the paint worked ok and I am sure I can decorate it somehow later... when we get to that lesson! 

Tonight I read that Elizabeth recommends using a foam brush for this... oh well!

And the inside front cover... I was going for a "time" theme but all my clock or time related papers were the wrong size, so I went for this from Tim Holtz's Shabby Chic paperstack, so maybe I'll change my theme - or not have a set theme (which will help, as I haven't collected much in the way of "stuff" to put in the book yet....)

And the back - another piece of paper behind the niche, and the niche glued down...
(the scissors are just to hold the pages down whilst I take the photo..)

Off to link this with Elizabeth now, and then it's the final part of the Masterchef final so I'm putting my feet up!


  1. It's looking great, I definitely want to see how it progresses, so keep us posted.

  2. Oh I likey - I will see if I can catch up and play too if I get chance at the weekend... Just a thought that I like the contrast of the blue against the print pages... Looks very effective xxx

  3. Oooo it's looking good, love your colour choice xx

  4. Looking good cannot wait to see how you progress . ENJOY . Tracy x

  5. Oooh its starting to take shape Helen.....the next installment im eager too see.
    Hugs Elaine

  6. It looks great !! I really fancy trying one now....
    Look forward to seeing it's progress


  7. Hey! It's looking good...I think the inside front cover is lovely and still within a time you say it will evolve ;)
    xoxo Sioux
    I'm hopelessly not anywhere near starting...although I have chosen the book ;)

  8. This is looking great - look forward to seeing the end result

  9. Fabulous! I love to recycle old books and you have made a brilliant job here.
    Happy weekend.

  10. You are making great progress and I see we both used similar clamps - only mine were even more of a bargain because I nicked them from Mr B's model tools.
    Love the colour of the paper and you coulds still do a time theme, just stamp a few clock faces on the paper.

  11. This is going to be are so clever. This will be an art journal to treasure!

  12. It is looking just brilliant so far Helen, can't wait to see it finished. Kim

  13. This is very impressive. I love the niche, the way you created the inside frame, the way you found the clamps and your use of various papers to cover the inside of the book.

    If you covered the cloth book with gesso, it's OK. After all, there are no rules. However, I'm just thrilled to read that the paint/gesso worked on the cloth book. It's good to know they can be painted like that.

    AWESOME post and way to go with your AB. I promise it is all a piece of cake from now on.

  14. This is looking great Helen! Love the niche. And I wanted to thank you for always coming by and leaving a comment, I truly, truly appreciate it :)

  15. Looking good, I love the inside cover paper, maybe you should do a choccie theme or maybe 'my favouite things', actually I wish I'd thought of that before... mine is travel. I am still a bit behind janet

  16. Looking brilliant so far. You have a good eye for colour and what works.. I have so missed visiting your blog and awesome creations. Enjoy your altered book. Well done for taking that big first step and making the first incision.xx

  17. It was hard for me to tear the pages out of a book, but once I got going it was a lot of fun! lol Can't wait to see your finished niche, keep up the good work! ( fellow classmate ) waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  18. Very neat niche Helen and I love that paper you've chosen for the inside covers. I'm not very happy with the way my front inside covers have turned out, but I'm not too worried as it's still a work in progress. I've not done my outside covers yet as they're cloth bound - so I'll be interested to see what you do with yours next!

    I'm wondering what you're going to put in your niche .... I'm keeping tuned x


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