Wednesday 8 February 2012

WOYWW 140 ? a book to alter

Happy Wednesday to you all - happy What's on your Workdesk Wednesday, even! Don't know what that is? (What planet are you from?) check out Julia's for all the info

Thank you for your comments and visits last week - nothing looks very different here today so there's no wide angle or airial views this time!

I am really hoping to take part in Elizabeth's Altered Book free, online course that she's running - Elizabeth is a keen and regular WOYWWer and I have wanted to do an altered book for - just YONKS!

So I needed to look out a suitable book - I have thousands of books, but most of them are rubbishy paperbacks and so no good.  However, I think I've found something that will do.  So that's step one sorted - can't wait for the next step!  If you fancy having a go, Elizabeth would love to see you join in - click the link above for the details.

So that's me today - short and sweet (for a change) but next week - unless we get another load of snow - I should have some new stash to share with you as I'm hoping to go to the Stamperama at Stevenage, run by Stamp Addicts.  I love this show as it's busy but quite small - and I am meeting up with some blog buddies to put faces to names!  It's on Sunday and the details are here

Come back around 2pm (UK time) for the latest DragonsDream TIO challenge!


  1. I am also going to join in that challenge, I just need to go back to my Charity shop and get a book, now I know what to look for.

  2. Never done a book, may try and find one and have a go, have fun at the show,hugs trace x no44

  3. I have not altered a book yet...however it does look super fun! Maybe I will pop on down to the used book store....LOL! Thanks for sharing and good luck!- Amanda 38

  4. Love love altering books, .. enjoy doing yours :) Definitely hope to see you at Stamperama.. safe travels
    Happy woyww
    Jennie #11

  5. Have fun with the book altering :-)
    A x

  6. I wish I had the time to do and try everything I want to. It seems so exiting to alter a book. I hope you will show it to us when you are finished.

  7. Goodluck finding your book
    Bridget #53

  8. I just pop over to Elizabeth place and saw the lesson. Great work! I love altered books and maybe I go upstairs try to find a good one. For you...good luck with the project. Hope we see more of it. Bye, Franka

  9. Hope you have a great time with Elizabeths altered book lessons.
    Von #27 :)

  10. I'm hoping to find a suitable book at the weekend! It looks like a fun thing to do;) Have a great day out at the show. Hope you find more goodies than I did at mine!!! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  11. Aw Helen, glad you're going tohave a run at it- bewt yours will end up a masterpiece. Remember, no laughing at my first real altered anything!!
    Have fun at's just a nats too far for me and im jealous!

  12. I love altering books, I hope you have lots of fun making yours :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Karen #90

  13. Lovely to see your book gracing you desk as well. Really looking forward to Elizabeth's class.

  14. Hi there, Can't believe it's Wednesday again already! Thanks for letting me in to peek and I hope the rest of the week is a blessed and creative one for you! Enjoy the book course, it'll be fun I'm sure. I can't get to Stamperama this time so look forward to seeing what you find!
    Neil #45 (ish)

  15. Hi, I can't believe I was not following your blog, sorted that one today, Yep I also am ready with my book to start the class, WHOOP WHOOP, have a good week, Hugs May x x x

  16. All the great shows are so far down south! Hope you have fun with the book course - an online course can be such fun to do and share!!! Thanks for letting us look in and peek at your desk... Sarah at 7 Steady with the old plastic this weekend!!!

  17. I have my book ready and can't wait to get started. There are so many WOYWWers taking part it will be fun to see how all our books develop.
    Enjoy Stevenage, a big craft show is always so much fun, if a bit heavy on the bank balance.
    Ann B

  18. Have a great time at the show and am looking forward to seeing your altered book Helen. x

  19. I think I might have a go at the altered book challenge - thanks for the info

  20. ...Elizabeths class sounds exciting and i'm gonna check in too, your journal looks a good size...have a fab week...Mel :) #64

  21. Oh crafty shopping, nothing better!! enjoy the show hun, and good luck with the book, just make sure its not a first edition, or rare copy first please?

    Happy WOYWW hun, have a good one, xx

    Lou #7

  22. Great idea of Elizabeth's to do the free class for everyone. Have fun at the stamp show will be waiting patiently to see what you buy! I sold a knitted scarf yesterday for $20, so that has gone in my stash fund!! I bought that large box as is, I'd love to have a go at covering something but I'm so convinced I'll make a mess that I haven't plucked up the courage yet!!


  23. I'm quite envious of all the folk that are going to have a go at altering these books on Elizabeth's course - I just know I'm not going to have enough time. Hope you enjoy that and the stamping show at the weekend. It's fun meeting up with bloggy mates, have done it a couple of times and really enjoyed it!
    Hugs, LLJ #58
    PS I almost spat my tea out when I read bits and bogs!!! LOL That's a WHOLE new area of sewing!!

  24. Looks intriguing, look forward to seeing your altered book. Thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW, I'm off to be nosey, & peek at some more desks! Zo x 85

  25. Helen, I hope you enjoy your journey into altered books, they are so much fun! Thanks for stopping by! ~Happy WOYWW (#30) Robin Panzer Art Studio 33.

  26. Oh that show sounds like fun. A day out to stamp goodies shop, meeting up with blog buddies...
    Sounds perfect!

  27. Ohhh I'd love to do another altered book too! Can't wait to see how it works out for you, not that different to journalling really...maybe more dimensional and more technique-y ...good fun!

    Don't even mention that S**W word!!! it is NOT going to happen. I am so looking forward to Stevenage, and s**w is NOT going to stop us!!

    So I'll see you there!


  28. I am just going to watch it from the side lines ...and then maybe have a go in the future ...sounds fascinating.

  29. Altering books sounds like something I'd do but for the fact that the lesson not to deface books is deeply ingrained - maybe one day. Thanks for your much appreciated visit earlier today and I hope you are having a great day. Elizabeth x #2

  30. oops, meant to say, enjoy your trip to the craft show.

  31. Hopefully you get to go to the show. Good luck with your altered book. dani13

  32. I want to alter a book too, I am going to follow her blog for directions. Love your tags. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  33. Elizabeth's AB course sounds fab and it looks like you've got yourself a good book there. I may be tempted to have a go myself too - thanks for the link.

    Enjoy the show at Stevenage (weather permitting), and show us all your purchases next week!

    Thanks for already stopping by my desk :)

    Sherry (8) x

  34. Oh I am going to have a go at this book altering too! I have a book ready so I can "take off" anytime! I had a look at your time tag and love it...
    Have a good time at Stevenage! Wish I could go but I am too far away - still next week I will be in England so there will be some shopping! Ha, ha

  35. Sounds like fun - will look forward to seeing what you do.

  36. Have fun with the book! I might have a look to see what this is all about.

    Have fun at the Stevenage.


  37. Beware Helen, altering books is another're gonna love it.

    See you Sunday.
    Lin x

  38. You are gonna love it!!! I have done it but will be joining in... Have a great show - whish I could go with you

  39. That altered book sounds like fun. Not that I like out of books at!! Might pop over for a lookie!
    Hope we don't get snow before Sunday for a purely selfish reason!!

  40. Thanks for allowing us to peep at your desk.

    Have fun :)

  41. I hope you enjoy the show--I love going to things like that. So much to Ooh and Ah over!

  42. I love that your tool pot has the WOYWW button image round it.... good idea! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  43. I hope you join in the class, it sounds like fun!

    Happy WOYWW (on Thursday!)
    Katie #18

  44. Looking forward to seeing your book being transformed! Have fun! Kim

  45. Oooooh, I will be watching with MUCH interest! Can't wait to see what your book turns out like!

    By the way, thank you for still coming over to mine even when I have been massively behind on my blog reading. Am catching up now :)x x

  46. It's ages since I did an altered book - think the 14 week course I was conned into running put paid to my altering for a while. Maybe I will join in, sounds fun.
    Enjoy Stevenage - can't wait to see your stash when you get back.
    Take care, live it up! Hugs, Neet xx

  47. oh I can't wait to see this book grow into a masterpiece, happy woyww (though I am playing catch up due to technical difficulties)


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