Wednesday 8 February 2012

Tag it On - Time

Hello, and welcome to another Dragons Dream Tag It On. This week, it is my turn for the theme and I have chosen the title of a book I loved so much when I read it when it came out a couple of years ago- The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. An amazing love story about a man who time travels involuntarily. When I was writing this post I found this review which tells it much better than I can!  Long gone are the days when I thought I would write novels!  It's since been made into a film, which I've not seen - I never think my favourite books convert well, I prefer to remember the story!  (EDIT. since writing this I have seen it as it was on TV at the weekend - and I think they did it quite well!)

Anyhow, I loved the book, and the theme for my tag this week, is "time" Here is my tag...

I covered a tag with paper from Tim Holtz Lost and Found paper stack, covered it with white gesso to tone it back, added some texture (viva Terra paste) painted white.   Embellishments are idea-ology pieces and a small watch face from a bag of bits bought at a show sometime.
Time flies stamp by Paperartsy.


  1. A super inspirational piece as always Helen.

    See you Sunday hopefully.

    B x

  2. Great tag, fab theme...hope I get time to enter!!! Hugs trace x

  3. Lovely an gentle - truely dreamy.

  4. Love this, Helen! Those roses are so beautiful! It is a great story..btw.

  5. Haven't read this book Helen but love your beautiful tag. x

  6. A beautiful tag and I love your yellow roses, gorgeous xx

  7. How cool, your tag looks wonderful, great details. Love the roses.

  8. Gorgeous tag Helen, I love the paper artsy stamp, not seen that one before. Have pu this book on my need to read list. Elizabeth xxx

  9. This is a lovely dream, Helen. I loved the book and the film - sorry I missed it at the weekend!! I LOVED that you chose this theme for a challenge and thanks for your continued support with TIO and on a personal level...
    Love and light

  10. A great example for us, Helen. Love the yellow.

  11. A beautiful tag Helen, love those yellow roses! It's a great film too, haven't read the book though. x

  12. I love that book and haven't yet seen the film for the exact same reason. There aren't many book adaptations that I get on with.

    I really love your tag though, I can just imagine the texture on it.


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